Why Every E-Commerce Web Site Should Have A Blog - Iceberg Web Design

Why Every E-Commerce Web Site Should Have A Blog

Everyone is always talking about blogging, this article is a blog, blogging, blog, blog…You get the point, it’s a big deal.

Did you know that a blog on your e-commerce website can increase brand exposure while showcasing your products, customer support, knowledge, and expertise.

Increase Exposure

Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links. Source: Hubspot

It is easy to understand why linking a NEW blog post on your social media site is going to be more exciting than sharing a link to your newest products page.  But the goal isn’t just to make an exciting post, you want your customer to engage in your brand and share that post with their social circle.  The more content you have available to the public the more likely it will be that you connect to and expose potential customer. Not to mention having shareable content that is readily available is automatically going to increase the amount your brand is shared on traditional and nontraditional platforms.  If you don’t have a blog, you most defiantly are not getting any of that exposure.  According to Hubspot, “Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5X more traffic than companies that published between 0 – 4 monthly posts.”

Showcase your products and customer service

81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs. Source: BlogHer

Your blog can be used to showcase your product specifically or focus in a customer review of the product, or even a frequently asked question about the product.  These types of blogs are going to build trust and be more interesting to share on a social networking pages than a traditional product page with a price tag.  Not to mention by linking blogs like this in your products pages you can allow your customer more exposure to your brand. Because millennials in particular are 44% more likely to trust experts over traditional advertising (Hubspot) your blog can connect this customer base to your brand.

Not only can Iceberg Web Design help you with all your tricky E-commerce website issues; we can also help you with your exposure through proven local search engine results, reputation management, and lead generation.  

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