10 Statistics That Prove it’s Time to Add a Blog to Your Law Firm Website - Iceberg Web Design

10 Statistics That Prove it’s Time to Add a Blog to Your Law Firm Website


You have a law firm website that you’re proud of—the design is fresh and responsive, and the copy is current and compelling. But no one is finding your site. With little traffic comes minimal leads.

One way to turn this around is to add a blog to your law firm website. If you have heard this before, but have not yet committed to blogging, perhaps these statistics will convince you otherwise:

  • Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website.
  • Publishing between 21-51 blog posts to your website will increase traffic by up to 30%. Surpass 54 posts, and your traffic increases by over 75%.
  • Small businesses that blog get 126% more lead growth than small businesses that do not blog.

Along with increased traffic and leads, blogging helps build trust in your brand. In fact, according to Hubspot, “blogs have been rated as the 5th most trusted source for accurate online information.” The result: 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs. And 60% of customers say they feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on the company’s site.

3 Tips for Building an Effective Blog

The persuasive statistics cited above should lead you to one conclusion: it is time to get started on your law firm blog. Before you dive in, take into account these tips that will help bring your blogs increased engagement in the form of traffic to your website and social shares across Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media channels:

  • Write longer posts. The average word count of top-ranking content in Google is between 1,140-1,285 words.
  • Add images. Building images into a blog post will have it gain 94% more views than posts without images.
  • Focus on your client. Write about items that matter to your prospective clients. If it matters to them, they will share it with others: 94% of people who share posts do so because they think it might be helpful to others.

Get More Leads Than Your Competition. Start Blogging Today.

The only thing blogging requires of you is your time. But if you schedule your time accordingly, you will be able to maintain a consistent publication of posts that will have readers coming back for more.

If you do not have time, then consider working with a digital marketing company that can host your blog and produce content on your behalf. Contact our company to learn more.


Sources: Ad Pushup, 10 Blogging Statistics You Probably Didn’t Know But Should; Writtent, Top Blogging Statistics: 45 Reasons to Blog; Hubspot, 6 Stats You Should Know About Business Blogging in 2015; Forbes, 35 Content Marketing Statistics You Need To Know In 2016; Business2Community, Small Business Blogging Statistics For The Skeptics [Infographic]

About the author

Jessi Gurr is the Master Penguin at Iceberg Web Design. She is an entrepreneur at heart, and loves all aspects of business growth, branding, and team building. Jessi frequently speaks at WordCamps throughout the US and internationally, and holds positions on the board at the Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce and Montessori Renaissance Academy, both in Anoka, MN. In her spare time, she enjoys vegan cooking, organic gardening, and spending time with her two young boys.

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