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Website And Mobile Analytics Concept
Driving new business is a must for any company that is serious about their online presence. Consistently getting qualified leads, phone calls and walk-ins is a great indicator of the health of your website, but it is important to dig deeper. The industry standard to analyzing your company’s website is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is...
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Seo Tools
Working on my last home improvement project, I realized I always end up working the fastest and smartest when I have the correct equipment and tools in my arsenal. It’s seriously ridiculous how much faster and efficient a project gets finished with the right tool in your belt! You may be asking yourself, what does this...
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Google Introduces Mobile First Indexing
In our ever-changing, technology-driven world, most business owners have accepted the fact that smartphones and tablets are now leading desktop for online searches. People are looking for products and services from their phones, people are making financial decisions based on mobile content, and small business owners are working hard to keep up with this trend...
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Recently, Google has posted details about changing their search algorithm to a mobile-first indexing. This change is going to rank pages based on their mobile version, instead of showing results specifically for people on mobile and another set of results for people on desktop. Google plans to make this ranking the one for all devices,...
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You have a law firm website that you’re proud of—the design is fresh and responsive, and the copy is current and compelling. But no one is finding your site. With little traffic comes minimal leads. One way to turn this around is to add a blog to your law firm website. If you have heard...
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Professionally Written Seo Law Firm Website Copy Can Make All The Difference.
You have decided to turn over the reins of your website to a developer who knows how to design and code a site that will help you compete in the online marketplace. Fantastic! But, as a lawyer, you have spent your whole education and career writing. You figure you can write your own legal website...
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What makes a great website?
The average business complete redesigns its website every two-to-three years. But a law firm is not an average business. It is a referral and lead-based business that relies heavily on its web presence—especially its website—to bring in leads and to act as online brochure for word-of-mouth referrals. What does this mean when it comes to...
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Social Media Icons
On average, customers require at least 10 content pieces before they take action. Most small business websites present less than 10 pages of content. Therefore, a small business website typically does not meet the content needs of potential customers. Ideally, your small business website should generate content that captures potential customer leads. However, since customers...
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Website Design
We’re in the last quarter of 2015, and it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming year. So much has changed in terms of web technology. Have you heard of “Mobilegeddon?” Besides technology, design standards are rapidly changing. People’s opinion of what looks good is evolving. So what’s changing in website trends for 2016? Let’s take...
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Building Your Website
The average business completely redesigns their website every two or three years. Technology changes. Design changes. And most importantly – your business changes. And you should not only look at re-designing your website every 2-3 years, you should re-evaluate your content and consider a complete re-write as well. What was in vogue as early as...
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