If someone says Coca-Cola, what immediately comes to your mind? Probably the same image that comes to everyone else’s mind—A red can with that classic script. With Google, everyone thinks of the colorful Google logo. And with Nike, you undoubtedly think of the iconic Nike swoosh (and probably Michael Jordan). That’s the power of brand...Read More
Part of establishing your brand identity is identifying your ideal customer and creating a customer profile for them. This is essential because if you don’t market to the right people, you will waste a lot of precious time, money, and energy on people who aren’t right for your brand. Your Ideal Customer Profile Could Change—Proceed...Read More
How Do You Organize Your Website? When we consult with a new client, we talk about the content for their site. How will the content on your website be organized? We begin by planning out a site map that will help us plan the menu and be a roadmap for the developers as they assemble...Read More
Facebook Messenger Automation offers a lot of benefits to business owners who wish to use it. Best of all, it is easy to set up. Check out this quick tutorial!Read More
Have you ever wondered how Google and other search engines can efficiently organize all the content that ends up on their search engine results pages? They do it with the help of search robots. They aren’t literal robots, but virtual ones that crawl the internet, indexing titles, summaries, and entire contents of websites faster and...Read More
When customers come to us for a website, they often have an idea of what they want, but they aren’t sure of what kind of investment it will involve, timewise and financially. They also may be unsure of how much of a commitment is applied after the website goes live. We have two main products...Read More
URLs create your website’s taxonomy. Taxonomy is the practice of classifying things or concepts. Remember back in High School Biology when you learned about taxonomy? You had to classify various living organisms into domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Don’t worry! Website taxonomy isn’t nearly as complicated, but if it isn’t done...Read More
Writing Meta Descriptions for Better SEO A meta description is a type of meta tag. Like all meta tags, it is a piece of HTML code. Search engines read this code to know what to expect on your web page and how they should list your page in the SERP. While search engine devs claim...Read More
The goal of your website is to reach current and prospective customers. But what if many of those customers don’t speak English? How are you going to connect with them? With your website, of course! The Benefits of a Multilingual Website Your Content Will Reach a Wider Audience Worldwide Worldwide, only 25.9% of internet users...Read More
The most important thing you can do on-page for your SEO is to have great content that is likable and linkable. But don’t stop there. The next thing you must do is to give that content an optimized title tag. Writing Title Tags for Better SEO A title tag is an HTML element that tells...Read More