How to Blog - Iceberg Web Design

Now that we have discussed the importance of having a business blog the next questions is, where do you start? Here are some great tips and guidelines on how to write business blogs!


 Write like a person, not a computer!

Since blogs are more personal and detailed, you want to sound like yourself or your business. Write your blog in a friendly and inviting tone so readers feel like they are talking to you or your business personally. Nobody wants to read a long blog with boring content!

Write about valuable industry information

Blogs are a great way to talk about your company, success stories, your products, and industry related information. Summarize the latest news on related industry trends and don’t be afraid to link them to your blog. You’re technically sending your readers away from your site but they will remember the valuable and honest information you provided.

Provide information that is of interest to your visitors

It’s important to target some of your blogs to certain industries or lifestyles of your visitors. If you’re a hair stylist, blog about the newest hair trends for fall season. If you’re in the food industry, blog about adventure travel. You don’t want to always blog about specific industries or lifestyles, but it’s nice to reach out to certain ones every now and then.

Create dialogue!

One of the great things about blogs in general is that your readers are allowed to leave comments. If someone comments on your blog post, talk to them! Create friendly dialogue, that’s one of the main points of your blog. Plus, your readers will be interested in reading your conversation with another fellow blog reader.

Blog at least two times per month

We recommend that you update your business blog at least two times per month. If you’re able to set aside time to blog more than that than go for it! Search engines pay more attention to websites that have fresh content regularly so the more well written blogs- the better!

Include a CTA

By including a call to action at the end of your blog, you’re allowing readers who had an interest in your topic to get in touch with you. This could be anything from “contact us today” to “click here for additional information”. You want your readers to be able to easily access any additional information they may want or need.

Writing your business blog can take a lot of time and thought, if you’re having trouble with creating content for your business blog- contact us today at 763-301-0442 and leave it to the pros to help you and your business grow!

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