website design Archives - Iceberg Web Design


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Marketing Team Analyzing Statistics At Meeting
Using your marketing budget. Iceberg Web Design can help with all your digital marketing needs. So don’t let your marketing budget go unused. With the hits many businesses have taken throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have cut their marketing budgets to curb spending. Data from research firm Gartner CMO Strategic Priorities Survey 2020-2021 reveals...
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Working On Website Graphics Jf3k8qs
When customers come to us for a website, they often have an idea of what they want, but they aren’t sure of what kind of investment it will involve, timewise and financially. They also may be unsure of how much of a commitment is applied after the website goes live. We have two main products...
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Watercolor Paints And Paintbrushes
We don’t all respond the same way to the same colors. Color significance can vary from one culture to the next, and we each have our individual preferences. But there is general color psychology that can guide us in the decisions we make when designing websites and other marketing materials. Red Red is an energizing...
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Map Location Computer
Some people allow their site to sit on the web like a glorified business card. But smart business owners know that their website is the most valuable employee they have. They can put their site to work, saving them money in the long run by automating tasks and integrating business solutions. It can also be...
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Kyle penguin
  Each month we have been featuring each of our team members in a profile post, so you can get to know the penguins better. This month, we are talking to Kyle Teeter. Kyle has been a Website Developer at Iceberg Web Design for the past three years.   Kyle | Website Developer Penguin  ...
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woman looking at website
In our business, we often see websites that haven’t been changed in 8-10 years. It’s usually because business owners don’t look at their websites the same way that clients and potential business partners do. In general, we recommend a total website makeover every two to three years to keep up with current design and development...
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The website development industry uses a lot of specialized terminologies. So, unless you have a background in the web development industry, when you sit down to talk with a website developer about your future website, there will be some words used that you may not understand. There will be others you know but may want...
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Shane Iceberg Sales VP
  When you work with Iceberg Web Design, you will meet their entire team of web marketing professionals. Each of us on the team has a unique role in making sure that your website becomes a powerful tool for your business. But who are these penguins who are helping you connect with your customers? Recently,...
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Successful Customer Service Representative Using Laptop At Office
We all know what it is like to be on the phone, talking to a customer service representative. Chances are, you’re already frustrated because something went wrong, and now you need to have the problem fixed. That’s why you are calling. Unfortunately, sometimes the experience with the customer service representative feels less than stellar. Adam...
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When you work with Iceberg Web Design, you will meet their entire team of web marketing professionals. Each person on the team has a unique role in making sure that your website becomes a powerful tool for your business. But who are these people who are helping you connect with your customers? Recently, we’ve been...
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