Content and Web Development for Launch My Health | Iceberg Web Design

Launch My Health

SEO Content Writing | Turn-Key Website | 3rd Party CRM Integration

Launch My Health is an online lifestyle and nutrition coaching team that helps people integrate functional medicine into their daily lives in fun, guilt-free ways. Their team consists of nutrition specialists and a former Cordon Bleu Chef Instructor who now teaches their clients how to cook healthy, delicious meals.

Services Provided:

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Website Design

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Turn-Key website development

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Optimized Content Creation

The Challenge

Design a Website to Onboard Clients

When we started working together, Launch My Health was just embarking on their business journey, so this was their first website. They had a lot of the pieces in place for running their health coaching business, but the website would be key in tying all the pieces together offering a place not only find out information about their services, but also sign up for classes, programs, appointments and newsletters.

The Solution

Organize Content Strategy & Prioritize Client Portal

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We began with optimized content to ensure they would rank well with search engines. They had professional photographs taken of their team in action. We supplemented those photos with stock photography that blended into the site perfectly. We integrated a 3rd party CRM, creating a client portal where clients could schedule classes. The vibrant website echoes the energy of their fantastic team.

Is your website conveying outdated messaging?

Are your customers having a hard time finding the information they are looking for?

Contact Iceberg Web Design to learn how we can use your website to create lasting relationships with your customers.

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