How to Write a Compelling About Page (Hint: It Isn't a Bio) - Iceberg Web Design

How to Write a Compelling About Page (Hint: It Isn’t a Bio)

Let’s start this out with a bold claim: your resume isn’t what potential customers want from your About page. Sure, your work history and experience matter to what you do in your business. But they’re not always the deciding factor for whether your potential customers decide to work with you.

That’s why your About page shouldn’t be your bio.

If It’s Not a Bio, What Is an About Page?

Just like every part of your website, your About page is not about you: it’s for your customer. An About page should communicate what it is you do and why you do it. In addition, it should explain why all of that matters to your customers and how you’ll help them solve their problems.

Your About page should include elements such as:

  • The audience you serve
  • Your processes
  • The things that separate you from your competition
  • Your benefit statements

5 Tips for Writing a Compelling About Page for Your Website

Your About page should connect with your ideal customer and compel them to reach out to you. Here are some of our best tips to do just that.

1. Tell a Story

The best way to connect with your audience is to tell them a story. For example, tell the story (the short version of course) of how your company began. Or, explain in narrative form what inspires you to do what you do each day.

Your About page is a great place to really showcase your unique personality. Take advantage of it.

2. Highlight Your Values

Your business values are the foundational beliefs that guide your business. And did you know that 63% of surveyed consumers prefer to purchase products and services from companies that stand for a purpose that reflects their own values and beliefs?

Telling your potential customers what you believe in furthers the connection between you and your audience. Weave your values throughout your About page.

3. Communicate Your USP

Your USP is your unique selling proposition. It’s what makes your business stand out from the rest. Your About page should clearly communicate your USP to your audience, whether in the form of a statement or throughout your copy.

4. Harness the Power of Testimonials

A whopping 95% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials before making a purchase. Without testimonials, you run the risk of losing valuable conversions. Harness the power of the testimonial by placing them throughout your About page copy.

5. Don’t Forget to Add the Call to Action

What’s a compelling About page without a next step? What do you want to compel your audience to do? Be sure to add a call to action (CTA) that tells your audience exactly what to do next. This can be giving you a call, reaching out via email, filling out your contact form or downloading a free resource.

Website Content Not Connecting With Your Audience?

Even with a new About page, are you still not receiving hot, fresh leads? It might be a lack of connection in the content in other areas of your website. To learn more about your About page or creating copy that connects, send us a message.

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