If one thing is certain, it’s this: good business starts with a great first impression. And nowadays, most of your customers are learning about you for the first time online. One of the best ways to leave a lasting impression is through compelling, inspiring and powerful website design—the type of design that you can’t forget....Read More
Do you need a new website design for your business? Are you looking for advertising, new content or some search engine optimization to boost your company’s rank? If any of this sounds like you, you’ll probably benefit the most from hiring a creative agency to do the heavy lifting. Understanding Creative Agency Job Titles & Roles Creative...Read More
Are you in the middle of a website project, surrounded by words you don’t quite get? Web development comes with a staggering amount of jargon and tech speak. And although we understand what has become our second language, others around us may not. Hopefully, this list of common web development terms will help you make...Read More
If you’re a business who sells products, looking to build an online presence, opening an online store might be on your radar. In fact, you might have an e-commerce website already up and running, complete with perfect images and an easy–to–use cart. But, you might be forgetting something critical to your website’s success: your copy....Read More
Home page, a great About page and even an easy–to–find Contact page. Your Portfolio or Work page is chock–full of amazing content to showcase what you do. Everything your potential customer needs to find is right at their fingertips. Or is it? What happens when your potential customer wants to know who they might be...Read More
Isn’t it true that your inbox seems to be the place where brands like to hang out the most? Whether you enjoy sifting through a full inbox or not, there’s science behind what they do. A whopping 72% of consumers prefer email as their source of business communication. Plus, for every $1 you spend on...Read More
As a business, it’s important to create a brand that communicates what you offer. From your business cards to your website design, your potential customers should understand what you do from the start. Being one of the first places your customer will get to know you, your website should mirror who you are. Is your...Read More
Do you need a new website for your business? Or are you looking at a huge website rebuild or update for your business? If so, then you’re likely weighing whether you should hire a freelancer or an agency for your website development needs. Here’s the deal: you don’t want just anyone. You want experience, design...Read More
How often should you be posting on your different social media accounts? The short answer would be It depends on your business. It’s important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach that works for each platform. Each platform is different and the recommended guidelines are constantly being updated as the platforms change. There...Read More
What goals are you hoping to accomplish with your social media endeavors? There are only a handful of top social media platforms that are worth your time. We are going to bring you through the most popular ones and why you should take advantage of using them. Which platforms should you be concentrating on? Think...Read More