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On April 21, 2015, a change is coming to Google’s search algorithm that has the potential to change how your website is found online. Google will now use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, it will lose ranking on mobile searches. On February 26, 2015, Google unveiled in...
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Mobile Web
Where will your customers shop this holiday season? In the fourth quarter of 2013, the year’s prime holiday shopping season, a whopping 32% of Google search traffic came from mobile devices. One study showed that 30% of all e-commerce website traffic came from mobile devices in 2013. And with so many holiday gifts being smartphones...
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Website development concept
Why Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments As a business owner it may be challenging to decide what marketing efforts you should invest your money into.  You want to invest in something that is effective, professional, something that will make a great first impression, and most importantly do its job by...
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Now that we have discussed the importance of having a business blog the next questions is, where do you start? Here are some great tips and guidelines on how to write business blogs!  Write like a person, not a computer! Since blogs are more personal and detailed, you want to sound like yourself or your...
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Meta Descriptions
Have you ever done a Google Search? If you found this article, then you’re probably familiar enough with Google to know that the results from your search include a brief overview of the websites matching your criteria: a web page title and a short description about the site. The results usually look something like this: Usually, the...
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Group of business professionals at a networking event
Website promotion is everywhere you step online. Between Facebook pages, Twitter posts, and e-mail signatures, you can easily find someone’s footprint on the Internet. Your website is your most important advertising tool. First impressions are important when you are in business – and in this age of Google, Smartphones, and High Speed Internet service, your...
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Get On Top Of Search Engines
We all know how important it is to have your website indexed by Google and other popular search engines. If you can incorporate a few good techniques when writing content for your website, your website will get more hits and visitors and thus will become increasingly popular.
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Seo Graphic
The New Year is bringing some exciting changes to our business. We have new marketing materials in the works, and we are very excited to start offering a new service to our clients. Social Media and SEO: It’s time to take your online presence to the next level. Having an outstanding website is the first...
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