Instantly Improve Your Marketing With These 5 Free Simple SEO Tools - Iceberg Web Design

Instantly Improve Your Marketing With These 5 Free Simple SEO Tools

Working on my last home improvement project, I realized I always end up working the fastest and smartest when I have the correct equipment and tools in my arsenal. It’s seriously ridiculous how much faster and efficient a project gets finished with the right tool in your belt!

You may be asking yourself, what does this have to do with Search Engine Optimization?

The Right SEO Tools Will Save You Both Time and Frustration!

Here is 5 of the best free SEO tools out there today, so you can start making improvements today! All these tools are easy-to-use, fast, and even free. Try to use at least one or two of these tools (if you aren’t already) and I promise it will make a difference! Don’t procrastinate, put them to use today!

1. Google Analytics

If you don’t have Google Analytics (or another analytics platform) you are seriously losing out on much needed insight to be able to determine your strengths and weaknesses of your website and marketing efforts.


2. Google Website Mobile Check Tool

Okay, so most of you more than likely have a mobile friendly website… or at least you think you do. Don’t take a chance with this! Use Google’s free Website Mobile Check Tool to make sure.

If you’re website is not built for mobile websites than check out this article to learn more about why it’s so important, and how you could potentially lose 60% of your business overnight in the next 2-3 months (1st quarter 2017).


3. Spy-Fu

I can only describe Spy-Fu with one word, and that word is PHENOMENAL! If you’re looking to spy on your competitors and see what their doing well online, where you’re beating them, and how you can over take them in search engine rankings then don’t miss out on Spy-Fu.

It’s pretty simple to use and has a wonderful interface! Head on over to their website and just type in your website to get started. Before you do though, Spy-Fu is free to use but does give you limited information, unless you sign up for their monthly service.

Even if you don’t want to pay for their monthly service, I still recommend checking them out if you haven’t been to their website before.


4. SERPS Rank Checker

If you want to quickly check ranking for a particular keyword without having to buy expensive software or subscriptions, SERPS Rank Checker is a fantastic tool!

To get started just click here, and type in your website. There are options if you want to check local competition as well (great for restaurants, service based companies, or anyone who really relies on local business).


5. Schema Creator

Did you notice our 5 stars when we show up in Google? If not take a look at the image down below. As you can imagine, anything you can do to stand out in the Search Engine Rankings can be extremely beneficial for you or your companies website.

By using what’s called “Schema” you can create custom code so that not only reviews, but people, events, and organizations can be graphically displayed on search engine results pages.

Use Schema Creator to generate your schema code, then just copy and paste to your website or use this free WordPress plugin.

Here’s an example of schema in action(notice the 5 star reputation?):


What is your favorite SEO tool? 

Do you prefer web tools such as these, or are you more interested in WordPress plug-ins, or excel sheets?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Leave a comment below.


About the author

Jessi Gurr is the Master Penguin at Iceberg Web Design. She is an entrepreneur at heart, and loves all aspects of business growth, branding, and team building. Jessi frequently speaks at WordCamps throughout the US and internationally, and holds positions on the board at the Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce and Montessori Renaissance Academy, both in Anoka, MN. In her spare time, she enjoys vegan cooking, organic gardening, and spending time with her two young boys.

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