Branding Archives - Iceberg Web Design


Book On Table
Why Your Company Needs a Brand Book. Three out of Four businesses don’t have consistent branding. This hinders how they communicate their message to their customers. It’s essential to have a consistent brand identity and brand voice. Do you know how to clarify and communicate them to your team and your customers? Part of the...
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Women Discussing Photos On Social Media 2021 09 04 15 44 24 Utc
Brand Clarity for Social Media Engagement You must have brand clarity and a defined purpose, ensuring your message is heard in the noise of social media. And understand the “rules” of the social platform you are using. How do you ensure your message is heard in today’s rapidly changing noisy environment of social media? You...
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Businessmen Talking While Waiting For Elevator
Upgrade Your Elevator Pitch! If you can’t get prospects to convert, you have a brand-pitch issue, not a sales pitch issue. Your core messaging is either unclear or off-brand. The way to solve this problem is to quickly get to the bottom line by encapsulating your brand, what it is, and what it isn’t. Upgrade...
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Women Shouting On Megaphone 2021 08 30 21 07 54 Utc
Finding your brand voice. Most brands don’t have a famous narrator to keep audiences waiting in anticipation for their next ad campaign. But they should all have a voice—even if it is an imagined one. Are you branding your company for the first time, rebranding, or just defining a brand that has never been clearly...
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Presentation Of Brand Manager
If someone says Coca-Cola, what immediately comes to your mind? Probably the same image that comes to everyone else’s mind—A red can with that classic script. With Google, everyone thinks of the colorful Google logo. And with Nike, you undoubtedly think of the iconic Nike swoosh (and probably Michael Jordan). That’s the power of brand...
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Beauty Blogger Influencer
Many websites start as just content. Then they grow into an e-commerce site or a site that is used as a platform for a service. At that point, your business begins to pick up, and you forget about that original content, your blog. You will likely want to have your website updated and upgraded to...
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Designer Working On Images and Computer
Early websites were text-heavy, with a few images sprinkled throughout the pages. Today’s websites have large, high-quality photos that dominate every page of your site. Finding the right ones are essential. Unfortunately, many people take shortcuts that are not in line with best practices. Here are some things to keep in mind when gathering and...
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Logo Design
Every morning you get up and throw on some clothes. Your sense of style has likely been shaped over time. Perhaps you are eclectic, fun, all-business, feminine, or downright casual. Whatever your style, it is an outward expression of you, a message you send to the world about your personality and what you value. Your...
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person leaving review on laptop
Responding to negative reviews can be stressful as a business owner. No one likes to get negative reviews, but it is bound to happen sometime. If you don’t respond quickly, you could lose the customer who wrote the evaluation as well as other potential customers that read the review. 53% of customers expect businesses to...
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Creative Design Trends
This month, we are looking at some of the web design trends for 2020. In this article, we will focus on the visual design aspects of websites. “The 10,000 foot-view of these trends makes it clear that ‘web’ design looks more like traditional ‘graphic’ or ‘print’ design than ever. The amount of flexibility that designers...
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