WooCommerce – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com Mon, 20 Dec 2021 18:49:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.3 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-iceberg-favicon-32x32.jpg WooCommerce – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com 32 32 Shopify Vs. WooCommerce – Which Platform is Right for You? https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2021/12/shopify-vs-woocommerce-which-platform-is-right-for-you/ Thu, 16 Dec 2021 21:50:01 +0000 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=16776 Shopify Vs. WooCommerce – How Do I Choose? New e-commerce sites are launching every day. Shopify and WooCommerce are two of the biggest e-commerce platforms powering millions of websites around the world. If you are considering starting a new site yourself or are making changes to your current site, you might be wondering what the […]

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Shopify Vs. WooCommerce – How Do I Choose?

Two Colleagues Comparing Notes At A Table In An Of 2021 08 26 17 26 36 Utc

New e-commerce sites are launching every day. Shopify and WooCommerce are two of the biggest e-commerce platforms powering millions of websites around the world. If you are considering starting a new site yourself or are making changes to your current site, you might be wondering what the difference is between Shopify and WooCommerce. Since each platform has its strengths and weaknesses, we will break down some of the key differences between them and help you decide which platform is best for your business.


The biggest difference between Shopify and WooCommerce is that Shopify is a hosted e-commerce solution while WooCommerce is a self-hosted solution that requires a separate hosting account. 


Shopify manages all the core updates and security of e-commerce sites on their platform. WooCommerce on the other hand requires a much more hands-on approach to maintenance, updates and security monitoring. 


The cost of a Shopify site typically runs between $30-300 per month depending on plan. Custom themes and apps are additional one-time or subscription-based fees in addition to the monthly Shopify fees. WooCommerce is built on WordPress and is free to install but you will need to pay for hosting which typically runs between $150-500 a month depending on your resources and maintenance requirements. 

Payment Processing

Both platforms also require some form of payment processing. Shopify has its own payment processing plan but also supports other major payment processors such as PayPal and Authorize.net. WooCommerce also supports many of the major payment processors. Payment processing for both platforms typically costs between 2-3% per sale.

Features & Apps

You can add features to your site via apps in Shopify and plugins in WooCommerce. Each platform has its own repository of apps/plugins and you can also find free and paid apps/plugins on third-party party websites. 

Most of Shopify’s apps are provided by third-party app developers and are hosted on the developer’s servers. Shopify app developers are responsible for maintenance and updates of the app and have different levels of access to your store’s data. 

WooCommerce plugins are also primarily offered by third-party developers but the plugins are installed directly on the server or hosting platform running WordPress. WooCommerce plugins options include free, one-time fee or subscription based. 

You have a lot more flexibility with how your store is set up and it’s easier to add custom features to WooCommerce.

So, which platform should you use for your e-commerce website? 

The platform you choose depends on 

  • What type of site you are building
  • How many custom features you will be adding to the site 
  • How you plan to support the site

Shopify is a great choice for standard e-commerce sites with high volume and not a lot of static pages. 

We recommend WooCommerce for sites with a lot of custom features, when clients are already familiar with WordPress or plan to have a lot of non-product pages and/or a blog alongside their e-commerce site. 

Iceberg Can Help

The e-commerce experts at Iceberg Web Design can look at how you plan to use your e-commerce site, which products you want to sell, and any requirements for custom features or 3rd party integrations. Based on this information, we can help you to decide which platform will work best for your e-commerce website. 

And when you are ready to build your e-commerce site, our specialists can work with you through every step of the process to ensure your site is exactly what your business needs.

Contact us today!

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WooCommerce: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2017/05/woocommerce-good-bad-ugly/ Mon, 15 May 2017 13:23:04 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=9684 If you decide to sell a product online, you have many options to choose from when looking for software to power your online store. The most popular website publishing platform today is WordPress. In fact, more than 25% of all websites today are powered by WordPress, with the closest competitors not even coming close. WordPress […]

The post WooCommerce: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

E-Commerce: Selling Online?

If you decide to sell a product online, you have many options to choose from when looking for software to power your online store.

The most popular website publishing platform today is WordPress. In fact, more than 25% of all websites today are powered by WordPress, with the closest competitors not even coming close. WordPress is popular for a number of reasons. Our website development firm uses WordPress as our primary publishing platform for quite a few reasons:

  • WordPress is Open Source, meaning that the software is, ultimately, free and the license allows you to modify it as you need.
  • Because it is Open Source, WordPress is consistently being updated for features and security.
  • WordPress is fully expandable, with thousands of free and premium add-ons readily available.
  • WordPress is, by far, the most user-friendly website publishing platform for our customers, who don’t need to know HTML to update their website.

Given the global popularity of WordPress, it isn’t surprising that WooCommerce, a popular e-commerce add-on for WordPress, is the leading global e-commerce platform today.

What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce: WordPress Shopping Cart

WoocCommerce is a free e-commerce add-on (plugin) that embeds directly into any WordPress website. This cool open source plugin is capable of selling any product straight from your website. When you install WooCommerce on your website, the entire basic online purchasing process is set up for you: product management, adjustable price points, shopping cart, and checkout process.

To add WooCommerce to your WordPress site, simply go to the Plugin section, perform a search for WooCommerce, and download and install. Once WooCommerce is activated, you will be able to edit all of the settings to configure your unique online store and begin selling.

WooCommerce: The Good

Many businesses turn to this popular plugin to implement what complicated coding would take several hours and heaps of money to create.

There are a lot of delightful features to the WooCommerce plugin, and it is difficult to create an exhaustive list of all of the great features WooCommerce includes out-of-the-box. Let’s take a look at some highlights:

  • Free: WooCommerce in its basic form doesn’t cost you a dime; many of its add-ons are also free.
  • Lots of Add-ons Available: A variety of free/paid add-ons means WooCommerce leaves no stone unturned. With multiple ways to pay and different types of orders, your customers can have the ability to shop online, create online bookings, or personalize their orders.
  • Easy to Use: This is a plug and play add-on. One installed you can simply enter your product information, add your PayPal account, and let it do its thing. It comes with every page template you need for checkout, so you don’t miss any steps in the buyer’s journey. WooCommerce even has an onboarding guide that walks you through the entire process.

From the customer’s vantage point, buying from a WooCommerce-powered website is incredibly smooth. Like any other online store you select your products, shipping, and payment methods. No need to contact the business directly, or go through any hoops – the entire online purchasing experience is streamlined.

  • Adjustable Shipping Rates and Taxes: WooCommerce allows adjustable shipping and tax costs. You enter a flat rate based on the location of your customers and chose if you want to include taxes. You can make some items ship for free and others cost or even base the shipping fee on how ‘bulky’ the item is.
  • Coupon Integration: Got a special? Easily set up online coupons for your customers!
  • Mobile Friendly: Everyone is browsing and buying via their phones these days, which is why it’s important your site is mobile friendly. Of course, your main website needs to be mobile-friendly as well, but WooCommerce is built to perform exceptionally well on mobile devices.
  • Order History, Order Status, Customer Accounts: Shoppers appreciate a website where they can fully manage their orders. WooCommerce makes this easy, with an integrated account section for your customers, and customizable e-mail templates to keep your customers updated about the status of their orders.

WooCommerce: The Bad

No plug-in is perfect; WooCommerce is no exception and has drawbacks you should weigh carefully against your business plan. Long term advantages of using WooCommerce should be as important as the short term—you want this add-on to grow with you, not hinder you. With that being said, there are some things that are not too attractive about WooCommerce.

  • Doesn’t come with themes: WooCommerce’s look and feel is based on your current WordPress theme. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, if your theme integrates with WooCommerce, and you enjoy tweaking and personalizing your site. However, it will take some time to set the store to your exact tastes. We set up the vast majority of our websites in WordPress and can help customize your WooCommerce installation to match the rest of your website.
  • It’s a Resource Hog: Generally, website hosting plans include specific upload space and resources. WooCommerce can eat up a lot of it so you may have to budget for a better hosting plan.
  • Plugins Slow Down Performance: Incorporating lot of WordPress plugins can slow down the performance of your site. WooCommerce is no different, especially as it takes up a lot of space and memory.
  • Prices Can Add Up: While WooCommerce includes a lot of features out-of-the-box, many store owners will find that they need to purchase premium plugins in order to achieve the e-commerce website their business needs. WooCommerce has released a number of premium (paid) extensions to improve store performance, and there are hundreds of other online market places and authors with premium WooCommerce extensions available.  E-commerce features such as allowing customers to book services, sign up for subscription products, or personalize their products with images or text fields will require the purchase of a premium plugin license. These licenses often run on a per-year subscription basis, and can cost anywhere from $29-$500 per year depending on the feature you need.

WooCommerce: The Ugly 

Coding may be necessary when working with WooCommerce

If you are trying to put together a website without support from a professional development company, WooCommerce may not be the best fit for you. There are many downsides to WooCommerce that are down right ugly – and may be a deal breaker for the average DIY business owner. If you are the type of person who prefers to build your own website, consider these downfalls to WooCommerce before you sink hundreds of hours into building your store.

  • Coding and Scripting Conflicts: While one of the great features of WooCommerce is the ability to customize it with plugins, more often than not two independent plugins written by different authors may clash, and create chaos on your website. This is because most premium WordPress plugins use script libraries to function, which may conflict with the script libraries other plugins are using.We have worked with customers who, for example, have a great website add-on (let’s say a Wish List) on their WooCommerce website, and later wished to add an AJAX sorting plugin. The two plugins conflicted with one another and the site had a host of issues, from PHP and jQuery warnings, to broken page layouts. Unless you are familiar with the languages that WordPress and WooCommerce plugins are written in (PHP, jQuery, Javascript, and MySQL), you won’t be able to troubleshoot scripting conflects. You can always hire a professional to assist, but this will come with a high price tag. It’s best to know what you’re getting into before you hit download.
  • Vulnerable to Hacking: WordPress is particularly subject to hacking, as is WooCommerce because they are open source (coding is easily available to everyone). If you use WordPress/WooCommerce we advice you have a reliable developer and hosting provider who can keep your website updated and is clued in to new security releases.

Is WooCommerce Right For Your Business?

WooCommerce is wonderfully user friendly, and great for online stores. But you must ensure you have the support and help of professionals alongside it if you want peace of mind.

At Iceberg Web Design, our experienced developers can create your WooCommerce store, while making sure that you don’t experience any of the bad or ugly features outlined above. We also offer secure, managed WooCommerce hosting, full support, and we guarantee security updates and virus mitigation should any issues arise.

The post WooCommerce: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
