Custom Design and Development for Adhesive Labels | Iceberg Web Design

Adhesive Label

Custom Website Design | Website Development | Custom Import/Export Tool | E-Commerce Integration

Since 1965, Adhesive Label has manufactured and distributed custom retail scale labels and merchandising labels for the packaging needs of Grocery, Medical, Media, Warehouse, Industrial, and Office & School Dealers. Their products include custom and standard pressure-sensitive labels, tags, and bar code labels.

Services Provided:

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Custom Website Design

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Website Development & Import/Export Tool

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E-Commerce Integration

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Hosting & Maintenance

The Challenge

Original Site Was Unorganized & Visually Unappealing

Adhesive Labels’ old site was difficult to navigate. It lacked a logical organization structure and visual appeal. There was nothing memorable about the site that made it stand out. In addition, their inventory management system and sales system were not in alignment.

The Solution

A Custom Designed Website With a Custom Business Tool

Our team updated the website’s underlying framework and completely revamped their front-end design. For example, we added more photos and custom animation to the buttons on the site to make it visually appealing to users. We also organized their products by the markets in which they are used, making the site easier to search and use.

We also created a custom import/export tool so that all their inventory reports matched their sales reports internally, significantly increasing their operational efficiency.

Now, not only does Adhesive Labels have a beautiful website, but they have a website-based tool that has made running their business more efficient.

Is your website conveying an outdated message?

Are your customers having a hard time finding the information they are looking for?

Contact Iceberg Web Design to learn how we can use your website to create lasting relationships with your customers.

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