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Website Tips
Super Hero P8eus7m (1)
Heroes are one of the biggest website trends of 2020. They can help you make a powerful first impression. Not a superhero—a website hero! A hero is the first thing a user encounters on the homepage of a website. It usually takes up most of the screen space and has a minimal amount of text...
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Blonde Twins Using Laptop At Home 3sluw8n
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex topic. The rules seem to constantly be changing and it can be hard to keep up. Misinformation abounds, and this includes the issue of duplicate content. What is it? Will Google penalize your site for having it? How can you prevent duplicate content’s negative consequences to your site’s...
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Two Colleages Discussing Ideas Using A Tablet P4nkyf6
If you do anything on the web, you should understand the basics of search engine optimization, often called SEO. Because there are so many small details that go into good SEO, it may seem overwhelming. Thankfully, you don’t have to master it. You just need to understand what the components are and why they contribute...
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Bar Graph
Are you receiving a lot of traffic on your website, but not seeing the leads? Here are 5 easy things you can do TODAY to increase conversions.
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The Importance Of Color In Website Design
If you have enjoyed The Wizard of Oz, one part of the movie clearly defines the importance of colors not only on a movie set, but also in web design. The black and white scene of Dorothy descending the sky in a house conveys an ominous theme, that is, until Dorothy and the house land...
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What makes a great website?
The average business complete redesigns its website every two-to-three years. But a law firm is not an average business. It is a referral and lead-based business that relies heavily on its web presence—especially its website—to bring in leads and to act as online brochure for word-of-mouth referrals. What does this mean when it comes to...
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Professional Photographer
After a bustling holiday season, most businesses have returned to devising marketing strategies for 2016. We start the discussion about enjoying the highest return on your website development investment by going back to Black Friday and the onset of the holiday shopping season. Did you save the holiday cards that you received via snail mail?...
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Website Design
We’re in the last quarter of 2015, and it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming year. So much has changed in terms of web technology. Have you heard of “Mobilegeddon?” Besides technology, design standards are rapidly changing. People’s opinion of what looks good is evolving. So what’s changing in website trends for 2016? Let’s take...
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“Conversions” is a big buzzword for online marketers and businesses operating online. It refers to getting a customer to take some sort of desired action. It could be as small as getting someone to visit a specific page on your website, an in-between action like getting a new email subscriber, or the desired end of...
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Building Your Website
The average business completely redesigns their website every two or three years. Technology changes. Design changes. And most importantly – your business changes. And you should not only look at re-designing your website every 2-3 years, you should re-evaluate your content and consider a complete re-write as well. What was in vogue as early as...
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