WordPress Features Including Blog Transfers, Custom Post Types, & Photo Galleries - Iceberg Web Design

WordPress Features Including Blog Transfers, Custom Post Types, & Photo Galleries

The website development industry uses a lot of specialized terminologies. So, unless you have a background in the web development industry, when you sit down to talk with a website developer about your future website, there will be some words used that you may not understand. There will be others you know but may want more context as to how it affects your site. This is especially the case with features.


Features are notable additions to a website that make it unique and useful to your visitors and your company. These features are also more challenging to design, so often, they add an extra charge to your bill. The good news is, they are usually well worth it!

In this article, we will look at 3 of the most basic features or add-ons to your site:

  •         Transfer of a WordPress Blog
  •         Custom Post Type
  •         Photo Galleries

Transfer of a WordPress Blog.

Often when clients come to us, they have an old site with many blog posts. All of these URLs are valuable for SEO. If we pull them off the web, any backlinks or bookmarks people may have saved will end up leading to a 404-error page, telling the user that the page can’t be found. This is an easy way to lose a potential customer, and your site’s SEO will take a significant hit.

To prevent this, we always recommend transferring your WordPress blog to your new site. Anything you don’t want to move over, we will redirect you to your new home page during the site’s development.

Custom Post Type

WordPress is an extensive content management system (CMS). WordPress content is arranged by post types and by default by:

  •         Post
  •         Page

Anytime you have content that isn’t a post or a page, you can create a custom post type. Perhaps you are selling something. The most popular custom post type is Woo Commerce products. A product page would be a custom post type.

Other examples would be:

  •         Book Reviews
  •         Movies (for a movie theater)
  •         Services

Anything. The main thing about a custom post type is that it will have customized fields to input data. Let’s look at the example of movies. You might have fields for:

  •         Movie Title
  •         Synopsis
  •         Starring
  •         Rating
  •         Showtimes
  •         A ticket buy button

This will create consistency in the appearance of the movie pages. Also, the movies will all be organized together on the backend of the site, making them easy to find.

Photo Galleries

Photo galleries are a great way to show off your services. If you own a construction or remodeling company, you can display pictures of the homes or businesses you have built or remodeled. If you are a Salon owner, you can show examples of your work, such as adding hairstyles, highlights, haircuts, etc.

We can use plugins to display your photos beautifully. Some plugins will integrate your photos with social media, such as Pinterest or Instagram.

Creating a website can be a complicated process. Our team of WordPress Experts does it every day, so you don’t have to. If you want a new website for your business, contact us today!

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