Let’s start this out with a bold claim: your resume isn’t what potential customers want from your About page. Sure, your work history and experience matter to what you do in your business. But they’re not always the deciding factor for whether your potential customers decide to work with you. That’s why your About page...Read More
Imagine sitting down at your desk after blocking time out of your schedule to create content, only to stare at a blinking cursor. Maybe you don’t have to imagine it at all. Hey, we get it. Writing can prove a frustrating experience, especially when you have so many other things to do and you can’t...Read More
Potential customers that visit your website won’t waste their time on poor design. In fact, it only takes 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about whether they’ll stay on your website or go. Even if you get past those milliseconds, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or...Read More
You’ve discussed scope and design and now your web development project is underway. Now, your web developer is asking you to provide the website copy for the pages on your website. You have two options: hire a professional copywriter or do it yourself. If you choose to write your website copy yourself, it’s important to...Read More
Have you decided to take your business to the next level by creating the perfect website? No website is complete without copy that connects with your target audience. Have you decided to have professional copy written for your website? Then a small amount of preparation will help ensure your website content truly connects and converts....Read More
Researching the perfect keywords for your website content takes time. And then writing SEO content with keywords in the right places takes even more time. Then, after all that, we can often be left scratching our heads thinking, “Why isn’t this working? After all, my keywords are there, why isn’t my rank?” A little bit of...Read More
It’s one thing to write website content that’s interesting and communicates your brand’s message—it’s another to grab your reader’s attention. That’s where well-written headlines come in. Eye-catching headlines are critical to your content’s success, and they’re sometimes an art form to create. The Importance of a Good Headline Your very first headline—your blog title or...Read More
Your website is the perfect place for potential clients or customers to get to know you more. From your products to your mission and values, it’s all showcased in one place. To start the new relationship off right, now is the best time to introduce yourself to the reader, complete with a friendly face. Your...Read More
Everyone’s always talking about how your Home, Services and About pages are critical website real estate for your business. However, if you’re using these pages to convert, clear calls to action on those pages will lead to your Contact page. It is your Contact page that often leads to your first contact with a prospective...Read More
Guest blog post by Brenna Miles, Custom Content Solutions – Your website is prime internet real estate for your business. And even if you have the perfect website design, words matter. They should tell the story of your brand, why you do what you do, and how your products or services will truly benefit your audience....Read More