Iceberg joins the Elk River Chamber of Commerce - Iceberg Web Design

Iceberg joins the Elk River Chamber of Commerce

elkriverchamberIn February of this year, Iceberg Web Design joined the Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce shortly after relocating to Anoka County. As we continue to work with small businesses and organizations in the Twin Cities, we have decided to continue supporting the local community by joining the next closest chamber: the Elk River Area Chamber of Commerce.

The Elk River Chamber serves the Sherburne County community, and its members include local businesses located from St. Cloud to Minneapolis, Minnesota.

We have built strong working relationships with businesses, organizations, and individuals in Morris Minnesota by being a member of the Morris Area Chamber of Commerce. After just four months of membership at the Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce we are forming strong ties to the local community. We now hope to make strong networking connections with businesses and individuals in the Elk River area.

You can learn more about the Elk River Area Chamber of Commerce at their website, We encourage all small businesses and individuals interested in community growth to contact their local chamber office today!

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