Hattie McCoy – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com Mon, 22 Nov 2021 23:36:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.3 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-iceberg-favicon-32x32.jpg Hattie McCoy – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com 32 32 Thankful for Iceberg Web Design 2021 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2021/11/thankful-for-iceberg-web-design-2021/ Wed, 24 Nov 2021 15:02:22 +0000 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=16675 Thankful At Iceberg Web Design We are Thankful For  Iceberg Web Design, as 2021 is coming to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect.  Like any other year, there have been a lot of ups and downs. We like to focus on the positives here at Iceberg, and I’m glad we can […]

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Iceberg 2021

Thankful At Iceberg Web Design

We are Thankful For  Iceberg Web Design, as 2021 is coming to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect.  Like any other year, there have been a lot of ups and downs. We like to focus on the positives here at Iceberg, and I’m glad we can share some of the things we are thankful for with you today! 

We are sharing a conversation from our Company Slack, we love being able to have a hybrid environment!

Meet Hattie


Hey! It’s that time of year again where we want to know what you are thankful for this year? Is there anything you learned that you are thankful for? Maybe let us know why you are thankful for Iceberg ( if you are:wink:).






Jessie Gutzwillerjessie   

I am Thankful for my husband Jim, my 2 grown children, who are 2 of my very best friends, our dogs Charlie and Earl, and my best guy ever… my cat Ted!! :orange_heart: I am also so Thankful to work for a FUN company that has amazing core values that we all really believe in and all of the cool things I learn every day! 

Mariann Wolff, Project Managermariann 

This year my husband and I bought a new house, I am thankful for that, and Iceberg, of course!






Meet Hattie


I had a baby and bought a house this year, it is still a little hard to believe. I am thankful that I have a healthy family, a roof over my head, and a great job! Everything only seems to be getting better all the time!  I am still learning how to be a working mom that comes with trials, and I’m sure even more down the road. I have learned (and still learning) to ask for help when I need it, and I am thankful to have the team support at Iceberg!

Cece Talbot Headshot


I’ve learned to be more grateful/mindful for the little things every day. To remind yourself that you can be somewhere completely different in a year’s time, so never stop looking forward. Thankful for every blue sky, happy moments with my family, having an amazing place to work at Iceberg, and thankful to see where this next year takes me.

Josh Iceberg 2


I am thankful that I joined the Iceberg team this year and had the opportunity to work with some really great clients. I am thankful for a healthy family and all the positive changes that we’ve experienced in 2021.


Kyle Teeter


I am thankful for the family God has given me and for being able to enjoy so many outdoor activities very close to our home. I am also very grateful that I get to work in such a great company with so many talented people where we get to be a part of helping our clients grow their businesses.

Kari Sletten, Website Developerkari   

I am incredibly thankful that my family survived the past year with our wits in tact and a with plenty of laughter. When the road gets bumpy my favorite thing to do is make people laugh and I am lucky to be surrounded by people who share this joy. I am so thankful for my job, for the consistency of great work we’ve been able to produce, and for all the ways that we support each other.

Meet Heather


I am thankful that during the past year, my family has remained healthy. I’m so grateful for a job that I love, and coworkers I respect and learn from every day. It’s a privilege to be able to do what I love every day.



Y’all are making me :cry: here!! I’m so very incredibly thankful for an incredible, talented, passionate team. We wouldn’t be where we are as a company today without the dedication of each and every one of you. And hand in hand with that, thankful for our customers who trust us with their businesses every day. I’m thankful to have two happy, healthy children, and a home that keeps us comfortable.


Thankful for You!

We wouldn’t be here without our customers and community, and it is our joy to work with you all. If there is anything we can do for you to make your business grow in 2022, we are here for all of your web design, web development, and digital marketing needs, the best part is that we also answer the phone! Contact us!



The post Thankful for Iceberg Web Design 2021 appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Upgrade Your Elevator Pitch https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2021/10/upgrade-your-elevator-pitch/ Mon, 25 Oct 2021 20:25:39 +0000 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=16598 Upgrade Your Elevator Pitch! If you can’t get prospects to convert, you have a brand-pitch issue, not a sales pitch issue. Your core messaging is either unclear or off-brand. The way to solve this problem is to quickly get to the bottom line by encapsulating your brand, what it is, and what it isn’t. Upgrade […]

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Upgrade Your Elevator Pitch!

If you can’t get prospects to convert, you have a brand-pitch issue, not a sales pitch issue. Your core messaging is either unclear or off-brand. The way to solve this problem is to quickly get to the bottom line by encapsulating your brand, what it is, and what it isn’t. Upgrade your elevator pitch to provoke and engage your audience by telling them three things:

  •       This is what I do
  •       This is how I solve your problem
  •       This is how I’m different from the rest of the pack

Rather than shouting at your audience or telling them things without allowing them to respond, provoke a conversation. Your tagline should cause your audience to ask (either verbally or mentally), “Tell me more,” or “What’s in it for me?”

Your Tagline

  •       Answers the question, “What do you do?”
  •       Short, provocative.
  •       Hopefully, this will cause your audience to say, “Interesting. Tell me more.”

Your Value Proposition Statement

  •       Articulates how you will solve someone’s problem.
  •       Phrase your VPS as “You do [this], so you get [that].”
  •       A you-focused call-to-action statement—should start with “You,” not “We.”
  •       The human brain will naturally want to make a comparison to make sense of what you have just told your audience. That’s good! It sets you up for the 3rd step.

Your Differentiator Statements

  •       Outlines what you are and what you aren’t in a set of 4-5 sentences.
  •       What makes you different from your competition
  •       Provokes your audience to want to know more about you

Example of an Upgraded Elevator Pitch


Instead of saying, “I’m an accountant,” your provocative tagline could say, “I am a tax liability reduction specialist.”

Value Proposition Statement

“Bring me your taxes, and I guarantee your tax liability will be less than if you were to bring them anywhere else for preparation.”

Differentiator Statements

  •       I can find itemized deductions other tax preparers will miss.
  •       I’m an expert at shifting income to the most beneficial accounts-legally.
  •       I know how to utilize tax exemptions that are often overlooked.
  •       I will document everything clearly and defend my accounting work in the case of an audit for free.

Now They’re Ready to Hear About Your Products or Services

The point at which conversion happens is when they ask the how/what question: “How does that work?” “What do you do?” Speak to their pain points.

When they click on the button, you have them!

Your Brand, Clarified

Once you have clarified your brand, you can implement it across your:

  •       Website
  •       Social Media Platforms
  •       Pitch Decks
  •       Proposals
  •       Printed Materials (One-Pagers)
  •       Digital Marketing
  •       Advertising
  •       “Elevator Pitch”
  •       Bios

Do You Have a Family of Companies?

When you have a parent brand and supporting brands, it’s essential to review the parent company’s mission statement, vision, and values. Are they on point? Fine-tune—or rewrite them if necessary.

Next, write the mission statement, vision, and values for the company offshoot. Ensure these are in line with those of the parent company.

You can now work on the tagline, value proposition statement, and differentiator statements for the sister or child company. Their tagline may be the same, but their value proposition statement and differentiator statements should be unique while still harmonizing with the parent company’s branding.


Your brand can’t serve everyone. Your brand needs to serve the customers who supply 70% of your revenue. Get good at it! Those customers are your base and should be your marketing audience. The other 30% will come to you in their own way. At that time, you can serve them, too.

At Iceberg Web Design, we are branding experts. Call 763-350-8762 or contact us today to meet with a marketing specialist who can help you define and refine your brand by creating a Brand Book for you.


The post Upgrade Your Elevator Pitch appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Penguin Profile: Josh Smith, Developer | Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2021/10/penguin-profile-josh-smith-developer-iceberg-web-design/ Mon, 04 Oct 2021 14:00:30 +0000 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=16497   At Iceberg Web Design, we have an entire team of penguins dedicated to helping you solve your business dilemmas with web-based solutions. Our newest developer is Josh Smith. Today in our Penguin Profile, we will be talking to Josh to learn more about him and what he does at Iceberg. Josh | Senior Developer […]

The post Penguin Profile: Josh Smith, Developer | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Iceberg 2021


At Iceberg Web Design, we have an entire team of penguins dedicated to helping you solve your business dilemmas with web-based solutions. Our newest developer is Josh Smith. Today in our Penguin Profile, we will be talking to Josh to learn more about him and what he does at Iceberg.

Josh | Senior Developer Penguin

Joshua Smith

How long have you been working for Iceberg? 

I started working at Iceberg in February, 2021.

Have your duties changed since you first started working here? 

Even though I haven’t been at Iceberg all that long, I’ve worked on some really exciting projects. I really enjoy the mix of working on new projects and providing support to existing customers.

What do you do for Iceberg’s customers? 

I help our customers create or enhance their online presence in a way that reflects their business values and goals. Using the latest web technologies, I make sure that our solutions work well and follow the highest standards for functionality, accessibility, and design.

What’s your favorite part of your job? 

I really enjoy working with customers and coming up with innovative solutions. I also like constantly learning the latest in digital technology and marketing. 

What is your #1 goal when working with a customer? 

My #1 goal is to understand the customer, what their business objectives are, and how we can bring all of their vision to their website.

In what other industries have you worked? 

I’ve worked in IT, product development, ecommerce, digital marketing and web development.

Tell us a bit about your family (including pets): 

My wife and I have 2 kids, a dog and a couple fish.

Do you have any hobbies/special interests? 

I enjoy playing guitar, discovering new music, reading great books, and mountain biking with the family.

What is something about you that might surprise your customers and co-workers? 

My wife and I have taken on many DIY home & garden projects over the years. Our kids are now reaching the age where it’s fun to teach them some of the skills we’ve learned.

Describe your perfect day: 

Wake up early enough to watch the sunrise with a good cup of coffee. Then a day filled with some work, reading, listening to music and a bike or motorcycle ride. And a perfect day would always include trying out a new recipe and having time to cook a great meal.

Science or History? Which is your favorite and why? 

I really like both, but as a sociology major, I’ve probably studied a lot more history and do find it fascinating how much history repeats itself.

If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question, what would you ask? 

What is the secret to eternal happiness?

What is your best piece of advice? It can be about anything. 

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Connect with Josh and the Iceberg Team

Thank you, Josh, for sharing a bit about yourself for this week’s Penguin Profile. And thank you for all you do to build our customer’s website projects in a way that will meet their business objectives even better than they imagined possible. 


Learn more about The Iceberg Team. Read Some Of Iceberg’s Reviews!


The post Penguin Profile: Josh Smith, Developer | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Penguin Profile: Cece Talbot | Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2021/08/penguin-profile-cece-talbot-iceberg-web-design/ Mon, 30 Aug 2021 21:32:48 +0000 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=16430 When you intern with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals to learn and grow. We have been spending time getting to know some of our full-time employees pictured above, but today we will get to know our intern, Cece Talbot. We are helping our business, and our community […]

The post Penguin Profile: Cece Talbot | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Iceberg 2021

When you intern with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals to learn and grow. We have been spending time getting to know some of our full-time employees pictured above, but today we will get to know our intern, Cece Talbot. We are helping our business, and our community grow by giving opportunities to new people to the website industry, and we can’t wait to see all that Cece will acomplish.


Cece Talbot Headshot

Cece | Design Intern Penguin

If you could describe Iceberg in three words, what would they be?

Fun, Caring, and innovative 

What have you enjoyed so far about working for Iceberg?

The Creative freedom, ability to learn so many things in different areas, and I enjoy coming into the office to be with great people.

What do you do for Iceberg’s customers?

Help design mock-ups, websites, and fill in the content.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Building mock-ups; It’s fun to watch how much it changes as you create, change layouts, colors, features, and build out new ways to navigate. Creating Style tiles is fun. Taking words and matching them with images, fonts, colors to make the company’s message come to life. 

What is your #1 goal when working with a customer?

Creating something they love and something that not only can help their business grow but something that can grow with the business.

In what other industries have you worked?

I worked in the Dance industry my whole life. From working in LA, Atlanta, Chicago in front of the camera to working behind the stage and in the studio. Creating is what I love to do, whether it’s on a computer screen or on the stage. Dance also led me to start my own Dance equipment business. I have also worked in the restaurant industry. 

Non-Work Related Stuff

Tell us a bit about your family.

My mom is my best friend and someone I’ll take on every trip with me. I got my love for fast cars from my dad, who used to drag race and had a mud truck my whole life. The best memories with my dad are going to his races and mudding! I also have an older brother who I can always count on. I can never forget about my dog Ziggy!

Do you have any hobbies/special interests?

DANCE and Fast cars. Although I love dance and fashion with two walk-closets full of sneakers and clothes, I am not your typical girly girl. I will get my hands dirty and change a front rotor, or go wheels deep in a mud pit!

Describe your perfect day

Sunny blue skies hanging with my dog and family, definitely staying busy with activities if it’s the farmers market, swimming, or trail riding.

Now for Some Deep Stuff

Science or History? Which is your favorite and why?

BOTH. I am a big history snob and know a lot of weird random facts about history and science, especially astronomy. 

If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question, what would you ask?

Is there a way I can live forever?

One last question: What is your best piece of advice? It can be about anything.

“It’s all good.” 

Connect With  the Iceberg Team

 Thank you, Cece, for sharing a bit about yourself for this week’s Penguin Profile. And thank you for all you do to keep our customer’s design projects running smoothly. 

Learn more about The Iceberg Team. Read Some Of Iceberg’s Reviews!


The post Penguin Profile: Cece Talbot | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Keeping Holiday Traditions in 2020 | Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2020/12/holiday-traditions-in-2020/ Tue, 22 Dec 2020 15:00:39 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=15523   Happy Holidays from Iceberg Web Design Everyone knows 2020 has been challenging. This year, more than any, it is so important that we hold tight to the little things that bring us moments of joy. Here at Iceberg, we decided to share some of the holiday traditions that we are keeping alive for ourselves […]

The post Keeping Holiday Traditions in 2020 | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Happy Holidays from Iceberg Web Design


Happy Holidays from Iceberg Web Design

Everyone knows 2020 has been challenging. This year, more than any, it is so important that we hold tight to the little things that bring us moments of joy. Here at Iceberg, we decided to share some of the holiday traditions that we are keeping alive for ourselves and our families on our company slack. We hope everyone is finding ways to celebrate as we close out the year!

Our Holiday Traditions :

Meet Hattie


Hey Iceberg Penguins,  I would like to finish the month with a small discussion. What holiday traditions are you keeping alive even through the struggles of 2020?



I’ve been keeping the magic of the season alive for the kids – though the lack of snow does make that a bit more difficult this year. A new tradition, which I expect to carry on each year now, is hanging cheerful lights outside on the house. Also, at my house in December, elves visit in the night and leave trinkets in little bags for the kids. It’s usually a small ornament, a gadget, or a treat. And while I haven’t talked with him personally, I’m sure that Santa will be making an appearance on Christmas morning.

Meet Heather


We have certain cookies that we make every single year. Today we are going to try to get them done. One is called come drop peppernuts. It’s a German recipe for teeny tiny little cookies. The other is for the most wonderful cookie in the world. It doesn’t really have a name, I like to call it peanut butter patties. You just take two Ritz crackers and smear some peanut butter between them. Then, you dip the little peanut butter sandwich into chocolate or chocolate almond bark. Then you set the coated cookie on wax paper until it hardens. Finally, you try not to eat all of them at once.

Mariann Wolff, Project Managermariann 

Day drinking?
Seriously though, when we chatted about Christmas and what our traditions are, neither of us had anything big we could think of.  Although both of our families are big on mimosas on holidays and I did plan to buy some stuff for that.


Meet Hattie


I have to admit that this year, it was a little harder to put up the Christmas decorations and want to do some of the normal holiday traditions, it just didn’t feel like the holidays. I’m glad that I did, and we did take time to wrap gifts and have them sent to our families. We have also frosted cookies and we are going to try a new activity and tye die some onesies for our baby and a couple of shirts for us on Christmas. Here is a picture of some of the cookies we decorated:

Jessie Gutzwillerjessie   

Even though I struggled with putting up my indoor decorations ( just kind of seemed like there was no point in it, although, I did manage to do it) I always, always decorate outside! Even this year, I did not hesitate even a little bit! I love to send joy to passersby, by decorating the house and yard.



Last-minute Christmas shopping, we put up a real tree and are having Christmas on Christmas Eve with one side of the family and Christmas Day with the other side although mostly virtual this year.


Kari Sletten, Website Developerkari   

Usually, we light advent candles starting on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and adding one candle each week. We also have a song we sing and we add on one verse to it each week. It is my favorite family tradition. I measure how many family dinners we have in the month by how small the candles get. This year we have been in a time warp. Every day is the same and time is moving in super speed so it is very hard to figure out what day or month it is. With everything going on we didn’t get the Christmas decorations out until the fourth Sunday had actually passed, but I’ve decided that since this is a favorite tradition we are going to have one nice meal where we do a speeded-up version of the candle lighting and song. It seems fitting for this crazy year.

Meet Heather


That was a great idea! And it was so fun to hear everyone’s traditions. I might have to join Mariann’s family for Christmas. Day drinking lol! Seriously, all of them were so heartwarming.


Mariann Wolff, Project Managermariann 

LOL yeah Alex’s god mom makes the best mimosas with Tequila and Champagne!



Meet Hattie


:blush: great holiday traditions all around!




Let’s talk in 2021

Our passion is to solve your business problems with unique web application development. Whether your goal is increasing leads or helping internal operations we want to work with you. We don’t stop with your website. In addition to custom website development and design, we offer a range of search engine optimization, content marketing, branding, and related services.

Contact us today! 


The post Keeping Holiday Traditions in 2020 | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
