From meta tags to hashtags – honestly… who has time to make sense of search engine optimization, better known as SEO? Our team at Iceberg Web Design works with small businesses right across the country that want to make sense of it all. Thankfully, we have put together seven simple SEO tips for small businesses...Read More
On a warm Spring day 10 years ago, a 24-year old recently unemployed college graduate signed a few papers, wrote a check to the Secretary of State, and incorporated a little Limited Liability Company known as Iceberg Hosting. The ambition was a love of website design and technology, and a desire to take a step...Read More
On April 21, 2015, a change is coming to Google’s search algorithm that has the potential to change how your website is found online. Google will now use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, it will lose ranking on mobile searches. On February 26, 2015, Google unveiled in...Read More
Every business owner knows that having a website today is a critical, essential marketing piece. And most businesses have invested some time and money into creating a website for their company. However, there are several misconceptions business owners have about their websites. We’ve narrowed them down to the five most common ones here: I will...Read More
Where will your customers shop this holiday season? In the fourth quarter of 2013, the year’s prime holiday shopping season, a whopping 32% of Google search traffic came from mobile devices. One study showed that 30% of all e-commerce website traffic came from mobile devices in 2013. And with so many holiday gifts being smartphones...Read More
It’s Thanksgiving evening at the North Pole. Santa and Mrs. Claus are relaxing in front of their large screen TV, waiting for the Seahawks to take on the 49ers. A commercial starts, featuring a family of four sitting in front of the Christmas Tree, each wearing the most adorable pair of reindeer slippers imaginable. Mrs. Claus exclaims...Read More
It’s almost 2015. Technology has been a game changer for many small businesses. By now, most professional website developers are including smartphone compatibility and responsive design in their list of website development services. Businesses are investing in app development – and advertisers are purchasing in-app screen time. But perhaps the biggest indication of the changing...Read More
A domain website name is just as important as choosing your business name. Your domain name will be your internet personality and presence for your business and possibly for yourself. So it’s important to find the perfect name that fits your business’s needs. Here are ten tips on how to choose the right domain name...Read More
E-mail newsletters have been around since the majority of people gained access to the Internet during the days of AOL dialup. That being said, how does a marketing tactic started in the 1990s and perfected in the 2000s stack up against marketing strategies now? In a world that turns to social media websites, forums, and...Read More
This morning we were welcomed to the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce with a celebratory ribbon cutting. This has been a very exciting year for our website development company – we entered our 10th year in business this May, and we also welcomed our first Marketing & Sales Employee at the beginning of this year. We are...Read More