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Are you receiving a lot of traffic on your website, but not seeing the leads? Here are 5 easy things you can do TODAY to increase conversions.
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Person shopping for shoes online
If you’re a business who sells products, looking to build an online presence, opening an online store might be on your radar. In fact, you might have an e-commerce website already up and running, complete with perfect images and an easy–to–use cart. But, you might be forgetting something critical to your website’s success: your copy....
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Google is Starting to Migrate Sites That Follow the Best Practices to Mobile First Indexing. What this means is that your mobile version of your website will be the origin point for their index database, as well as the baseline for how they determine rankings. Google’s ranking system, indexing and crawling systems all formerly used...
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What makes a great website?
The average business complete redesigns its website every two-to-three years. But a law firm is not an average business. It is a referral and lead-based business that relies heavily on its web presence—especially its website—to bring in leads and to act as online brochure for word-of-mouth referrals. What does this mean when it comes to...
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Website development concept
Every business owner knows that having a website today is a critical, essential marketing piece. And most businesses have invested some time and money into creating a website for their company. However, there are several misconceptions business owners have about their websites. We’ve narrowed them down to the five most common ones here: I will...
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Website development concept
Why Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments As a business owner it may be challenging to decide what marketing efforts you should invest your money into.  You want to invest in something that is effective, professional, something that will make a great first impression, and most importantly do its job by...
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Your website is the most important advertising tool you have to market your business.  It only makes sense that you want to choose the best designer to build the face of your online marketing reputation, right?  With so many web developers and freelancers available at the click of your finger, it can get frustrating deciding...
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A domain website name is just as important as choosing your business name. Your domain name will be your internet personality and presence for your business and possibly for yourself. So it’s important to find the perfect name that fits your business’s needs. Here are ten tips on how to choose the right domain name...
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Shocked woman looking at computer screen
Having a modern, up-to-date website is not a luxury – it’s a business necessity. This is especially true considering people have access to on-demand, high-speed Internet connections nearly everywhere: at home, at the coffee shop, and on the boat at the beach home. If you do not have a website that attracts attention and encourages...
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Website development concept
“Can’t I do it myself?” Of course you can make your own website! With access to different tools and programs and free content servers, the ability to create your own website for your business has never been easier. However, what isn’t included in these turn-key DIY website services are instructions for creating a website that...
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