Why Should You Have a Business Blog? - Iceberg Web Design

keyboard-800x533We have all heard about business blogs before, but why should you have one?  What are the real benefits to this? Is it worth it for your business?  Here are some reasons why you should have a business blog:


  • A business blog builds credibility. Consumers are more likely to make a purchase or become your client if they feel that they already know you.  Blogs help your clients or prospect clients feel like they already know you because they can read what you’re talking about.  They can get to know your business ethics, about your company, services you provides, and about your company employees all through different topics you blog about.


  • Your business blog helps drive traffic to your website. Every time you post a blog that is linked to your website that includes some relevant keywords, you increase your chance of prospect clients finding your company on search engines.  It shows that your website is updated regularly when your blog is linked to your website which search engines favor.


  • Blogs strengthen relationships and helps with customer service. Blogs are an informal form of communication from you to your clients or prospect clients.  They allow customers to get to know you on their time; they don’t have to directly call you during office hours to ask questions or to get a feel for what type of business you are.  They can easily read it through your blog postings.


  • It’s a way for your business to have another voice. Blogging is just that, another voice of your business just like all other social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.) are. By having another voice on your online presence, you’re going one step above your competition!


Do you have a business blog?  Do you want to create one or learn more about the benefits?  Call Amiann at 763-301-0442 to learn how we can help!

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