Is Your Website Performing? A website audit can determine whether your site is optimized and achieving your goals. If it isn’t, the audit can point out things to improve. How Effective is Your Website? You can find out with a website audit. A website audit can determine whether your site is optimized and achieving your...Read More
Choosing The Right Social Media Platform for Your Business Many marketing departments have a cookie-cutter process for sharing content on as many platforms as possible. Fortunately, there is a better way. We all know that it’s a good idea to be active on social media as part of our marketing efforts. But too...Read More
Shopify Vs. WooCommerce – How Do I Choose? New e-commerce sites are launching every day. Shopify and WooCommerce are two of the biggest e-commerce platforms powering millions of websites around the world. If you are considering starting a new site yourself or are making changes to your current site, you might be wondering what the...Read More
What’s on Your Website Wish List? Having an extensive website wish list isn’t a problem if your budget is limitless. But for most businesses, it’s important to keep the reins pulled in. When business owners ask us to build a new website, they usually come with a wish list. Of course, they will want the...Read More
Why Your Company Needs a Brand Book. Three out of Four businesses don’t have consistent branding. This hinders how they communicate their message to their customers. It’s essential to have a consistent brand identity and brand voice. Do you know how to clarify and communicate them to your team and your customers? Part of the...Read More
Keyword Stuffing—Stop It Ya Turkey! What is keyword stuffing? It’s not a Thanksgiving side-dish. But it is a great way to get penalized by Google. Keyword Stuffing Ingredients Using words or phrases out of context, just to squeeze in your keywords Irrelevant keywords Using terms repetitively...Read More
Using your marketing budget. Iceberg Web Design can help with all your digital marketing needs. So don’t let your marketing budget go unused. With the hits many businesses have taken throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have cut their marketing budgets to curb spending. Data from research firm Gartner CMO Strategic Priorities Survey 2020-2021 reveals...Read More
Brand Clarity for Social Media Engagement You must have brand clarity and a defined purpose, ensuring your message is heard in the noise of social media. And understand the “rules” of the social platform you are using. How do you ensure your message is heard in today’s rapidly changing noisy environment of social media? You...Read More
Finding your brand voice. Most brands don’t have a famous narrator to keep audiences waiting in anticipation for their next ad campaign. But they should all have a voice—even if it is an imagined one. Are you branding your company for the first time, rebranding, or just defining a brand that has never been clearly...Read More
More Ways to Save Money on Your Website. At Iceberg, we can often find affordable website-based solutions to your business problems. It can help to have a conversation with our team every couple of years so that your website can grow along with your business. We recently looked at how to have a website built...Read More