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Designer Working On Images and Computer
Early websites were text-heavy, with a few images sprinkled throughout the pages. Today’s websites have large, high-quality photos that dominate every page of your site. Finding the right ones are essential. Unfortunately, many people take shortcuts that are not in line with best practices. Here are some things to keep in mind when gathering and...
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Logo Design
Every morning you get up and throw on some clothes. Your sense of style has likely been shaped over time. Perhaps you are eclectic, fun, all-business, feminine, or downright casual. Whatever your style, it is an outward expression of you, a message you send to the world about your personality and what you value. Your...
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Businesswoman Hands Writing To Notebook At Office Pm9a5nn
A mission statement defines your goals as an individual or those of your organization or company. Sharing your mission with the world and explaining what the future holds for you or your brand will help you forge more meaningful connections with your prospective and current customers. It lets them know what you are about when...
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Google My Business
We’ve written about Google My Business (GMB) before, and today, we are answering some of the frequently asked questions we get about this useful, but often-neglected, business tool. Do I need a Google My Business profile? Not necessarily. You may have a business where your online strategy is not focused on generating new leads; perhaps...
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cartoons of men working on webpages
Why Isn’t My Website Showing Up on Google? This is a question we frequently get asked after launching a new website. To answer this question, let’s dig into how Google search indexing works and how websites interact with search engines. The Search Index A search index is basically a catalogue of all the websites that...
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person leaving review on laptop
Responding to negative reviews can be stressful as a business owner. No one likes to get negative reviews, but it is bound to happen sometime. If you don’t respond quickly, you could lose the customer who wrote the evaluation as well as other potential customers that read the review. 53% of customers expect businesses to...
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Typography Trends For 2020 Website Design
Good web design combines several components to create a mood and call to mind memories and associations. One of these components is typography. Typography is the balance and interplay of letterforms on the page (or the screen).  It is a verbal and visual equation involving the meaning of the words with typefaces, point sizes, line...
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Creative Design Trends
This month, we are looking at some of the web design trends for 2020. In this article, we will focus on the visual design aspects of websites. “The 10,000 foot-view of these trends makes it clear that ‘web’ design looks more like traditional ‘graphic’ or ‘print’ design than ever. The amount of flexibility that designers...
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Woman Decorating Room In New Home Painting Wall
Someone once said, “When you try to serve everyone, you end up serving no one.” You’ve probably heard this quote and its variations at some point. Have you considered how it applies to your marketing? Every business has an ideal customer. Who that person is will be different depending on what the business offers and...
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Young Woman In Office Using Computer
One of the biggest differences between reading something in print and reading something online is the presence of clickable links, often found within the text. Let’s explore some of the many benefits to including clickable links in your blog posts, as well as a few potential drawbacks. Clickable links are an act of humility Rather...
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