Why Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments As a business owner it may be challenging to decide what marketing efforts you should invest your money into. You want to invest in something that is effective, professional, something that will make a great first impression, and most importantly do its job by...Read More
Now that we have discussed the importance of having a business blog the next questions is, where do you start? Here are some great tips and guidelines on how to write business blogs! Write like a person, not a computer! Since blogs are more personal and detailed, you want to sound like yourself or your...Read More
We have all heard about business blogs before, but why should you have one? What are the real benefits to this? Is it worth it for your business? Here are some reasons why you should have a business blog: A business blog builds credibility. Consumers are more likely to make a purchase or become...Read More
Your website is the most important advertising tool you have to market your business. It only makes sense that you want to choose the best designer to build the face of your online marketing reputation, right? With so many web developers and freelancers available at the click of your finger, it can get frustrating deciding...Read More
“Can’t I do it myself?” Of course you can make your own website! With access to different tools and programs and free content servers, the ability to create your own website for your business has never been easier. However, what isn’t included in these turn-key DIY website services are instructions for creating a website that...Read More
Website promotion is everywhere you step online. Between Facebook pages, Twitter posts, and e-mail signatures, you can easily find someone’s footprint on the Internet. Your website is your most important advertising tool. First impressions are important when you are in business – and in this age of Google, Smartphones, and High Speed Internet service, your...Read More
We are very excited to be celebrating our 9th full year in business today! Iceberg Web Design was incorporated on May 20, 2005 in Morris, Minnesota. Our company has grown one client at a time, primarily through referrals, since the business opened. In late 2008 we relocated to the Anoka, Minnesota area, where the business...Read More
Just 4 months after the major upgrade with WordPress 3.8, a new version has already been released. We are testing the software on our own website and on a few client sites. We will be upgrading sites on our hosting servers to the newest version over the next week, once we determine that the release...Read More
As you may have heard, there was a serious vulnerability on the Internet discovered on April 7th. This bug, known as Heartbleed, enters through a vulnerability in the OpenSSL library. The newly discovered weakness in OpenSSL would have allowed for memory and private information on any infected website or server to be read by virtually...Read More
Spring cleaning? Don't forget about your website! If your website hasn't received a major overhaul since 2012, chances are your competition is sporting a more modern, updated website than you are.Read More