Celebrating 8 Years in Business - Iceberg Web Design

Celebrating 8 Years in Business


Eight years ago, on May 20th, 2005, Iceberg was incorporated as Iceberg Hosting, LLC. A lot has changed since then. We’ve rebranded as Iceberg Web Design (after receiving a few phone calls asking if we were a catering service…), moved from Morris, Minnesota to the Twin Cities, updated our hosting servers and pricing structure, and went through a few different spin-off businesses (such as design & print and social media).

A lot changes in 8 years. Trends in website design change almost daily – and we spend hours every week just keeping up with the most recent design trends and programming skills.

We would like to send a heartfelt, sincere THANK YOU to all of our current and past clients, colleagues, business partners, and supporters. We would not be where we are today without your help and encouragement. We hope to still be working with you, and with many others, in 8 more years.

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