SEO & Content: Are Keyword Lists Still Useful? - Iceberg Web Design

Researching the perfect keywords for your website content takes time. And then writing SEO content with keywords in the right places takes even more time. Then, after all that, we can often be left scratching our heads thinking, “Why isn’t this working? After all, my keywords are there, why isn’t my rank?

A little bit of research will tell you that Google no longer focuses on keywords alone and that high-quality content is the way to go. Suddenly, all that hard work seems to go down the drain…or does it?


Focusing on Keywords Alone is a Bad Idea

There used to be a school of thought that said stuffing your website content full of keywords would improve your rank. Back in the early 2000’s, that was often the case. But now, Google and other search engines are too smart; they can see right through this tactic.

Focusing on keywords alone leads you to create thin content for the sake of improving your rank. This content does littleto-no good for your audiencethe same audience Google wants nothing more than to assist. What used to attract search engines now deflects it, destroying your rank in the process.

SEO and Content: It’s a Partnership

Does this mean that keywords are a thing of the past? No! Instead, SEO and content must go handinhand in a beautiful partnership. Google’s process on how search works says this:

“Put useful content on your page and keep it up to date.”

The keyword here (no pun intended) is “useful.” If you can create content that is useful and meaningful to your reader, the rest will fall into place.

For example, think about your blog. Content that is written to benefit your reader and teach them something that relates to your niche will have at least some of your keywords appearing naturally. You won’t have to force it. (The forcing is what causes Google to see warning signs, the same warning signs that hurt your rank.)

Supplement, Don’t Stuff

When you write content, you should aim to add value to your reader’s life. Keyword research gives you much-needed insight into what your audience is searching for. You can use your keyword list to supplement your content instead of stuff it. For example:

Use your keywords to describe your website in search. Use your keywords in your meta descriptions on your website to help Google understand what your website is all about. These are often used as snippets for your pages in search results.
Use your keywords to improve crawling. Google will crawl your website to help index it for search-result purposes. Use your keywords in your page headings and blog headings as well as in your page titles if it makes sense. You can also use your keywords in your photo alt text when appropriate.
Use keywords to speak directly to your target audience. Your keyword research will be useful in determining the content your reader wants. Find what they’re searching for and write content that fits.

There are many other uses of keywords when it comes to technical SEO. If you’re interested in truly improving your rank—and doing so fast—hiring an SEO specialist is the best route to take.

Need Some Content Help? Call Us!

Your SEO strategy and content are the peanut butter and jelly of your website conversion sandwich—you simply can’t have one without the other. If you find yourself struggling to make both your SEO and content happen, reach out to our team at Iceberg Web Design by sending us a message.

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