The Basic Anatomy of a Blog Post - Iceberg Web Design

If your website doesn’t have a blog, you’re missing out. On average, companies with blogs produce 67% more leads per month than those without.

Are you ignoring the benefits of blogging due to thinking you’re no good at writing?

Do you think blogging takes too much time?

By understanding their basic anatomy, you can write blog posts the right way, simply.

Understanding Simple Blog Post Structure

Although many factors go into creating a great blog post, you must grasp the importance of proper structure first. Most blog posts follow a simple structure that includes:

  • A headline: The initial headline is an attention-grabbing title that explains what your blog post is about and what your readers can expect.
  • An introduction: The introduction is typically the first few sentences or the first paragraph that entices visitors to keep reading.
  • Body copy: This where the magic happens. Complete with sub-headings, the body copy is the place to deliver the information you promised in your headline.
  • A call to action: A call to action (CTA) inspires your readers to act. For example, you may ask your readers to give you a call, download a freebie or something else.

Put It All Together to Write the Perfect Blog Post

Each separate component includes its own best practices to follow to create high-quality content for your website. Let’s jump right in.


The headlines you create for your blog posts should compel your audience to click. After all, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy without reading the rest. When writing headlines:

  • Stay informative: Make sure your headline describes exactly what information your reader will gain after reading the blog. Don’t be vague.
  • Keep it simple: Keep your headlines simple and on the shorter side. Consider where your blog post will appear and write headlines accordingly. For example, headlines between 8-12 words get the most shares on Twitter and headlines under 70 characters aren’t cut off in search engine results.
  • Optimize for search: If you can, try to optimize your headline by adding in a focus keyword your audience might search for to find your blog post.
  • Make it pop: Use your power words to evoke curiosity. Or, use your headline to ask a question. Experiment to see what works when it comes to your specific audience.


After the headline, your introduction will make or break your blog post. Here, it’s important that you “hook” the reader into wanting to learn more. This doesn’t mean that you give away all the value in the first few sentences. Instead, hit your reader with an interesting statistic, a quick story or a question that inspires them to move forward.

Body Copy

Your body copy is the meat of your blog post, the place where your reader receives the most information and value. When writing the body copy for your blog post:

  • Add in sub-headings: Most readers tend to skim blog posts for the information they need most. Use sub-headings to break up your copy into easy-to-skim sections.
  • Use padded bulleted lists: For lists, use padded bullets to break up blocks of text.
  • Use short paragraphs and sentences: Write paragraphs that are no longer than 3-4 sentences and sentences no longer than 20 words. If the sentence is too long, split it in half.
  • Write until your thought is complete: Many experts argue over the perfect blog post length. Make it your goal to write until the thought is complete and until you’ve given your readers everything they need to understand the topic at hand.

Call to Action

Finally, a call to action inspires your readers to interact with you even more. Some websites ask readers to leave comments while others ask them to reach out for more information. You can also use a call to action to ask readers to download a lead magnet that requires their email address.

Remember to only use one call to action on your blog post so you don’t inflict your audience with decision fatigue. Make your CTA stand out by giving it a separate heading.

Don’t Forget Your Images & Links

Your blog post should include a featured image that includes the title of your blog post as well as a visual that goes well with your topic. Don’t forget to add internal links (to pages on your website) and external links (to outside content) to relevant content in your body copy. This will give your audience a chance to gather even more information for added value.

Quality Blog Posts Generate Important Traffic for Your Website

Don’t sweep blogging under the rug. After all, quality content generates important traffic for your website.

Although writing a blog post may seem difficult at first, it becomes easier with practice. To learn more about blogging and best practices, send us a message.

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