Why You Need a Mission Statement | Iceberg Web Design

A mission statement defines your goals as an individual or those of your organization or company. Sharing your mission with the world and explaining what the future holds for you or your brand will help you forge more meaningful connections with your prospective and current customers. It lets them know what you are about when you strip away all the marketing bells and whistles.

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If you haven’t written a mission statement, a blog post is a great way to begin. It shares with your around why you started your business. Once you have crafted your mission statement, you can also include it in your About page on your website.

At Iceberg Web design, we recently wrote our mission statement.

“Expanding our knowledge and breaking barriers to provide digital solutions to companies that want to grow while slowly working towards becoming the first website development agency on Mars.”

For some inspiration, let’s look at a few mission statements from some well-known companies and organizations

Some are pretty deep.

“Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life.”

~Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

“Our credo stems from a belief that consumers, employees, and the community are all equally important.” 

~Johnson & Johnson

Your mission statement can also be short and sweet.

 “To entertain the world.” 

~Netflix, Inc.

 “to be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat and drink.” 

~ McDonald’s

“To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”


What is your mission statement?

If you haven’t written one yet, Big Commerce has a great article on crafting one that fits your company’s goals and style. Talk it over with your team to ensure it is something you can all get behind. Then, start talking about your mission, along with your core values as the goal of everything you do. If something doesn’t line up with them, should you be investing your time, energy, and finances in it?

Do you have a website on which to share your mission?

Iceberg Web Design can help you bring your website to the next level, implementing digital solutions to the problems that may be inhibiting your company’s growth. We’d love to help you! Drop us a line by using our contact form or give us a call. We are web developers that answer the phone.


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