We’ve been listening to our customers, and they’ve been asking us how they can maximize their online presence beyond just their website. We’ve created this 5-part blog series specifically to answer those questions, and we’ve broken the process into manageable pieces so you can get started right away.
What is my online presence?
Your online presence is made up of all the different ways your company appears online. Think of it as your digital footprint. A building has a footprint which can be made up of many different rooms. Similarly, there are many different pieces that can make up your online presence, and your website is just one of them.
Other components of your online presence include:
- Social media profiles
- Google My Business
- Keyword targeting
- Online reputation
- SEO efforts
- Email campaigns
Why does my online presence matter?
Your online presence is what will ultimately get you found by your target customers. 94% of business buyers do some form of online research before purchasing a product: 77% use Google search, 84% check business websites and 34% visit 3rd party websites (1). So, it’s pretty safe to say people will interact with your company online in more ways than just your website before becoming your customer. In order to maximize on this attention, it is important that you not only have a robust online presence, but one that sends a cohesive brand message.
So, where should I start?
The first step for many business is to set up and manage social media profiles on some or all of the following social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. All of these different platforms have their own personality and unique features. It can be pretty overwhelming to know where to start and what efforts will turn into qualified leads. To help you out, here are our top five tips:
Five Tips for Generating Leads with Social Media
1. Be Selective
It is unrealistic and ineffective to be actively engaged in every social media platform. Choose the platforms that best fit your company and target market. A good mainstay is Facebook, but if your target customer base is young and tech-savvy, you may want to have a strong presence on Snapchat. If your product is or services have strong visuals, Pinterest would be a good fit.
2. Be Consistent
You should be sure to use your brand consistently across different social media platforms. Use the same logo, colors and images to strengthen your brand recognition. This is much easier to do if you are only focusing on a few social media platforms.
3. Understand Trends
You don’t need to jump on every new fad the second it comes out, but you should be aware of major trends in social media use. This will help you leverage these platforms to see the biggest return on your efforts.
4. Be Authentic
This is the place to let the personality of your organization show through. Your customers are more likely to connect and engage with you if they see there are real people behind your business. Take the time to find the right brand voice that reflects your organization in a real and honest way. Just be sure to post content that is relevant to your business.
5. Use Scheduling Tools
Many companies neglect social media management because they don’t feel they have time to spend posting on Facebook all day. There’s actual work to be done, after all. Or, the time they do have to read and post blogs is not the time when their customers are most actively engaged. One great strategy that we use here at Iceberg is to carve out a chunk of time to write up a bunch of blog posts, then schedule them to go out at regular intervals.
Still need help?
We can get your business profile set up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and other social media platforms. To learn about our social media special offers, contact Shane Bader 763-350-8762 or email [email protected].
Stay tuned! The next posts in this series will discuss:
(1) State of B2B Procurement study from the Acquity Group, 2014