Iceberg News Archives - Page 3 of 6 - Iceberg Web Design


Iceberg News
Phishing Scam
Back in 2014, a convincing Google Phishing scam hit the inboxes of millions of people. This phishing scam was cloaked as shared files on Google Docs, with a link to edit/view the document. Clicking on the document would bring up a very convincing login screen – which was, in fact, not associate with Google at all. Today,...
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Here at Iceberg Web Design, we are always striving to make our web site development process as easy and painless as we can for our clients.  A huge component of a successful web development project is clear communication between all parties involved and often times a web development project can seemingly drag on, or appear to...
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Google Introduces Mobile First Indexing
In our ever-changing, technology-driven world, most business owners have accepted the fact that smartphones and tablets are now leading desktop for online searches. People are looking for products and services from their phones, people are making financial decisions based on mobile content, and small business owners are working hard to keep up with this trend...
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Iceberg Web Design Celebrating 11 Years
A sincere Thank You for your support What started out as a hobby and passion for a 24-year-old recent college graduate turned into a career, and a thriving business in the Twin Cities, Minnesota area. How It All Began Jessi Gurr, owner and lead website developer of Minneapolis-based website development company, Iceberg Web Design, started learning...
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Professional Photographer
After a bustling holiday season, most businesses have returned to devising marketing strategies for 2016. We start the discussion about enjoying the highest return on your website development investment by going back to Black Friday and the onset of the holiday shopping season. Did you save the holiday cards that you received via snail mail?...
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Responsive website design concept
If you have a website that hasn’t yet been optimized for mobile, you have a big decision to make, and not doing anything is not an option. The choice becomes – do I retrofit my website for responsive design? Or should I create an entirely new website design that incorporates responsive design from the get-go?...
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10 Years
On a warm Spring day 10 years ago, a 24-year old recently unemployed college graduate signed a few papers, wrote a check to the Secretary of State, and incorporated a little Limited Liability Company known as Iceberg Hosting. The ambition was a love of website design and technology, and a desire to take a step...
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Ami Graduation
I finally did it! I am so proud to announce that I have my associate’s degree in Internet marketing from the Minnesota School of Business in Blaine, MN! I started going to MSB in 2010 for sales and marketing and I ended up taking a couple years off to welcome my two children into the...
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We have all heard about business blogs before, but why should you have one?  What are the real benefits to this? Is it worth it for your business?  Here are some reasons why you should have a business blog:   A business blog builds credibility. Consumers are more likely to make a purchase or become...
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This morning we were welcomed to the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce with a celebratory ribbon cutting. This has been a very exciting year for our website development company – we entered our 10th year in business this May, and we also welcomed our first Marketing & Sales Employee at the beginning of this year. We are...
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