"Heartbleed" Bug in OpenSSL - Iceberg Web Design

“Heartbleed” Bug in OpenSSL

heartbleedAs you may have heard, there was a serious vulnerability on the Internet discovered on April 7th. This bug, known as Heartbleed, enters through a vulnerability in the OpenSSL library. The newly discovered weakness in OpenSSL would have allowed for memory and private information on any infected website or server to be read by virtually anyone on the internet. In other words, if a website were infected, it would be possible for attackers to monitory all communication between the website and end users, and steal data directly from the websites and users. This data could include usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information.

We recommend all internet users reset their passwords on accounts containing sensitive information, such as bank accounts or online stores where your credit card data is saved.

Additional information about the Heartbleed Bug can be found at http://heartbleed.com.

A tool has been released for the public to check their websites as well as sites they visit frequently for the Heartbleed bug. This tool is available here: http://filippo.io/Heartbleed/

Iceberg Web Design takes security on our hosting servers very seriously. We want to ensure our customers that this vulnerability is no longer in place on our servers. As soon as a patch was released for the vulnerability, system administrators took immediate measures to secure all servers running OpenSSL. We have confirmed that none of our hosting servers nor accounts have been affected by this vulnerability.

We continue to closely monitor our servers, and there are no signs that any malicious activity occurred as a result of this vulnerability. Although there is no direct threat for your data, it is a general security precaution to have your passwords changed regularly.

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any additional questions about the Heartbleed bug or your account security.

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