responsive Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Iceberg Web Design


Fully Responsive Website Development
When smartphones were just coming out (remember the Blackberry?), webmasters started thinking about optimizing their websites for mobile devices. At first, the trend was to create a separate website just for mobile devices. Typically, this separate website would be published at a subdomain – – and often times users would have the ability to...
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Responsive website design concept
If you have a website that hasn’t yet been optimized for mobile, you have a big decision to make, and not doing anything is not an option. The choice becomes – do I retrofit my website for responsive design? Or should I create an entirely new website design that incorporates responsive design from the get-go?...
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Google Internet Search Concept
On April 21st, we saw perhaps the largest update yet to Google’s Search Algorithm: Mobile-Friendliness is now being considered when Google returns search results on mobile devices. Has Google’s recent algorithm change made a real impact on business owners and their websites? 4 months later, here are some of the results of this large algorithm...
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On April 21, 2015, a change is coming to Google’s search algorithm that has the potential to change how your website is found online. Google will now use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, it will lose ranking on mobile searches. On February 26, 2015, Google unveiled in...
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It’s almost 2015. Technology has been a game changer for many small businesses. By now, most professional website developers are including smartphone compatibility and responsive design in their list of website development services. Businesses are investing in app development – and advertisers are purchasing in-app screen time. But perhaps the biggest indication of the changing...
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Iphone Mobile Icon
In our last post, we talked about the responsive website design trend. This design style is expected to gain more popularity in 2013 – so much, in fact, that we will be including responsive design as a standard service for all Business and E-commerce projects beginning January 1st! If you have an iPhone and have upgraded to iOS7, you...
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Responsive Example
As mobile devices become more and more popular, so is the need to have a website that looks great on a tiny screen. A study released in August of 2012 found that 17% of all website traffic now comes from smartphones. This number will increase as smartphones and tablets become more popular and accessible. Can your...
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