How to Clarify Your Brand on Your Website - Iceberg Web Design

How to Clarify Your Brand on Your Website

As a business, it’s important to create a brand that communicates what you offer. From your business cards to your website design, your potential customers should understand what you do from the start. Being one of the first places your customer will get to know you, your website should mirror who you are. Is your website telling your brand’s story? If not, it’s time to clarify.


The Importance of Website Branding

Your brand is a personality. It defines your business and represents the relationship you have with your customers. Having a successful brand will result in customer loyalty through an identity that is easy to relate to, resulting in better conversion. In fact, the average revenue increase after presenting a brand consistently is 23%.

Around 81% of your customers conduct online research before buying. This means that your website is on the frontlines of their purchasing decision. Consistent branding requires that your website follow suit, communicating your brand efficiently throughout.

5 Tips for Clarifying Your Brand on Your Website

How can you use your website to clarify your brand? These five tips should be enough to get your creative juices flowing.

#1. Showcase Your Logo

You should showcase your logo on your website at the top. It should be one of the first things your website visitor sees. Your logo is a huge part of your brand identity and using it consistently helps your customers learn to identify you. Just like McDonald’s golden arches or the Dunkin’ Donuts coffee cup, your logo speaks volumes about your product.

#2. Create a Style Guide

A style guide is a collection of colors, fonts, images and formatting guidelines that help keep your content consistent. When creating content for your website or marketing material, always refer to your style guide. This ensures you create a cohesive picture of your brand throughout your marketing strategy.

#3. Consider Your Colors

The colors you use on your website matter. Take a moment to think about your brand. What colors will help communicate what it is that you do? Remember, experts have conducted many studies that conclude color creates emotion. Each value that is tied to your brand can be represented in a color. For example, yellow is optimistic. Blue is dependable and strong. Always think about color when creating your content.

#4. Use Your Images Wisely

On your website, any images you use should further your brand. Give your images a theme that communicates your brand, then use it consistently throughout your website. Although words are important, your visitors are more likely to remember an image than a block of content. In fact, 90% of all information sent to the brain is visual.

#5. Use a Great Design

Your website’s design is extremely important to your audience. It should be easy to read, mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. If you can’t design your website yourself, find a website designer who can do it for you. It’s worth the investment.

Need Help With Your Website’s Branding? Call Us!

Does your website need to be updated to fit your brand? Do you need a website built for the first time? We can do that. Reach out to the team at Iceberg Web Design by calling 763-350-8762 or send us a message!

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