iceberg, Author at Iceberg Web Design - Page 6 of 11


Wordpress website on a laptop with a phone, a notebook, and a coffee
  Furnishing your website with a blog that provides users with high quality and useful content is still a great strategy to raise your position in the search engine rankings. Your blog can be a powerful marketing tool that can expose your business website to more visitors and generate new leads which in turn drives...
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Facebook on a laptop
A Facebook business page is a place for potential customers to learn more about your business. Just like a website, it is a place to establish your business presence. Your customers are online searching for more information about your business. With Facebook and other social media platforms, you have a powerful tool at your disposal...
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Pointing out a bar graph on a laptop
Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a business using ads that appear in search results. You as the advertiser bid on certain keywords that search engine users such as Google and Bing would search for when looking to make a purchase or learn more about a product or service. You are given the...
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Man pointing out the word "SEO"
Search Engine Optimization is a marketing practice that is focused on getting organic traffic from search engine results. The primary search engines that most people use are Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It is important to understand that when you are using these major search engines, you are not actually searching the web. You are searching...
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Woman Shopping Online
Which payment gateway should you use for your online store? With dozens of payment processing options to choose from, it can be a complicated decision. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you order something online? Usually the first question asked is whether or not my information be safe and secure ordering...
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Businesses are scrambling to comply with a new policy in the European Union. If you have a website or an email list, you absolutely need to be concerned about this new policy. This article goes over some of the basics of the new policy, and explains what you as a business owner need to do,...
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“I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have.” -Coleman Cox You work hard to have a successful business. Now it’s time to let Google My Business work hard for you. When you search for your business on Google, does your listing show up on...
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Google is Starting to Migrate Sites That Follow the Best Practices to Mobile First Indexing. What this means is that your mobile version of your website will be the origin point for their index database, as well as the baseline for how they determine rankings. Google’s ranking system, indexing and crawling systems all formerly used...
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Customer Satisfaction
How do you make it a no brainer for your customers to have the confidence to reach out regarding your products or services? One important aspect is to have a high number of authentic positive reviews about your company.   Ask your recent satisfied customers for some feedback. Let them know that reviews are vital...
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The Importance Of Color In Website Design
If you have enjoyed The Wizard of Oz, one part of the movie clearly defines the importance of colors not only on a movie set, but also in web design. The black and white scene of Dorothy descending the sky in a house conveys an ominous theme, that is, until Dorothy and the house land...
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