Many websites start as just content. Then they grow into an e-commerce site or a site that is used as a platform for a service. At that point, your business begins to pick up, and you forget about that original content, your blog. You will likely want to have your website updated and upgraded to...Read More
Some people allow their site to sit on the web like a glorified business card. But smart business owners know that their website is the most valuable employee they have. They can put their site to work, saving them money in the long run by automating tasks and integrating business solutions. It can also be...Read More
In our business, we often see websites that haven’t been changed in 8-10 years. It’s usually because business owners don’t look at their websites the same way that clients and potential business partners do. In general, we recommend a total website makeover every two to three years to keep up with current design and development...Read More
We often hear the terms web design and web development used interchangeably. Likewise, it can be difficult for someone outside of the industry, and even those within it, to know the difference between a web designer and a web developer. Is there even a difference? There IS! I recently asked one of the developers at...Read More
You’re a savvy business owner. You know that an updated website is needed to reach your target market, bring in leads, and grow your business. You have been agonizing over this for months, maybe years, but continually run into barriers that prevent you from improving your business website. We’ve talked with thousands of small business...Read More
There’s a saying some people use when they need to leave a social situation. “I’ve gotta bounce!” Keeping this in mind makes understanding what a bounce rate is on your website. The bounce rate is what percentage of people go to your website and then leave right away before clicking on anything within your site....Read More
Early websites were text-heavy, with a few images sprinkled throughout the pages. Today’s websites have large, high-quality photos that dominate every page of your site. Finding the right ones are essential. Unfortunately, many people take shortcuts that are not in line with best practices. Here are some things to keep in mind when gathering and...Read More
A mission statement defines your goals as an individual or those of your organization or company. Sharing your mission with the world and explaining what the future holds for you or your brand will help you forge more meaningful connections with your prospective and current customers. It lets them know what you are about when...Read More
Someone once said, “When you try to serve everyone, you end up serving no one.” You’ve probably heard this quote and its variations at some point. Have you considered how it applies to your marketing? Every business has an ideal customer. Who that person is will be different depending on what the business offers and...Read More
Do you struggle to come up with ideas for your weekly blog posts? Although it’s the way you communicate your message and values to your customers, it can be difficult to know what you should write about, and when. Wouldn’t it be great to never again scramble for a blog post idea? Putting together an...Read More