Website Tips – Iceberg Web Design Mon, 10 Jan 2022 14:07:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Website Tips – Iceberg Web Design 32 32 Choosing a Social Media Platform for Your Business Tue, 04 Jan 2022 14:00:57 +0000 Choosing The Right Social Media Platform for Your Business Many marketing departments have a cookie-cutter process for sharing content on as many platforms as possible. Fortunately, there is a better way.     We all know that it’s a good idea to be active on social media as part of our marketing efforts. But too […]

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Choosing The Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

Many marketing departments have a cookie-cutter process for sharing content on as many platforms as possible. Fortunately, there is a better way.


Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter 2021 08 26 22 29 18 Utc 

We all know that it’s a good idea to be active on social media as part of our marketing efforts. But too often, the way we do that is like throwing spaghetti at a wall, hoping some of it will stick. Instead, more effective use of your marketing time and money is spent on the right platform. But how do you choose the right social media platform for your business?

Why Do You Have to Choose?

It might seem like more platforms are better for your marketing, but as in most business efforts, the Pareto Principle explains why you should choose 2-3 social media platforms rather than try to use them all. You are probably familiar with the Pareto Principle, commonly referred to as the 80-20 precept. It states that 80% of your outcomes result from 20% of your efforts.

The important takeaway for this is that you become far more efficient (thus profitable) if your figure out which efforts give you the most benefit. So focus your energy on those things.

Not All Social Media Platforms are Created Equal

For example, retirees, stay-at-home parents, and 15-year-olds aren’t likely to be on LinkedIn. Likewise, Tik-Tok isn’t the ideal place to look for employees. And Pinterest is a far better place to find craft ideas than Facebook.

As a social media consumer, you likely know which platforms you enjoy and for what qualities. Yet, many marketing departments have a cookie-cutter process for sharing content on as many platforms as possible. There is a better way.

What Audience Do You Want to Reach?

It’s essential to be very clear on who you are trying to reach. So, for example, if you are a fitness company for women over 50, and your goal is to find clients who want to take classes, you wouldn’t target men in their early twenties.  And who you are targeting matters because you can then use the social media platforms where they are most active. So here are some broad statistics on this demographic:

By Gender—Women

75% use Facebook

63% use YouTube

By Age—Adults 50-64

70% use YouTube

68% use Facebook

It’s important to use platforms on which your audience will practically stumble over you each day. For example, looking at gender and age alone would indicate that Facebook and YouTube are where a fitness company for women over 50 should be spending their social media efforts. But it is more complicated than that.

What is the Tone and Personality of the Platform?

Does it match the tone and personality of your company? And what are some of your company’s broader goals? For example, if you want to find clients who want to take classes, you can go the Facebook route, maybe posting an encouraging post or a mini-lesson each day to give potential clients a taste of who you are. But what if you want to build a community? You can start a Facebook group for that community. Or you could venture into the realm of Tik-Tok, which is known for its strong communities.

Do You Have the Skills to Match the Needs of the Platform?

Depending on which platform you use, you will need to have specific technical abilities to take advantage of its benefits. For example, to have a successful account on video platforms like YouTube and Tik-Tok, you need to have a charismatic personality that comes across well on camera, decent video taking abilities and equipment (newer smart phone’s work for Tik-Tok), and the ability to edit video well. In addition, LinkedIn requires the proper use of keywords. And for any social media platform, you should understand the unique algorithm that favors one type of content over others.

Need Help with Your Marketing?

Our Digital Marketing team has you covered. Find out how we can help your audience see more of you!

Contact us today!


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Why Your Company Needs a Brand Book Tue, 23 Nov 2021 17:16:36 +0000 Why Your Company Needs a Brand Book. Three out of Four businesses don’t have consistent branding. This hinders how they communicate their message to their customers. It’s essential to have a consistent brand identity and brand voice. Do you know how to clarify and communicate them to your team and your customers? Part of the […]

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Why Your Company Needs a Brand Book.

Three out of Four businesses don’t have consistent branding. This hinders how they communicate their message to their customers.

Book On Table

It’s essential to have a consistent brand identity and brand voice. Do you know how to clarify and communicate them to your team and your customers? Part of the problem is that those are three different hurdles, and they must be overcome in this order:

  1.       Clarify your brand
  2.       Communicate your brand to your team
  3.       Communicate your brand to your customers

An Outside Perspective for Clarity

Because your business is so connected to you, it can be challenging to see everything you need to accurately clarify your brand the way someone with an outside perspective can. When you have a branding specialist consult with your team, they will be able to pull out the most critical aspects of your business that make it unique and worth patronizing.

Consistency within Your Team

Once your brand consulting is done, it is essential to communicate all details with every person in your company. Everyone from Maintenance to the CEO must have a cohesive understanding of your company, its purpose, and how to communicate its message.

The best way to gather and convey these details is through a Brand Book. A Brand Book is the finished document containing everything from your company’s story to its design elements. It is unique to your company. A digital copy should always be available to every employee.

Consistency in Your Message

When marketing materials are being created, they should comply with the decided-upon branding. To ensure they do, your marketing team can always refer to the Brand Book. If there is ever a question about whether something is “on-brand,” it is simple to find the answer.

Brand Book as a Marketing Tool

Your brand book can also become a marketing tool by removing the design-element pages. This leaves the content that talks about your message and purpose. These inspirational pages are perfect for sharing within your company, throughout your industry, and with potential clients.

You Need a Brand Book

Three out of Four businesses don’t have consistent branding. This hinders how they communicate their message to their customers. If your company is one of them, contact the branding specialists at Iceberg Web Design today.




The post Why Your Company Needs a Brand Book appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Creating Your Ideal Customer Profile Tue, 14 Sep 2021 13:00:28 +0000 Part of establishing your brand identity is identifying your ideal customer and creating a customer profile for them. This is essential because if you don’t market to the right people, you will waste a lot of precious time, money, and energy on people who aren’t right for your brand. Your Ideal Customer Profile Could Change—Proceed […]

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Part of establishing your brand identity is identifying your ideal customer and creating a customer profile for them. This is essential because if you don’t market to the right people, you will waste a lot of precious time, money, and energy on people who aren’t right for your brand.

Profile View Of Handsome Businessman At The Coffee Qu2kmt9

Your Ideal Customer Profile Could Change—Proceed with Caution!

Imagine you are a nutritional supplement company that has historically marketed to men in their 50s, and you decide to release a new line of supplements for women over 45. Not only is your customer profile going to change, but you will also need to carefully rebrand so that you don’t alienate your base while you bring on new customers. This means considering how you will keep past promises you have made as a brand while taking on a new role in the market.

How Do You Discover Your Ideal Customer’s Profile?

Base your ideal customer profile on solid, current research. For example, if you are an established company, you can look at your existing sales data.

If you are a new company or are marketing to a new type of customer, such as in our supplement company example, you will want to use market research studies and surveys. It can often be most effective to hire an outside consultant to do this research.

What Information Do You Need for Their Profile?

While you want a thorough profile of your ideal customer, don’t get bogged down in the weeds of details that don’t matter to your marketing campaign. It doesn’t matter what their kid’s names are, for example. What matters is what their needs are and how you can meet them. If you are doing the research yourself, here are some things you will want to find out.

  •       Name- Give them a name to make them more human
  •       Gender
  •       Age
  •       Job Title and Industry
  •       Income Level
  •       Ways they connect with businesses like yours. What social medial platforms do they use? Do they prefer mobile or computer?
  •       Pain points. What matters the most to them right now? What keeps them awake at night worrying?
  •       How will your product/service help solve their problems?
  •       Any questions specific to your business; For example, if you are a flavored water company, you will want to ask what flavors they currently drink and what flavors they would like to try. Then give them some unconventional options that you are thinking of about trying to market. Finally, ask why they choose flavored water over other beverages. Your sales and marketing department will be able to determine any other specific question that would be helpful in their campaign.

Do the Research!

There are so many ways that you can get the information you need. Use online surveys, direct or mass email with or without an incentive to participate in the research. You can also do post-purchase surveys of your current customers.

Compile the Research

As a team, compile the data. Once you input all the responses onto a spreadsheet, you will start to see some patterns. List more open-ended questions, such as those dealing with pain points, separately to gain new ideas and insights that you may not have had before.

Now, look at the data and create 3-5 ideal customer profiles. For each profile, you will answer the questions you asked during your research as if you are the person whose profile you are creating.

Here is a super simplified, non-scientific example. Imagine you are marketing a long-term memory-care facility for people with dementia. Even though your clients will be the facility’s residents, your customer profile needs to be the primary decision-maker. Naturally, that will be the adult children or spouse of the client.


You can choose to name your ideal customer anything you want, which will help them feel more like real people to you. Of course, it helps to know the genders before you choose names.


For example, if 2/3 of respondents were women. You might create one male profile and two female profiles. So, let’s call our profiles David, Andrea, and Jessica. You can give them last names, too, but it’s not necessary.


The respondents’ ages were between 28 and 79. Men tended to be older than women. So

  •       David is 76. His wife has severe dementia. As a result, he is no longer able to care for her himself at home.
  •       Andrea is 48. Her dad has developed dementia and lives alone in another state.
  •       Jessica is 31. Her mom has early-onset dementia. Jessica’s dad cared for her until he contracted Covid 19 and unexpectedly died from its complications. Now Jessica is caring for her mother.

Job title and Income Level

Of the respondents, 1/3 were business owners or professionals in high-income fields. 1/3 were professionals making $60-75,000/year. And 1/3 were retired.

  •       David has an annual income of $142,000 from his retirement accounts. He was a petroleum engineer.
  •       Andrea makes $65,000 a year as a public relations specialist.
  •       Jessica makes $20,000 a year providing part-time daycare services out of her home. She will have access to her mother’s social security and her father’s insurance funds to care for her mother.

Pain points

The obvious pain point for all of these people is the pain of losing their loved one, if not physically, emotionally, and mentally, as their memories fade. But there are other issues, too, including:

  •       Safety
  •       The ability to ensure access to medical care and medications on the proper schedule
  •       Ensuring no one takes advantage of their loved one
  •       The guilt associated with placing a loved one in long-term care

Think about what it is that your customers worry about most.

How will your product/service help solve your customers’ problems?

Your brand needs to speak to these pain points and reassure them that you can help them with these issues.

Ways customers connect with businesses like yours

Do they use social media, email, direct mail, or do they prefer to call? Do you need to plan in-person events that you should promote on your website?

Are there other service providers that you could connect with to market cooperatively? For example, as a long-term-care provider, would a local medical equipment supply store be willing to display your brochure in exchange for a link on your website. Think creatively!

Now, Use It!

Use the information you’ve gathered and compiled, or it will have been a waste of time and resources for you and your company. Once you have your ideal customer profiles created, you know who you are speaking to every time you write a piece of marketing copy, a web page, or anything else that you hope will reach them.

Do you need a website makeover?

Partner with the best! At Iceberg Web Design, we’re experts at helping businesses connect with their ideal customers. We have a website-based business solution for you! First, read Our 5 Star Reviews!  Then, Contact us today.

The post Creating Your Ideal Customer Profile appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Use Categories to Organize Your Website Tue, 07 Sep 2021 15:59:29 +0000 How Do You Organize Your Website? When we consult with a new client, we talk about the content for their site. How will the content on your website be organized? We begin by planning out a site map that will help us plan the menu and be a roadmap for the developers as they assemble […]

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How Do You Organize Your Website?

When we consult with a new client, we talk about the content for their site. How will the content on your website be organized? We begin by planning out a site map that will help us plan the menu and be a roadmap for the developers as they assemble the various parts of the website. In WordPress, your content is either put on a page or a post.

Hands Of Two Young Designers Discussing Layouts Of 2rzesyl

What is a Page?

Pages are static, permanent parts of your website. They aren’t affected by the date, and while they can be edited, their overall structure doesn’t change. Pages are listed in your site’s menu and include your home page, about page, and contact page, among others.

What is a Post?

Posts are more like newspaper articles. You frequently update them with new content to keep your readers coming back. They can be displayed in chronological order or reverse chronological order. You can also customize the way they are displayed. For example, some people like to keep one post pinned to the front of their blogs. This is called a sticky post.

When people think of posts, they usually think of blog posts. But there are other kinds of posts. For example, many businesses share press releases on their website using a custom post type.

On e-commerce sites, products’ sales pages (which are actually a custom post type) are organized into categories, just like they would be in a brick-and-mortar store.

Organizing Your Posts

Recently we met with a client who is a prolific writer—and a good one! He has been adding content to his blog for years and now has hundreds of posts. In planning his new website, we discussed ways to make it easier for readers to access the specific content they search for on his site. We came up with several solutions that would create an appealing, well-organized website. But the first job was to put the content into categories.

Organize Your Website With Categories

If you put the posts from your website into a book, you would want to do it in a way that makes sense. You would organize it in whatever way works for your business, and the names of those categories would be the table of contents, showing readers the main topics you would be covering. If they prefer to get right to the matter, they are interested in, and they can bypass the chapters that don’t pertain to them and read the one that does. That’s what categories do.

Don’t Let Your Website Be “Uncategorized.”

All WordPress posts must be categorized. If you don’t organize your posts, WordPress will do it for you, placing them under the heading “uncategorized.” By the way, it is a good idea to change that to something else like “other.” “Uncategorized” looks like you didn’t finish the details of the post.

If you have a health and nutrition site, your categories might be:

  •       News
  •       Nutrition
  •       Mindfulness

These are Pretty Broad Topics 

That’s why you can also use subcategories to organize your website posts.








Weight Loss


Mindfulness Apps

Mindfulness Techniques

Even the subcategories are broad, but at least they will get your readers pointed in the right direction (of course, you don’t have to use subcategories).

Limit Your Categories

Try to limit your posts to one category (occasionally two). At the same time, limit the overall number of categories to no more than ten. Keep the number of subcategories to a minimum, as well. This is better for SEO and the overall organization of your website.

There are, of course, exceptions. For example, large e-commerce sites often have many more categories.

Leave it to the Experts

At Iceberg Web Design, we create unique custom websites. We also offer hosting and maintenance packages that will give you security and peace of mind. Contact us today!



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Turn-Key or Custom Website: Which is Right for Your Business? Wed, 11 Aug 2021 21:20:59 +0000 When customers come to us for a website, they often have an idea of what they want, but they aren’t sure of what kind of investment it will involve, timewise and financially. They also may be unsure of how much of a commitment is applied after the website goes live. We have two main products […]

The post Turn-Key or Custom Website: Which is Right for Your Business? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

When customers come to us for a website, they often have an idea of what they want, but they aren’t sure of what kind of investment it will involve, timewise and financially. They also may be unsure of how much of a commitment is applied after the website goes live.

We have two main products that result in beautiful websites: our turn-key websites and our custom websites. The process to get there is quite different, however. Let’s look at some additional factors and how they could affect which option you choose.


Working On Website Graphics Jf3k8qs


If your site is five to seven pages, both turn-key and custom development will work well. But once you get beyond seven pages, you would be better served by a custom site.


Semi-custom websites can be launched as quickly as six weeks from kick-off. This timeline includes content, design, and buildout. We do most of the work for you on turn-key sites, so if you are busy, all you will be expected to do is a content interview, review content drafts, and provide assets and access to your site.

Custom sites take much longer than turn-key sites. How much longer depends on the site’s features, the number of pages, and numerous other factors. You will receive a timeline once we schedule the content interview or content planning session. For customers who wish to be more involved in the process, the custom is the way to go.


Our semi-custom sites are perfect for businesses that want to develop an online presence with a professional website. You can add features, but keep in mind that any additional features will also add to your site’s price and timeline. You may be better off going with a custom site if you want more than one or two features.

If you would like online business tools integrated with your website, complex forms, advanced search and filtering, multiple galleries, a blog, dynamic team section, events calendar, custom animation, video background support, e-commerce, and other features, a custom site is a perfect option for you. 

Design and Development

The design and development time for a turn-key site is much faster and does not include a mock-up. It will match your branding, resulting in a professional, attractive website.

Custom websites will have a mock-up phase and will be completely customized. This is one of the reasons they take much longer than our semi-custom turn-key sites.

Price, Maintenance, and Access

There are no upfront costs for a turn-key site other than for content writing. After that, you pay a monthly payment. You do not have access to make changes to your site, but you will have 15 minutes of updates each month and quarterly plugin updates.

Custom sites cost more, and you pay for them upfront. Included in this are the more extended design and development time, hosting and full access to your site.  Depending on your monthly hosting plan you may also have 15-60 minutes of free support each month and either monthly or quarterly plugin updates.

The Choice is Yours

Both turn-key and custom sites have many advantages. The best for your business will depend on which of those advantages are most important to you. Either way, you will be pleased with the results. Contact us today to get your project started.



The post Turn-Key or Custom Website: Which is Right for Your Business? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Are Your URLs Hurting Your SEO? Tue, 27 Jul 2021 16:13:21 +0000 URLs create your website’s taxonomy. Taxonomy is the practice of classifying things or concepts. Remember back in High School Biology when you learned about taxonomy? You had to classify various living organisms into domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Don’t worry! Website taxonomy isn’t nearly as complicated, but if it isn’t done […]

The post Are Your URLs Hurting Your SEO? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

URLs create your website’s taxonomy. Taxonomy is the practice of classifying things or concepts. Remember back in High School Biology when you learned about taxonomy? You had to classify various living organisms into domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Don’t worry! Website taxonomy isn’t nearly as complicated, but if it isn’t done properly, your SEO could take a hit. 

Young Professional Programmer Working At Developin 2021 04 06 13 18 13 Utc

The Structure of a URL

You should structure your website’s URL in a way that helps Google and your site’s users make sense of what they are going to find on the page they are opening.

The first part of the URL is the protocol.

This is the URL for Iceberg Web Design’s SEO Services page. You can see that the website is using HTTPS protocol.

The next part of the URL is the subdomain.

This is the URL for Iceberg Web Design’s E-Commerce Development page.

The third part of the URL is the domain.

Notice that on all of these URLs, the domain is the same. That is because they are all on the same website, listed under the same domain.

The fourth part of the URL is the TLD

This stands for “top-level domain.” The most common is com, but you will also see org, gov, and net, among others.

The fifth part of an optimized URL is the subfolder

All of the URLs we’ve looked at so far have fallen under the services subfolder because they pertain to services offered by Iceberg. Subdomains should be organized by topic rather than by keyword.

But this next one is categorized under a different subfolder- the about subfolder.

Finally, we come to the lowly slug.

It actually isn’t so lowly. The slug is the name of your page or post.

How to Optimize your URLs

Always think about the subfolder and the slug when you name your pages. Put the content into the proper subfolders so Google and your readers can easily find what they are looking for. Avoid using dates and other meaningless information in your URLs because this doesn’t show how pages within your site relate to one another.

Start organizing from the beginning.

It is so much easier to plan your sitemap out from the start than have it evolve. By planning it, you will know how your site will be structured. If it is an evolving process, you will soon have a mess to deal with in your URL structure. Not only will it take a lot of time and effort to clean up, but it will also cost some of your hard-earned SEO as you restructure.

How to make Your plan

The first thing we do when we build a website at Iceberg is to plan the sitemap. We talk about your business goals and how your website can help you achieve that. Even if we aren’t immediately implementing some parts of the site, we still plan for them (for example, a blog that will be added later or a porch page for a home construction company).

As we build your site, we plan for internal links (links that connect two different pages on your website together). Internal linking helps site users naturally discover other pages related to the one they are already reading. This allows pages deeper within the site to rank better over time.

How to Ensure Your URLs are Correct

If you need a new website or SEO services, Iceberg Web Design will have everything in the correct order, optimized for Google and your customers. Contact us today!

The post Are Your URLs Hurting Your SEO? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Writing Title Tags for Better SEO Thu, 24 Jun 2021 13:00:11 +0000 The most important thing you can do on-page for your SEO is to have great content that is likable and linkable. But don’t stop there. The next thing you must do is to give that content an optimized title tag. Writing Title Tags for Better SEO A title tag is an HTML element that tells […]

The post Writing Title Tags for Better SEO appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

The most important thing you can do on-page for your SEO is to have great content that is likable and linkable. But don’t stop there. The next thing you must do is to give that content an optimized title tag.

Professional Development Programmer Working In Pro K9g7tqm

Writing Title Tags for Better SEO

A title tag is an HTML element that tells search engines the title of a webpage.  The title tag for this post, for example, looks like this:

<title>Writing Title Tags for Better SEO | Iceberg Web Design</title>

But title tags do more than that. They appear on SERPS and in shared social media posts, so they had better be enticing because your potential readers will see them. A positive first impression could mean a click.

Limit the Length

You will also want to limit your title to 60 characters or less, to have the full title displayed. This is a general guideline since the actual limit is 600 pixels, and some letters are wider than others. For example, a “W” is wider than an “I.” If your title exceeds the 600-pixel limit, Google will truncate it at the nearest word-break before that.

To ensure your title fits into Google’s limit, you can use a preview tool like Portent’s SERP Preview Tool.


While title tags show up on SERPs, H1-tags appear as the title on the page itself. Although they don’t have to be the same, it is standard to write them that way for clarity. That way, when readers click on something they have searched, the page that pops up is what they are expecting to see.

Using Keywords in Your Title Tags

It can help to use the keyword(s) you are ranking for in your title tag, but it is less important than it used to be. Still, because these elements are supposed to be telling people (and Google) what your page is about, and your keywords are supposed to be on-topic, having a keyword in your title tag often makes sense.

Search engines are intelligent. They understand variations of keywords, so you only need to include one version in your title tag if you wish. We are no longer in the old wild west days of SEO—no keyword stuffing in your page, post, or title tag. If Google decides that you’ve loaded your title tag with keywords, it may change how it is displayed on the SERP.

Homepage or E-Comm Sales Page Title Tags

You never want to have a homepage titled “Home.” Instead, SEO best practices (for now, because they are constantly changing) say that your title tag should be something like this:

{Keyword 1} {Keyword 2} | Brand/Company Name

Or for an e-commerce sales page

{Product Name} {Product Category} | Brand/ Company Name

You want to have the most important information first and keep it within the size limits mentioned above. Frontloading your tags with the most essential information also helps to grab the reader’s attention. Keep in mind this may be your location. 

It boils down to this: Play around with your titles until you come up with one that is catchy, descriptive, accurate, and fits into the size limit.

My Best Advice

Rather than worrying about title tags and all the other SEO components of your website, call the SEO experts at Iceberg Web Design. We create customized websites with built-in business solutions so you can do what you do best. Contact us today.


The post Writing Title Tags for Better SEO appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Creating the Perfect Contact Page For Your Website Thu, 20 May 2021 14:00:41 +0000 Today we will look at the page on your website that all too often gets treated as an afterthought. That’s right—the contact page. What makes a good one? Read on! Keep it Simple The most important job your contact page has is to put your readers in touch with you. That’s the whole point of […]

The post Creating the Perfect Contact Page For Your Website appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Today we will look at the page on your website that all too often gets treated as an afterthought. That’s right—the contact page. What makes a good one? Read on!

Keep it Simple

The most important job your contact page has is to put your readers in touch with you. That’s the whole point of your website, so in a way, the contact page is the king of pages (Okay, we know that it isn’t, but it’s still essential). By keeping your contact page simple, you will let your audience quickly and easily contact you in a way they feel most comfortable.

Contact Us Concept With Colorful Block Symbol Telephone, Mail, Address And Mobile Phone.

Options, Options, Options

There are plenty of options you can offer to website users for reaching you. People often have strong feelings about these options. One person may hate forms while another loves them. Text is becoming a more popular contact method than ever, and it can be set up with an autoresponder outside of business hours. Some business owners are concerned with having an email on their website, thinking they may get a lot of spam. Thankfully, there are ways to ensuring you are being emailed by a person and not a robot.

Special Considerations to Keep in Mind

While offering options to suit most web users is ideal, you also want to consider what fits your business model and lifestyle. If you are a contractor who never checks your email more than once a day, you may want everything to go to your phone number.

Some industries are subject to specific regulations such as HIPPA laws, which affect how and when you can contact someone. Unless you are using a particular server that is secured consistent with HIPPA, providers cannot send outgoing emails. In those cases, collecting a name and phone number via a form may be the best solution, and having your phone number available for people to call your business.

Have Your Contact Information Available

You should include the addresses, phone numbers, and contact emails of your primary location and each satellite location, franchise, or alternative office. Please discuss with your web development company whether each of these locations merits its own page or not.  

Having a location map is also a good idea. If there are multiple locations, you may want to add a locator feature that allows visitors to find the location nearest to them.  

This contact page from Select Eyecare is a good example that includes multiple locations.

Keep it Consistent with the Rest of Your Site

The thoughtfulness you put into your content and design shouldn’t come to a stop when you hit the contact page. The contact page should be a natural extension of your site, naturally flowing from it, giving your readers confidence to reach out to you. It should reflect the personality and beauty they have seen up to that point. This contact page from the Animal Behavioral Clinic of New Jersey is an excellent example of that.

The Best Contact You Can Make

The best contact you can make is with Iceberg Web Design. We’re experts at helping businesses connect with customers. We have a website-based business solution for you! Contact us today. Read Our 5 Star Reviews! 

The post Creating the Perfect Contact Page For Your Website appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Color Psychology and Your Website Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:54:45 +0000 We don’t all respond the same way to the same colors. Color significance can vary from one culture to the next, and we each have our individual preferences. But there is general color psychology that can guide us in the decisions we make when designing websites and other marketing materials. Red Red is an energizing […]

The post Color Psychology and Your Website appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

We don’t all respond the same way to the same colors. Color significance can vary from one culture to the next, and we each have our individual preferences. But there is general color psychology that can guide us in the decisions we make when designing websites and other marketing materials.

Watercolor Paints And Paintbrushes


Red is an energizing color used to convey love, power, and even aggression. With red, context is essential, as well as the amount of red that you use. Used sparingly and in the right way, red can make quite an impact.


Pink is a softened version of red, romantic and hopeful, soothing and compassionate. It doesn’t stimulate the way red does so that it can be a good alternative in the right circumstance. But it can come across as immature, lacking power, so think carefully about what message you want to get across.


Yellow connotes joy. It is the color children use to make a smiling sun. Why is the sun smiling? It just seems happy. Like red, yellow must be used sparingly. Too much yellow can cause feelings of anxiety.


Orange is a soothing color, representing the warmth of home, food, and family. Orange is motivating. The color of dark saffron and marigolds is also the most dominant color in India. You can see how significant orange is within eastern spirituality since Buddhist monks, Sikhs, and Hindu saints all wear the color.


Blue makes us think of purity, dependability, and peace. It is universally well-liked. This is one of the reasons you see it used on prominent social media platforms. It brings a sense of trust and relationship building. The one caveat is that blue can also come across as distant and cold if you don’t balance with other elements.


Purple balances the physical energy of red with the spiritual reliability of blue. Portraying royalty, magic, and courage, it is a color that promotes creativity. If it is overused, it can cause people to become distracted by introspective thoughts.


Green portrays many things, nearly all of them positive. Because nature is filled with an abundance of green shades, we think of green as life-giving, peaceful, natural, healthy, and harmonious. And of course, we associate it with money in the United States since our paper money is green. That is where the only negative can come in. If you wish to portray greed, you can use green for that, as well.


Brown is boring. There. I’ve said it. It’s a beautiful color, but it will never lift anyone up or prompt them to act. That said, it is also safe. It will never upset anyone, either. It’s just…. brown. Avoid it if you can. It won’t add to your marketing campaign at all.


Gold is a luxury color as much as gold is a luxury item. Don’t overuse it or you risk looking tacky and egotistical. It is a great accent color, though, especially when paired with another color that can convey the message you want to get across.

Learn More about Color Psychology for your Website

  •         Hubspot did a button color test and found a red call to action button outperformed a green one by 21%.  That’s amazing! The only thing they changed was the color of the button.
  •         Iconic Fox has created a fantastic infographic on color psychology.

How to Get Clicks

This brief overview barely skimmed the surface of how color affects our buying decisions. The good news is that you don’t have to become an expert on color psychology. Our web designers and digital marketers understand what makes consumers click. To increase your conversions, contact us today


The post Color Psychology and Your Website appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Why Keeping Your Blog is Important Tue, 13 Apr 2021 14:00:19 +0000 Many websites start as just content. Then they grow into an e-commerce site or a site that is used as a platform for a service. At that point, your business begins to pick up, and you forget about that original content, your blog. You will likely want to have your website updated and upgraded to […]

The post Why Keeping Your Blog is Important appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Many websites start as just content. Then they grow into an e-commerce site or a site that is used as a platform for a service. At that point, your business begins to pick up, and you forget about that original content, your blog. You will likely want to have your website updated and upgraded to keep up with the changing pace of business and technology. At that time, it is common for business owners to consider dropping their blog. Here’s Why You shouldn’t do that! 

Beauty Blogger Influencer

Follow the Advice of Content Marketers

Content marketers know their business. That’s why when 86% of them are doing this as part of their content strategy. It pays to consider that ‘it’ worth doing. What are they doing? Blogging! “Businesses with a consistent content or blog strategy receive twice as much email traffic as those without. Plus, more than 55 percent of marketers say they’ve gained new customers just by blogging.” [1]

How Much Work Goes into a Writing a Blog?

Content can be anywhere from 500 to 1200 words on average, depending on your audience and what kind of marketing you are doing. The average blog post takes nearly four hours to complete. What goes into that time?

  •     Research
  •     Writing
  •     SEO Crafting
  •     Editing
  •     Image Sourcing
  •     Final Draft

It can be time-consuming, but it is worth it. A professionally written blog can bring in business and increase name recognition across the web.

SEO Services 

If you include SEO services with your online content, you are doubling down on a marketing masterpiece. With SEO services, your blog can be posted to social media and Google My Business in front of the right audiences at the correct times to increase traffic to your site even more. 

Will it Hurt to Ditch my Blog? It’s Not That Great. 

YES! If you get rid of your existing blog, Google’s algorithms will see a sudden elimination of content from your site. Your site’s SEO will drop like a rock and won’t recover for a long time. 

If you are unhappy with your blog, the best thing you can do is hire an SEO professional to manage it. They can slowly change each post to a new, improved version, keeping the URL intact. That is important since Google likes changes to content (not URLs), but it wants these to be slow changes.

Getting Help 

Then, you can outsource your blog writing to a professional blogger so you can work on your business while they work on your blog. Companies who blog get 97% more links to their websites.[2] Why give that up? At Iceberg Web Design, we produce professionally written SEO content every day for our customers. Contact us today to find out how we can help you. Read our reviews! 


[1] Lin, Ying. “10 Blogging Statistics You Need to Know in 2021 [Infographic].” Oberlo, Oberlo, 26 Feb. 2021,


[2] Ouellette, Coral, et al. “Ultimate List of Blogging Statistics and Facts (Updated for 2021).” OptinMonster, 6 Jan. 2021,

The post Why Keeping Your Blog is Important appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
