Iceberg is 5 years old! - Iceberg Web Design

Iceberg is 5 years old!


According to the Secretary of State, Iceberg Hosting, LLC was incorporated on May 20th, 2005. Today we are celebrating our 5th birthday – and what a wonderful five years it has been!

We would like to thank all of our clients for your support over the last five years, and we look forward to working with you for the next five (and hopefully more!).

To celebrate, we are offering some incredible specials for new and current clients:

$100 Credit on New Website Design or Website Redesign

Does your business need an online presence? Is it time for a website makeover, redesign, or upgrade? Through June 20th, Iceberg is offering a $100 credit to all website design projects quoted over $500. Contact us today to get started!

$200 Custom Hosted Blog Setup

Start blogging today! If you already have a website and want to start blogging, Iceberg will set up a hosted blog and integrate it with your existing website for just $200! PLUS – we’ll have it running for you in two business days, guaranteed. Start driving traffic to your website with your own custom, hosted blog that matches your website. Contact us today to get started!

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