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On April 21, 2015, a change is coming to Google’s search algorithm that has the potential to change how your website is found online. Google will now use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, it will lose ranking on mobile searches. On February 26, 2015, Google unveiled in...
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Website development concept
Every business owner knows that having a website today is a critical, essential marketing piece. And most businesses have invested some time and money into creating a website for their company. However, there are several misconceptions business owners have about their websites. We’ve narrowed them down to the five most common ones here: I will...
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E Commerce
Any retail business owner who doesn’t already have an e-commerce website has probably asked themselves this question a few times. Should I add e-commerce onto my retail business website? With the way that today’s generation of shoppers has grown from store front shopping to online shopping the question should really be- Why haven’t you added...
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Mobile Web
Where will your customers shop this holiday season? In the fourth quarter of 2013, the year’s prime holiday shopping season, a whopping 32% of Google search traffic came from mobile devices. One study showed that 30% of all e-commerce website traffic came from mobile devices in 2013. And with so many holiday gifts being smartphones...
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It’s almost 2015. Technology has been a game changer for many small businesses. By now, most professional website developers are including smartphone compatibility and responsive design in their list of website development services. Businesses are investing in app development – and advertisers are purchasing in-app screen time. But perhaps the biggest indication of the changing...
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Website development concept
Why Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments As a business owner it may be challenging to decide what marketing efforts you should invest your money into.  You want to invest in something that is effective, professional, something that will make a great first impression, and most importantly do its job by...
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Now that we have discussed the importance of having a business blog the next questions is, where do you start? Here are some great tips and guidelines on how to write business blogs!  Write like a person, not a computer! Since blogs are more personal and detailed, you want to sound like yourself or your...
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We have all heard about business blogs before, but why should you have one?  What are the real benefits to this? Is it worth it for your business?  Here are some reasons why you should have a business blog:   A business blog builds credibility. Consumers are more likely to make a purchase or become...
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Your website is the most important advertising tool you have to market your business.  It only makes sense that you want to choose the best designer to build the face of your online marketing reputation, right?  With so many web developers and freelancers available at the click of your finger, it can get frustrating deciding...
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A domain website name is just as important as choosing your business name. Your domain name will be your internet personality and presence for your business and possibly for yourself. So it’s important to find the perfect name that fits your business’s needs. Here are ten tips on how to choose the right domain name...
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