Choosing The Right Social Media Platform for Your Business Many marketing departments have a cookie-cutter process for sharing content on as many platforms as possible. Fortunately, there is a better way. We all know that it’s a good idea to be active on social media as part of our marketing efforts. But too...Read More
What Business Owners Need to Know About Domains & DNS At the kickoff meeting for every website development project, we ask the business owner where their domain is registered, and their DNS lives. I usually get a lot of blank looks, but we need that information to bring their website live. So in this article,...Read More
Keyword Stuffing—Stop It Ya Turkey! What is keyword stuffing? It’s not a Thanksgiving side-dish. But it is a great way to get penalized by Google. Keyword Stuffing Ingredients Using words or phrases out of context, just to squeeze in your keywords Irrelevant keywords Using terms repetitively...Read More
At Iceberg Web Design, we have an entire team of penguins dedicated to helping you solve your business dilemmas with web-based solutions. Our newest developer is Josh Smith. Today in our Penguin Profile, we will be talking to Josh to learn more about him and what he does at Iceberg. Josh | Senior Developer...Read More
Part of establishing your brand identity is identifying your ideal customer and creating a customer profile for them. This is essential because if you don’t market to the right people, you will waste a lot of precious time, money, and energy on people who aren’t right for your brand. Your Ideal Customer Profile Could Change—Proceed...Read More
How Do You Organize Your Website? When we consult with a new client, we talk about the content for their site. How will the content on your website be organized? We begin by planning out a site map that will help us plan the menu and be a roadmap for the developers as they assemble...Read More
When you intern with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals to learn and grow. We have been spending time getting to know some of our full-time employees pictured above, but today we will get to know our intern, Cece Talbot. We are helping our business, and our community...Read More
When customers come to us for a website, they often have an idea of what they want, but they aren’t sure of what kind of investment it will involve, timewise and financially. They also may be unsure of how much of a commitment is applied after the website goes live. We have two main products...Read More
The goal of your website is to reach current and prospective customers. But what if many of those customers don’t speak English? How are you going to connect with them? With your website, of course! The Benefits of a Multilingual Website Your Content Will Reach a Wider Audience Worldwide Worldwide, only 25.9% of internet users...Read More
When you work with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals. But just who are these people who are hard at work helping you connect with your customers? For the next couple of months, we will be profiling our team of penguins. Today we are talking with our Project...Read More