Facebook – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com Tue, 31 Aug 2021 20:30:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.3 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-iceberg-favicon-32x32.jpg Facebook – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com 32 32 Let Facebook Messenger Automation Work for You https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2021/08/facebook-messenger-automation/ Tue, 31 Aug 2021 20:30:17 +0000 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=16444 Facebook Messenger Automation offers a lot of benefits to business owners who wish to use it. Best of all, it is easy to set up. Check out this quick tutorial!

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Facebook Automation

Automated messaging offers a lot of benefits to business owners who wish to use it. Best of all, it is easy to set up. While you can integrate this functionality into your website by embedding Messenger into your site using a plugin or through Facebook’s integration, this article will only focus on automation through Facebook Messenger.

Getting Started

  • To automate your Messenger, you must have admin access to your Facebook business page.
  • On the left-hand side of the page is a column of options. You will want to click on “Business Suite.”
  • Now you will be looking at your inbox.
  • From your Inbox, you will be able to see your messages from both your Facebook and Instagram accounts.
  • Just below the Facebook and Instagram links on the left-hand column, you will see “Automated Responses.”

Instant Reply

There are several things we can do within this feature. Let’s start with “Instant Reply.” Instant Reply will pop up when someone first attempts to message you.  It can do anything from alleviating the frustration that customers often feel waiting for you to respond to steering your visitors in the right direction. For example, if you primarily use email rather than Messenger, you can let them know that with a link to your email address.

Personalized Response

There are some great features built into Instant Reply. For example, you can personalize the message by having their name automatically inserted in your response. Messenger pulls this directly from their account. It will instantly add warmth and humanity to your automation.

Embedded Links

Then, you can write whatever reply you would like to go out to the people who message you. You can embed links, including your website. Note that you can only link to your main website, not particular pages. These links will not look like links as you create them on the backend, but when you send them in Messenger, they will show up correctly. You should always do a test run to check it out to be sure everything looks right.

Away Message

Many businesses like to have an after-hours message letting their visitors know that their business is closed for the day. Often these messages include business hours and the assurance that they will return and reply and when to expect the reply.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is another place that business often post their hours. You can also add service costs, how to schedule an appointment, Covid policies, or anything else people may have questions about. It is ideal to have questions to answer with a link to a page on your website. This will be efficient for the customer and will improve your web page’s ranking over time. Keep in mind that you can only use four FAQs in a conversation, so choose your four best questions.

Contact Information & Location

Thankfully, you do not need to include “Where are you located?” in your Frequently Asked Questions. Messenger knows this is such a common question that they have added it as an automatic option. If you choose to turn this on, it can give directions to the person needing your location.

Contact Information is another option. With that, you could link right to your Contact Us page on your website or have your phone or email address.

Schedule Appointments

If you schedule appointments through Facebook’s appointment scheduler, you can add this feature to your automatic messaging.

Finally, save your answers, and you are all set!

Need More Answers to Your Marketing Questions?

Iceberg Web Design has them. We specialize in website-based solutions to your business needs. We build custom websites, turn-key websites and have a host of services that can improve your ability to communicate your message. Contact us online today or call 763-350-8762 to learn more!

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Facebook & Featured Images https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2017/10/facebook-featured-images/ Thu, 26 Oct 2017 20:39:41 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=10682 You’ve written a blog post for your website.  The topic is on-point, the picture you picked is perfect, you have edited and re-edited every sentence, and you have posted it on your website. Of course, with a post that amazing you want to share it on Facebook.  You write a great post to catch your […]

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Facebook Featured Image

You’ve written a blog post for your website.  The topic is on-point, the picture you picked is perfect, you have edited and re-edited every sentence, and you have posted it on your website.

Of course, with a post that amazing you want to share it on Facebook.  You write a great post to catch your potential readers attention and add the link to your blog. Instead of that perfect picture you picked to accompany your wonderful writing you get a box with a title and text, not the most eye-catching thing to promote your blog.

 So, where does the picture on Facebook come from?

The short answer, Facebook is pulling in the Featured Image for that page/post from your website. The technical answer is that, if your website specifies a featured image in the meta tags for the page you are sharing, Facebook will use that image. If your website does not specify a featured image, Facebook will usually grab the first available image on the page.

Did you know that you can actually tell Facebook which image to post for your article? If you have a WordPress website, it only takes a few quick steps. 

Featured Image

First things first you need to set a Featured Image for the blog you are sharing.  The Featured Image (AKA post thumbnail) is a feature that WordPress has for allowing a representative image to be set for pretty much any place on your site you may want to share on Facebook (like a new blog).

Depending on how your site was built this can move around, but it is usually in the editing mode of the post somewhere below or to the side of the text field.  On the custom websites that we have built this is always on the right-hand side of the page below the categories and tags sections.  You can select any photo from your media library or upload one special. Make sure to optimize your photos before adding to the site – we recommend 1200 by 630 pixels for best result on Facebook.

Facebook Debugging

Once you have set the Featured Image you will want to check to make sure Facebook is showing what you want it to.   Because Facebook cache’s images of website pages to make loading times quicker this is recommended anytime you change the Featured Image.

There is a special tool that lets you do this, you can find it here.

Just put the URL for the page/blog in the empty field and select the “debug” button.


If the URL has never been shared on Facebook (common with new blog posts) you will need to tell it to “Fetch new information” by clicking the button that appears.

Don’t see your new picture? 

If this is an old page/post it may show you an old picture or no picture at all.  If that is the case, you can select the “Scrape Again” button.  This will tell Facebook to go look for new information at the website instead of falling back on their cached images.

We encourage using this feature to make your post on Facebook pop and drive website visits!

What will you write your next blog post about?

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Maximizing Your Online Presence https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2017/01/maximizing-online-presence/ Wed, 18 Jan 2017 16:48:44 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=8540 We’ve been listening to our customers, and they’ve been asking us how they can maximize their online presence beyond just their website. We’ve created this 5-part blog series specifically to answer those questions, and we’ve broken the process into manageable pieces so you can get started right away. What is my online presence? Your online […]

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We’ve been listening to our customers, and they’ve been asking us how they can maximize their online presence beyond just their website. We’ve created this 5-part blog series specifically to answer those questions, and we’ve broken the process into manageable pieces so you can get started right away.

What is my online presence?

Your online presence is made up of all the different ways your company appears online. Think of it as your digital footprint. A building has a footprint which can be made up of many different rooms. Similarly, there are many different pieces that can make up your online presence, and your website is just one of them.

Other components of your online presence include:

  • Social media profiles
  • Google My Business
  • Keyword targeting
  • Online reputation
  • SEO efforts
  • Email campaigns

Why does my online presence matter?

Your online presence is what will ultimately get you found by your target customers. 94% of business buyers do some form of online research before purchasing a product: 77% use Google search, 84% check business websites and 34% visit 3rd party websites (1). So, it’s pretty safe to say people will interact with your company online in more ways than just your website before becoming your customer. In order to maximize on this attention, it is important that you not only have a robust online presence, but one that sends a cohesive brand message.

So, where should I start?

The first step for many business is to set up and manage social media profiles on some or all of the following social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. All of these different platforms have their own personality and unique features. It can be pretty overwhelming to know where to start and what efforts will turn into qualified leads. To help you out, here are our top five tips:

Five Tips for Generating Leads with Social Media

1. Be Selective

It is unrealistic and ineffective to be actively engaged in every social media platform. Choose the platforms that best fit your company and target market. A good mainstay is Facebook, but if your target customer base is young and tech-savvy, you may want to have a strong presence on Snapchat. If your product is or services have strong visuals, Pinterest would be a good fit.

2. Be Consistent

You should be sure to use your brand consistently across different social media platforms. Use the same logo, colors and images to strengthen your brand recognition. This is much easier to do if you are only focusing on a few social media platforms.

3. Understand Trends

You don’t need to jump on every new fad the second it comes out, but you should be aware of major trends in social media use. This will help you leverage these platforms to see the biggest return on your efforts.

4. Be Authentic

This is the place to let the personality of your organization show through. Your customers are more likely to connect and engage with you if they see there are real people behind your business. Take the time to find the right brand voice that reflects your organization in a real and honest way. Just be sure to post content that is relevant to your business.

5. Use Scheduling Tools

Many companies neglect social media management because they don’t feel they have time to spend posting on Facebook all day. There’s actual work to be done, after all. Or, the time they do have to read and post blogs is not the time when their customers are most actively engaged. One great strategy that we use here at Iceberg is to carve out a chunk of time to write up a bunch of blog posts, then schedule them to go out at regular intervals.

Still need help?

We can get your business profile set up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and other social media platforms. To learn about our social media special offers, contact Shane Bader 763-350-8762 or email [email protected].

Stay tuned! The next posts in this series will discuss:

(1) State of B2B Procurement study from the Acquity Group, 2014

The post Maximizing Your Online Presence appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Social Media: Your Website’s Phase Two https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2016/01/social-media-websites-phase-two/ Thu, 14 Jan 2016 11:06:42 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=6415 On average, customers require at least 10 content pieces before they take action. Most small business websites present less than 10 pages of content. Therefore, a small business website typically does not meet the content needs of potential customers. Ideally, your small business website should generate content that captures potential customer leads. However, since customers […]

The post Social Media: Your Website’s Phase Two appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

On average, customers require at least 10 content pieces before they take action. Most small business websites present less than 10 pages of content. Therefore, a small business website typically does not meet the content needs of potential customers. Ideally, your small business website should generate content that captures potential customer leads. However, since customers require more content than the average small business presents online, you should consider alternative platforms for promoting your products and services.

Small businesses have several options in addition to engaging website development to promote products and services. You have paid options such as Google Adwords that provide a quick and profitable return on investment. Organic search engine optimization marketing strategies like blogging build the level of customer trust that prompts action.

Then, we have the most effective online marketing option: Social media marketing.


How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Small Business

Entrepreneur estimates that more than 950 million people access Facebook every day. The popular online entrepreneurial blog has presented statistics that demonstrate small businesses comprise a rapidly growing percentage of the daily Facebook users. What does that mean for your small business? Well, social media has become more than just selfies and friend requests. It’s how we shop, how we communicate, how we stay on top of current events. Moreover, social media is the online version of where we leave reviews for the businesses we trust.

Our Minneapolis web design firm knows how to make social media the phase two of your Internet marketing program.

Start Conversations by Asking Questions

Everyone has an opinion and Facebook posts represent the ideal online place for customers to present their opinions. Ask Facebook fans of your small business to provide insight on topics that pertain to your small business. For example, a local independent restaurant asks customers to vote for their favorite restaurant menu items to win one-on-one cooking lessons with the chef.

Share What You Know

The most effective way to build customer trust involves sharing what you know. Upload Facebook posts that help customers solve problems. The pithy posts can simply be recipes for enhancing health or suggestions on the tools to use for working on home improvement projects. Videos represent the best way to create “How to…” content for the social media phase of your online marketing program.

Customers Want Value

Social media content must provide your customers with value, from sharing white papers to offering limited discount specials. Consumers want to learn how your products and services benefit them. Short text/video content uploads on sites such as Facebook and Instagram do the best job of creating customer value.

Sell Your Brand Visually

Although your small business website should comprise a content-focused approach to gaining customer trust, the phase two of your digital marketing program should include more attention grabbing visuals. Pinterest makes the perfect phase two platform for presenting visuals that customers immediately identify with your small business brand.

The Phase Two Golden Rule

American Express recently presented a blog post emphasizing most of your social media posts should share information that helps customers solve problems. The one in seven rule states that only one in every seven of your social media should promote your business. The other six posts should provide value for customers. This rule applies on Facebook, as much as it applies on Twitter.

One Post, One Social Media Platform

Several tools allow you to write one post and then upload the post to multiple social media platforms. Customers that see duplicate posts on different social media platforms typically look elsewhere for products and services. Avoid presenting duplicate content to build the level of credibility customers need to conduct business with you.

Small businesses that operate in the Twin Cities need a Minneapolis social media consultant that knows how to implement effective phase two online marketing strategies. Iceberg Web Design can help you increase your online reach, attract new customers, and engage your current clients. Now through February 29th, receive a FREE SEO Keyword Research report with your in-person social media consultation.


The post Social Media: Your Website’s Phase Two appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Which Social Media Platform Is Best for Your Business? https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2015/07/which-social-media-platform-is-best-for-your-business/ Thu, 23 Jul 2015 16:29:14 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=4682 It seems like retail businesses have all the luck on social media. Platforms like Pinterest and Instagram allow retailers to showcase stunning photos of their merchandise. And this is especially effective for businesses that depend on eCommerce, such as Shopify. Serviced-based businesses may find it challenging to develop captivating visual content. This includes: Attorneys Accountants […]

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Social MediaIt seems like retail businesses have all the luck on social media.

Platforms like Pinterest and Instagram allow retailers to showcase stunning photos of their merchandise. And this is especially effective for businesses that depend on eCommerce, such as Shopify.

Serviced-based businesses may find it challenging to develop captivating visual content. This includes:

  • Attorneys
  • Accountants
  • Bookkeepers
  • Financial advisors

So which social media platform is best for your business if you are a service provider?

The answer might not be so obvious, so let’s take a closer look.

1. Consider Geo-targeting

One unique trait of service-based businesses is that – in most cases – they tend to serve local clients. In other words, they have a traditional brick and mortar setup.

If that describes your situation, which social media platform is best for your business?

The answer is any that supports local searches. Three great examples would be:

By creating a company page on any of these platforms, you can enter the physical location of your business. In turn, customers can find you by searching for your services in their local area.

2. Consider Your Ad Budget

Virtually any social media platform that offers the ability to promote posts for a fee could work to your advantage. The key, however, is to choose a platform that allows you to target both local users and those that have an interest in the service you offer.

Some popular social networks that permit paid promotion are:

It is worth noting that Facebook and LinkedIn offer the most reliable targeting options. At the same time, Twitter and Pinterest are more cost-effective, often allowing you to buy impressions on a post for just a few cents each.

3. Consider Your Content

Regardless of what type of service-based business you run, stop to consider what you intend to share on social media.

Chances are if you are a lawyer or accountant, you won’t be snapping very many selfies to upload…

In most cases, you will be posting more detailed content – links to relevant articles, guides, tutorials, and forms, for example.

Platforms that best display rich content – optimizing what you share for the most clicks – would be:

  • LinkedIn
  • Google+
  • Facebook

Sure, you can share a link on Twitter… but with 140 characters to work with, a lot can get lost in translation.

4. Consider Your Audience

Do you operate a B2B or B2C business?

If consumers are your best customers, forget about LinkedIn.

At the same time, if other businesses are your best customers, you can forget about Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, and Snapchat.

The platforms that both businesses and consumers use to gather information are typically:

  • Facebook
  • Google+
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

There are, of course, exceptions to every rule – but these are the main four to choose from.

So, Which Social Media Platform Is Best for Your Business in the End…?

If we take a quick tally of the points above, we see that Facebook appeared on all four lists, with Google+ and LinkedIn appearing three times each.

Most of the time, these three platforms will serve as your best social vehicle for attracting and engaging with clients.

Still unsure?

Iceberg Web Design can help sort out which social media platform is best for your business.

In fact, we offer a selection of different social media solutions to meet the needs of your business.

To get started, contact our Minneapolis website development and social media company online, or call 763-350-8762.




The post Which Social Media Platform Is Best for Your Business? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
