Iceberg News – Iceberg Web Design Wed, 15 Dec 2021 21:26:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Iceberg News – Iceberg Web Design 32 32 The Iceberg Team’s 2021 Holiday Traditions Wed, 22 Dec 2021 15:00:58 +0000 The Iceberg Team’s 2021 Holiday Traditions  There are so many things that make this time of year special. So the Iceberg team decided to share some of our favorite holiday traditions.   There are so many things that make this time of year special. So the Iceberg team decided to share some of our favorite […]

The post The Iceberg Team’s 2021 Holiday Traditions appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

The Iceberg Team’s 2021 Holiday Traditions 

There are so many things that make this time of year special. So the Iceberg team decided to share some of our favorite holiday traditions.

christmas traditions, dragging and xmas tree
Hattie McCoy’s childhood holiday tradition was dragging in the tree with her sister Natalie.


There are so many things that make this time of year special. So the Iceberg team decided to share some of our favorite holiday traditions from our childhood and today.


Cece Talbot Headshot

CeCe Talbot- Web Designer

My favorite tradition growing up was the days leading up to Christmas, snooping around my parents’ closet to get a preview of the presents. There were times me and my brother tag-teamed it! But the best part was Christmas morning waking up my brother (he sleeps in). What makes holidays the best are your siblings, families, and pets!


Jessie Gutzwiller

Jessie Gutzwiller- Customer Service Representative

My favorite tradition growing up was getting and decorating our tree, we would always go out and get a real tree, and it had such a lovely smell and was so pretty to look at. Also, we mastered the craft of making the gifts look like they had not been opened for a teeny tiny little peek!

Mariann Martin

Mariann Martin- Project Manager

My favorite Christmas tradition growing up was the advent calendar.  We had one that told the Christmas story and counted down days until Christmas, and then we had one with little doors that my mom would put little treats and trinkets in.  We would rotate who read the storybook for the day and who got to open the door.

Hattie McCoy

Hattie McCoy- SEO & Marketing Strategist

For many years of my childhood, my family insisted on getting a real tree. We would go to a different tree farm almost every year, sometimes as far as an hour away. My sister and I would cram into my dad’s truck, have hot chocolate, and pick out a tree. Then, we had an obligatory picture of us dragging the tree into the house. Then we all would avoid Dad, as he usually had a heck of a time trying to get the tree into the stand. It was best just to keep a distance, ha-ha.

Shane Bader

Shane Bader- VP of Sales & Marketing

Growing up, I loved all the amazing food everyone brought—and of course, opening gifts.


Kyle Teeter

Kyle Teeter- Website Developer

One of my favorite holiday traditions actually starts several weeks before Christmas when my family starts to read a little portion of the Christmas story every day leading up the Christmas Eve.


Jessi Gurr

Jessi Gurr-Owner & CEO

When I was young, one of my favorite things to do around the holidays was listening to records in front of the Christmas tree. I would turn off all the lights in the house and turn on the tree lights. Then I’d put on the old holiday classics – The Osmond’s, The Carpenters, Johnny Mathis. I could listen to these records for hours.

Heather Erickson

Heather Erickson- SEO Content Writer

Growing up, my sister and I had enormous Christmas stockings! I always imagined they had been Santa’s stockings (I also thought he was a giant). So, when I had kids, I took my childhood stocking, used it as a pattern, and made every family member a giant quilted stocking. My third child was born just before Christmas, so we took a photo of him inside his stocking. Last year my kids decided to put our gifts in our stockings and skip the larger gifts. It saves on wrapping paper, and it’s like going back in time to when we were children.

Jessie Gutzwiller

Jessie Gutzwiller- Customer Service Representative

Today, my favorite tradition is mine and my daughters’ annual ornament party. It is the perfect chance to get together with friends and family you may not see at Christmas and is ALWAYS filled with laughter! I really love this because I know my daughter will continue this tradition!

Kari Sletten

Kari Sletten- VP of Operations

My favorite Christmas Tradition is lighting the Advent candles. I love starting with four brand new candles that are all the same size and then watching them get smaller and smaller as it gets closer to Christmas. When I was growing up, when we would light the new candle each Sunday, we would also read part of the Christmas story from the Bible and then add the corresponding characters to our Nativity set. For my family now, our tradition is a little bit different.

Advent Candles Closeup

When we light the candles, we sing “O Come, O Come Emanuel.” We start with the first candle on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and we sing only one small part of the song. For the whole week, whenever our whole family has dinner together, we light the candle and sing the first verse. Most of the time, it is goofy and terribly off-key. Then on Sunday, we light the first and second candles and add a verse to the song. By the time it is Christmas Eve, we light all four Candles and finally get to sing the entire song. I just love everything about this tradition. I love looking back at the candles and seeing how much we were able to be together as a family. Some of the weeks have many more family dinners than others, and you can tell by the difference in candle heights. I also love putting together the Advent wreath, trying to find the right size and shape of candles each year, and trying to get the dang things to stand up straight, which usually involves Play-Doh, gum, fancy space adhesive, or a hot glue gun.


Josh Iceberg 2

Joshua Smith-Senior Web Developer

Our Christmas traditions have changed a bit over the years. Still, there are some Christmas traditions that I always enjoy… lighting candles & singing Silent Night at the Christmas Eve service, watching old Christmas movies, baking Christmas cookies, and gathering with family & friends.

Kyle Teeter

Kyle Teeter- Website Developer

Another tradition that I really love is the actual Christmas dinner. Instead of doing a traditional menu, we typically try to make dishes that we haven’t tried before or comfort food from our childhoods.


Shane Bader

Shane Bader- VP of Sales & Marketing

These days, my favorite traditions are being able to spend so much time with your family, our gift exchange, and cooking something non-traditional on Christmas. We’ve done crab boils, had oyster stew, and even steak!


Hattie McCoy

Hattie McCoy- SEO & Marketing Strategist

My favorite tradition now has to be putting up the tree (even though I haven’t had a real tree in years). I like looking at all the ornaments and what different years represented by the decoration.. I look forward to sharing some of the memories with my son as he grows up! I also have to say baking gets an honorable mention, as some favorite cookies, this time of year are a must! 

Jessi Gurr

Jessi Gurr-Owner & CEO

The first silent, magical snowfall of the year. Unwrapping ornaments, remembering where they came from, and hanging them on the tree. Chex Mix. Making lefse. The bright eyes of a child as they come downstairs on Christmas morning. There are so many things that make this time of year special!


From Our Team to Yours

Although some traditions change, the most important things stay the same. We wish you the very best this holiday season and into 2022!

If we can help you with anything, contact us or just give us a call! 763-350-8762


The post The Iceberg Team’s 2021 Holiday Traditions appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Thankful for Iceberg Web Design 2021 Wed, 24 Nov 2021 15:02:22 +0000 Thankful At Iceberg Web Design We are Thankful For  Iceberg Web Design, as 2021 is coming to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect.  Like any other year, there have been a lot of ups and downs. We like to focus on the positives here at Iceberg, and I’m glad we can […]

The post Thankful for Iceberg Web Design 2021 appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Iceberg 2021

Thankful At Iceberg Web Design

We are Thankful For  Iceberg Web Design, as 2021 is coming to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect.  Like any other year, there have been a lot of ups and downs. We like to focus on the positives here at Iceberg, and I’m glad we can share some of the things we are thankful for with you today! 

We are sharing a conversation from our Company Slack, we love being able to have a hybrid environment!

Meet Hattie


Hey! It’s that time of year again where we want to know what you are thankful for this year? Is there anything you learned that you are thankful for? Maybe let us know why you are thankful for Iceberg ( if you are:wink:).






Jessie Gutzwillerjessie   

I am Thankful for my husband Jim, my 2 grown children, who are 2 of my very best friends, our dogs Charlie and Earl, and my best guy ever… my cat Ted!! :orange_heart: I am also so Thankful to work for a FUN company that has amazing core values that we all really believe in and all of the cool things I learn every day! 

Mariann Wolff, Project Managermariann 

This year my husband and I bought a new house, I am thankful for that, and Iceberg, of course!






Meet Hattie


I had a baby and bought a house this year, it is still a little hard to believe. I am thankful that I have a healthy family, a roof over my head, and a great job! Everything only seems to be getting better all the time!  I am still learning how to be a working mom that comes with trials, and I’m sure even more down the road. I have learned (and still learning) to ask for help when I need it, and I am thankful to have the team support at Iceberg!

Cece Talbot Headshot


I’ve learned to be more grateful/mindful for the little things every day. To remind yourself that you can be somewhere completely different in a year’s time, so never stop looking forward. Thankful for every blue sky, happy moments with my family, having an amazing place to work at Iceberg, and thankful to see where this next year takes me.

Josh Iceberg 2


I am thankful that I joined the Iceberg team this year and had the opportunity to work with some really great clients. I am thankful for a healthy family and all the positive changes that we’ve experienced in 2021.


Kyle Teeter


I am thankful for the family God has given me and for being able to enjoy so many outdoor activities very close to our home. I am also very grateful that I get to work in such a great company with so many talented people where we get to be a part of helping our clients grow their businesses.

Kari Sletten, Website Developerkari   

I am incredibly thankful that my family survived the past year with our wits in tact and a with plenty of laughter. When the road gets bumpy my favorite thing to do is make people laugh and I am lucky to be surrounded by people who share this joy. I am so thankful for my job, for the consistency of great work we’ve been able to produce, and for all the ways that we support each other.

Meet Heather


I am thankful that during the past year, my family has remained healthy. I’m so grateful for a job that I love, and coworkers I respect and learn from every day. It’s a privilege to be able to do what I love every day.



Y’all are making me :cry: here!! I’m so very incredibly thankful for an incredible, talented, passionate team. We wouldn’t be where we are as a company today without the dedication of each and every one of you. And hand in hand with that, thankful for our customers who trust us with their businesses every day. I’m thankful to have two happy, healthy children, and a home that keeps us comfortable.


Thankful for You!

We wouldn’t be here without our customers and community, and it is our joy to work with you all. If there is anything we can do for you to make your business grow in 2022, we are here for all of your web design, web development, and digital marketing needs, the best part is that we also answer the phone! Contact us!



The post Thankful for Iceberg Web Design 2021 appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Finding Your Brand Voice Tue, 19 Oct 2021 15:20:24 +0000 Finding your brand voice. Most brands don’t have a famous narrator to keep audiences waiting in anticipation for their next ad campaign. But they should all have a voice—even if it is an imagined one. Are you branding your company for the first time, rebranding, or just defining a brand that has never been clearly […]

The post Finding Your Brand Voice appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Finding your brand voice.

Most brands don’t have a famous narrator to keep audiences waiting in anticipation for their next ad campaign. But they should all have a voice—even if it is an imagined one.

Are you branding your company for the first time, rebranding, or just defining a brand that has never been clearly communicated before? One of the first things you need to do is to find your brand voice.

Women Shouting On Megaphone 2021 08 30 21 07 54 Utc

What is a Brand Voice?

If you want a literal example, there is none better than Ving Rhames. He has had an impressive career as both an actor and a voice actor. Since 2014, Ving has been the voice of the Arby’s commercials which tout “We have the meats!” Enjoy this “Try Not to Laugh” compilation of his ads.

Most brands don’t have a famous narrator to keep audiences waiting in anticipation for their next ad campaign. But they should all have a voice—even if it is an imagined one.

How Do You Find a Silent Voice?

A lot of imagination is a great place to start. But first, you have to know your audience. Who is your ideal customer? How do you speak to them in a way that is relatable and genuine? What kinds of language would you use or avoid using?

If Your Brand was a Person

What would your brand say? How would your brand move, dress, act? This is where imagination comes in. It can also be helpful to see how others within your company see your brand.

We recently did a simple exercise where everyone was asked to privately message me five words they would use to describe Iceberg Web Design and our services. It was interesting to see how many people had in common. And nearly everyone included the word “Responsive” as one of their answers. Other common themes were: reliable, friendly, and authoritative.

What are Your Brand Differentiators?

You don’t want to be just like all the other guys in your industry. But you also don’t want to be different just to say you are. So, what makes you different, and why does it matter? What are the things that you are—and are NOT?

Have One Person Write

As you are defining your brand voice, have one person do the writing until it becomes solidified. After that, anyone marketing or joining the writing team should get very familiar with that voice. Otherwise, you will be putting out marketing material and blog posts that don’t sound “on-brand.” Don’t worry. It won’t take long for the entire team to be able to emulate your brand voice.

Do You Need Help Finding Your Brand Voice?

From websites to branding, Iceberg Web Design knows how to market your business online. We have solutions to your business problems and can help you grow! We are just a phone call away, 763-350-8762.

The post Finding Your Brand Voice appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Penguin Profile: Josh Smith, Developer | Iceberg Web Design Mon, 04 Oct 2021 14:00:30 +0000   At Iceberg Web Design, we have an entire team of penguins dedicated to helping you solve your business dilemmas with web-based solutions. Our newest developer is Josh Smith. Today in our Penguin Profile, we will be talking to Josh to learn more about him and what he does at Iceberg. Josh | Senior Developer […]

The post Penguin Profile: Josh Smith, Developer | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Iceberg 2021


At Iceberg Web Design, we have an entire team of penguins dedicated to helping you solve your business dilemmas with web-based solutions. Our newest developer is Josh Smith. Today in our Penguin Profile, we will be talking to Josh to learn more about him and what he does at Iceberg.

Josh | Senior Developer Penguin

Joshua Smith

How long have you been working for Iceberg? 

I started working at Iceberg in February, 2021.

Have your duties changed since you first started working here? 

Even though I haven’t been at Iceberg all that long, I’ve worked on some really exciting projects. I really enjoy the mix of working on new projects and providing support to existing customers.

What do you do for Iceberg’s customers? 

I help our customers create or enhance their online presence in a way that reflects their business values and goals. Using the latest web technologies, I make sure that our solutions work well and follow the highest standards for functionality, accessibility, and design.

What’s your favorite part of your job? 

I really enjoy working with customers and coming up with innovative solutions. I also like constantly learning the latest in digital technology and marketing. 

What is your #1 goal when working with a customer? 

My #1 goal is to understand the customer, what their business objectives are, and how we can bring all of their vision to their website.

In what other industries have you worked? 

I’ve worked in IT, product development, ecommerce, digital marketing and web development.

Tell us a bit about your family (including pets): 

My wife and I have 2 kids, a dog and a couple fish.

Do you have any hobbies/special interests? 

I enjoy playing guitar, discovering new music, reading great books, and mountain biking with the family.

What is something about you that might surprise your customers and co-workers? 

My wife and I have taken on many DIY home & garden projects over the years. Our kids are now reaching the age where it’s fun to teach them some of the skills we’ve learned.

Describe your perfect day: 

Wake up early enough to watch the sunrise with a good cup of coffee. Then a day filled with some work, reading, listening to music and a bike or motorcycle ride. And a perfect day would always include trying out a new recipe and having time to cook a great meal.

Science or History? Which is your favorite and why? 

I really like both, but as a sociology major, I’ve probably studied a lot more history and do find it fascinating how much history repeats itself.

If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question, what would you ask? 

What is the secret to eternal happiness?

What is your best piece of advice? It can be about anything. 

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Connect with Josh and the Iceberg Team

Thank you, Josh, for sharing a bit about yourself for this week’s Penguin Profile. And thank you for all you do to build our customer’s website projects in a way that will meet their business objectives even better than they imagined possible. 


Learn more about The Iceberg Team. Read Some Of Iceberg’s Reviews!


The post Penguin Profile: Josh Smith, Developer | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Penguin Profile: Cece Talbot | Iceberg Web Design Mon, 30 Aug 2021 21:32:48 +0000 When you intern with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals to learn and grow. We have been spending time getting to know some of our full-time employees pictured above, but today we will get to know our intern, Cece Talbot. We are helping our business, and our community […]

The post Penguin Profile: Cece Talbot | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Iceberg 2021

When you intern with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals to learn and grow. We have been spending time getting to know some of our full-time employees pictured above, but today we will get to know our intern, Cece Talbot. We are helping our business, and our community grow by giving opportunities to new people to the website industry, and we can’t wait to see all that Cece will acomplish.


Cece Talbot Headshot

Cece | Design Intern Penguin

If you could describe Iceberg in three words, what would they be?

Fun, Caring, and innovative 

What have you enjoyed so far about working for Iceberg?

The Creative freedom, ability to learn so many things in different areas, and I enjoy coming into the office to be with great people.

What do you do for Iceberg’s customers?

Help design mock-ups, websites, and fill in the content.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Building mock-ups; It’s fun to watch how much it changes as you create, change layouts, colors, features, and build out new ways to navigate. Creating Style tiles is fun. Taking words and matching them with images, fonts, colors to make the company’s message come to life. 

What is your #1 goal when working with a customer?

Creating something they love and something that not only can help their business grow but something that can grow with the business.

In what other industries have you worked?

I worked in the Dance industry my whole life. From working in LA, Atlanta, Chicago in front of the camera to working behind the stage and in the studio. Creating is what I love to do, whether it’s on a computer screen or on the stage. Dance also led me to start my own Dance equipment business. I have also worked in the restaurant industry. 

Non-Work Related Stuff

Tell us a bit about your family.

My mom is my best friend and someone I’ll take on every trip with me. I got my love for fast cars from my dad, who used to drag race and had a mud truck my whole life. The best memories with my dad are going to his races and mudding! I also have an older brother who I can always count on. I can never forget about my dog Ziggy!

Do you have any hobbies/special interests?

DANCE and Fast cars. Although I love dance and fashion with two walk-closets full of sneakers and clothes, I am not your typical girly girl. I will get my hands dirty and change a front rotor, or go wheels deep in a mud pit!

Describe your perfect day

Sunny blue skies hanging with my dog and family, definitely staying busy with activities if it’s the farmers market, swimming, or trail riding.

Now for Some Deep Stuff

Science or History? Which is your favorite and why?

BOTH. I am a big history snob and know a lot of weird random facts about history and science, especially astronomy. 

If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question, what would you ask?

Is there a way I can live forever?

One last question: What is your best piece of advice? It can be about anything.

“It’s all good.” 

Connect With  the Iceberg Team

 Thank you, Cece, for sharing a bit about yourself for this week’s Penguin Profile. And thank you for all you do to keep our customer’s design projects running smoothly. 

Learn more about The Iceberg Team. Read Some Of Iceberg’s Reviews!


The post Penguin Profile: Cece Talbot | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Penguin Profile:Mariann Martin | Iceberg Web Design Wed, 07 Jul 2021 17:57:47 +0000 When you work with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals. But just who are these people who are hard at work helping you connect with your customers? For the next couple of months, we will be profiling our team of penguins. Today we are talking with our Project […]

The post Penguin Profile:Mariann Martin | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Iceberg 2021

When you work with Iceberg Web Design, you work with an entire team of web marketing professionals. But just who are these people who are hard at work helping you connect with your customers? For the next couple of months, we will be profiling our team of penguins. Today we are talking with our Project Penguin: Mariann Martin. Mariann is our Project Manager, so every website client we take on will work with her throughout the website creation process.

Mariann Martin

Mariann | Project Penguin

As Iceberg’s Project Manager, Mariann keeps everything running smoothly and on track. She is adept at identifying potential problems and prevents issues from arising with her proactive approach.

How long have you worked for Iceberg?

Since April 17th, 2017

Have your duties changed since you first started working here?

Yes, I started as the CSR (Customer Service Representative), Project Manager, accounts receivable person.  Then I added content writing to that role.  After that, I dropped the CSR role.  And then added the VP of Finance role and dropped the content writing. Now I’m the Project Manager and VP of Finance

What do you do for Iceberg’s customers?

I am the main point of contact for customers when they have an open, active project.  I plan and organize their project within their scope of work and schedule our product calendar. I also handle all client billing.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

I like learning about the different businesses we serve.

What is your #1 goal when working with a customer?

To deliver on time and in scope.  Preferably early and over-deliver.

In what other industries have you worked?

Radio, Retail, and Automotive

Tell us a bit about your family (including pets):

I have a husband named Alexander (whom I call Alex). We got married in 2019.

Do you have any hobbies/special interests?

We keep plants, a lot of them, and hope to have someday a conservatory or year-round greenhouse full of them.

Although I have not done this much in recent years due to lack of space, I also sew. I hope to be able to do it more when I have a dedicated space for it soon. In addition, I love to make clothes from my designs.

Describe your perfect day:

To be at home with my husband and later have friends and family over for brunch and games.

Science or History? Which is your favorite and why?

Definitely history. It’s fascinating.  The history you learn in school is so limited, so there is always more out there to learn.

If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question, what would you ask?

What are the meanings of life, the universe, and everything?

What is your best piece of advice? It can be about anything.

Drink more water.

Connect With Mariann or the Iceberg Team

There you have it. Thank you, Mariann, for sharing a bit about yourself for this week’s Penguin Profile. And thank you for all you do to keep our customer’s website projects running smoothly. 

Learn more about The Iceberg Team. Read Some Of Iceberg’s Reviews!


The post Penguin Profile:Mariann Martin | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Penguin Profile: Heather Erickson | Iceberg Web Design Tue, 01 Jun 2021 14:00:59 +0000 At Iceberg Web Design, you get to have a dedicated partner with an invested team working for your business’s interests. Each month we have been featuring each of our team members in a profile post, so you can get to know the penguins better. This month, we are talking to Heather Erickson, our SEO Content […]

The post Penguin Profile: Heather Erickson | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Iceberg Web Design Team MN

At Iceberg Web Design, you get to have a dedicated partner with an invested team working for your business’s interests. Each month we have been featuring each of our team members in a profile post, so you can get to know the penguins better. This month, we are talking to Heather Erickson, our SEO Content Writer.

Heather Erickson
SEO Content Writer

Heather | SEO Content Writer

I’m an SEO content writer and head of the content department at Iceberg Web Design. I was a freelancer, contracting with Iceberg from November 2019 until July of 2020, when Iceberg hired me to be on staff full-time.

Have your duties changed since you first started working here?

I started writing blog posts for customers who subscribe to our SEO writing services. That involves researching the business and the things about which their customers are concerned. Then, I write articles about those topics. I might be writing for a lawyer and an electrician one day, and the next, I could be writing for a roofer and a flooring company. So, I get a lot of variety.

Over time, I started taking on website projects. That’s an entirely different type of writing, but the same SEO principles apply.

What do you do for Iceberg’s customers?

Every website project that I write content for starts with a content interview. I prepare for the interview by doing some preliminary research and deciding what I need to prioritize since I will only have an hour with the client. That time can go very fast!

My job is to gather enough information from the content interview to put the business owner’s passion for what they do into words. I need to do it in a way that evokes trust and assurance to customers and gets customers excited about working with the business—all while making the copy search engine-friendly.

The process includes writing a couple of drafts to ensure I get all of the details right. Once I have delivered the final copy to development, I am pretty finished, other than checking the site before it goes live for any potential issues.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

My childhood dream job was to be a detective, so I love the content interviews and the research. I get to pull out important details to get an accurate picture to have on the website. Plus, I love getting to know our customers. It’s the one chance I have to really connect with them.

What is your #1 goal when working with a customer?

My number one goal is to help create a website that will fulfill their business’s needs. Sometimes that means they want sales. Other times they want to hire new staff because of high turnover. I love finding ways that their website can make their job easier. The truth is, we do much more than build websites. We build business solutions that happen to look like websites.

In what other industries have you worked?

Haha. You name it. I’ve been a nursing assistant, a waitress, a cashier, a trainer in restaurants. I guess I like the service industry. I was also a realtor for about ten years. My favorite job was homeschooling my kids. I got them through to college, which they each started at the age of 16.

Tell us a bit about your family (including pets):

I’m a widow. My husband had lung cancer for seven years before his death in 2019. Our kids are Matt (17), Samantha (19), and Summer (22). Summer just got married, so now I have a son-in-law, too! I have a gerbil. My youngest kids are allergic, or I would get something more interactive.

Do you have any hobbies/special interests?

I hunt wild mushrooms and am involved in the Minnesota Mycological Society. I also carve Wooden Duck Decoys. I don’t hunt, but I love the carving process. I enjoy learning Spanish, as well. I like learning anything.

What is something about you that might surprise your customers and co-workers?

I’m a true crime junkie.

Describe your perfect day:

Perfect weather, 72* with no humidity and a soft breeze rustling through the trees. I get to spend the day in the woods. I can walk, look for mushrooms, read, take a nap, relax. That sounds amazing to me.

Science or History? Which is your favorite and why?

I think history, though it is tough to choose. I love the stories that are attached to history. There are science stories, as well, but they aren’t well known.

If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question, what would you ask?

“What should I do?” The key thing is to save that question for the most crucial moment—a pivotal point in time.

What is your best piece of advice? It can be about anything.

If you can learn from your mistakes, you turn them into life lessons. Then, they are no longer regrets or wasted moments in time.

My second-best piece of advice is to contact us at Iceberg Web Design for all of your website needs! 

Connect With Heather or the Iceberg Team

Learn more about The Iceberg Team. Read Some Of Iceberg’s Reviews!


The post Penguin Profile: Heather Erickson | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Celebrating Sweet 16 Tue, 18 May 2021 17:52:39 +0000 We’re Having a Birthday! This week marks 16 years in business for our Anoka based website development company. We’ve grown a lot over the past 16 years, and continue to grow each year. Today we have a committed team, each member contributing to our development, marketing, and support processes. Our staff is also dedicated to […]

The post Celebrating Sweet 16 appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

We’re Having a Birthday!

This week marks 16 years in business for our Anoka based website development company. We’ve grown a lot over the past 16 years, and continue to grow each year.

Today we have a committed team, each member contributing to our development, marketing, and support processes. Our staff is also dedicated to business growth, and we work hard every day to reach our goals. Here’s what the team looks like today:

The Iceberg Web Design Team in 2021

16 years. I’ve been thinking about my own life at the age of 16, and remembering what a year that was. In the throes of my teenage years, I was developing deep friendships, getting my driver’s license, thinking about my future career plans… all while playing trumpet in the jazz band and rocking my collection of homemade pants.

Reminiscing on my 16th year got me thinking about the rest of our team. Imagine, if you will, every member of Iceberg being transported back in time to the age of 16. I’ll make this easy for you by providing a visual:

The Iceberg Web Design Team... at age 16!

Who was this motley crew of 16 year olds? The team shared stories and fond memories of our teenage years with one another. Here’s what Iceberg looked like when we were all Sweet 16.

The owner of Iceberg, Jessi, was technically employed as a Box Office attendant at the local movie theater. Though she never actually worked – she was just in it for the free movies and popcorn, and gave most of her hours to other employees wanting to pick up shifts. She spent her days after school either in the band room or at theater practice, collecting Dr. Pepper cans to hang from her bedroom ceiling. You could find her cruising around with her friends, listening to 1990s Country (or the hit song of the year – “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls) in her Oldsmobile, decked out with glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. All while wearing those homemade pants.

While Jessi was already dabbling in web design, Iceberg was still a far-off dream. She never imagined that one day she would be working with Shane, who heads up the Sales & Marketing department today. Right around the same time, Shane at age 16 was living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with Outkast’s “Spottieottiedopaliscious” on repeat on his Walkman. He was into camping, fishing, road trips, and enjoyed soccer and football. Shane gained some career experience at the age of 16 working as a dishwasher at The Irish Democrat – and he was sure he was on the path to become a teacher one day.

But the fun doesn’t stop there! Our head of Operations, Kari, was living the life at age 16. Imagine her rocking out to “The Sign” by Ace of Base. She spent nearly all of her time at the mall, though she also worked occasionally at her local movie theater in Crystal, MN. She didn’t have a car to take her to the mall or to work, but luckily Kari was an athletic teenager, and Track & Field was her jam. She had her sights on becoming a physical therapist or a lawyer.

Moving right on to our Project Manager and Head of Finance, at 16 Mariann was a David Bowie die-hard, growing up in Cambridge MN – not too far from where she lives today. Mariann was (and still is!) an avid sewer, and dreamed of one day becoming a fashion designer. Her billing finesse comes from her experience working unpaid during the summers, helping out her mom with filing, mailings, and other admin work.

Our developers, Kyle and Josh, had no idea they would land in their careers in development at the ages of 16. Kyle lived in Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri – and his childhood filled with travel and cultural experiences had him convinced that he was on the fast track to becoming a Bush Pilot. Kyle was a soccer player, and he spent his summer breaks working on a gas dock, filling up and cleaning boats and yachts.

Josh spent his mid-teenage years listening to the Grateful Dead, and playing in a really bad garage band. Destined to become a musician or a writer, you could find Josh and his guitar cruising down the streets of Minneapolis in his parents’ minivan. He made a few dollars on the side bagging groceries, while studying Literary Arts and attending a writing camp the summer of his 16th year.

Speaking of writing – we wouldn’t be where we are today without our content writer, Heather. An ambitious teenager, Heather lived in the dorms at the Perpich Center for Arts Education, and coincidentally Josh was in the same writing class as she was in 1993! At home on the stage, Heather lettered in theater by the age of 16. She also drove a family car – her dad’s Nissan Sentra. Her passengers had to climb through the driver’s seat, as the passenger door didn’t open, and she got really good at driving with a muddy windshield, as the washer fluid never worked. Heather spent her summers working for $3/hour at an Arabian Horse Farm, while dreaming of one day becoming…a writer.

What’s an agency without an SEO and Marketing specialist? Hattie handles marketing for Iceberg and our customers – but when she was 16, Hattie lived in Clinton, IA and was busy with with orchestra, choir, drama, and ballet. She played the string bass and was center stage in musicals, including “Into The Woods” and “Chorus Line.” Another teenager with a worn-down car, Hattie drove a Ford Aerostar with no heat and a broken gas gauge. When she wasn’t stranded on the side of the road after unknowingly running out of gas, Hattie worked at the local radio station and dreamed of one day becoming a radio personality.

And, if you’ve called Iceberg recently, you’ve definitely had the pleasure of talking with our CSR Jessie. A cheerleader from Ogilvie Minnesota, Jessie spent her 16th year dancing to Prince’s “Raspberry Beret” and crushing on Magnum P.I. She daydreamed of becoming a private investigator just like Magnum, while working as a cashier at the local Holiday station. Jessie loved hanging out with friends, visiting their family cabin near Brainerd, and driving her sister’s 1975 red Pacer when she wasn’t around.

And there is your peek into the teenage years of the Iceberg Penguins. While we are definitely all skilled in what we do today, I can’t help but imagine a company run by a bunch of kids with an eclectic taste in music, with jobs ranging from teaching to fashion designing to practicing law, all while getting around in bush planes and borrowed minivans.

If this sounds like the kind of group you’d like to get to know, give us a call at 763-350-8762. Today, we are proud to be your website developers who answer the phone (and sometimes still make their own pants)!

The post Celebrating Sweet 16 appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Penguin Profile: Hattie McCoy| Iceberg Web Design Tue, 04 May 2021 14:00:36 +0000   When you work with Iceberg Web Design, you get to have a dedicated partner with an invested team in your business’s interests. Each month we have been featuring each of our team members in a profile post, so you can get to know the penguins better. This month, we are talking to Hattie McCoy, […]

The post Penguin Profile: Hattie McCoy| Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.


When you work with Iceberg Web Design, you get to have a dedicated partner with an invested team in your business’s interests. Each month we have been featuring each of our team members in a profile post, so you can get to know the penguins better. This month, we are talking to Hattie McCoy, our Marketing & SEO Penguin! 


King Penguins Huddle


Hattie McCoy
SEO & Marketing

Hattie | Marketing & SEO

How long have you been working for Iceberg?

 Over eight whole months! 

Have your duties changed since you first started working here?

 Duties are evolving but absolutely fit under the umbrella of my title.

What do you do for Iceberg’s customers?

I am privileged to work with many different types of companies on their SEO and Digital Marketing goals. The job varies by company but can include reputation management, Optimizing web pages to better-fit lead goals, google my business set up and monitoring, Google Ads, Keyword research, email campaigns, and more.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

I appreciate that the job looks a little different each day. I learn more about businesses and figure out how to better serve their customers, and I help them meet their milestones, whatever they may be.  We work with a lot of local businesses, and it’s great to be able to see the impact we can make to the small business and the local community.

What is your #1 goal when working with a customer?

I think paramount of my job is to make sure I am on the same page with our Customers. I need to understand their business well enough to speak to it and find out what they are looking for from their qualified leads/ customers. I think the plan is to be collaborative while making the dial turn for the business.

In what other industries have you worked?

I have worked in many jobs. Including radio, retail, custom perfumes, credit unions, data centers, and more! I have also moved from Iowa to Colorado to Minnesota. I think my varied experiences have made me a good fit in this position to work with very different businesses.

Tell us a bit about your family (including pets):

My husband, Mike, is an electrician who has the biggest heart and always wants to make sure everyone is having a great time. My dog Gimi is a 5-year-old Lab- Mutt that is a large (100 lbs) baby. I am also expecting a tiny human addition to my family in March 2021. I am excited to be a new mom! 

Do you have any hobbies/special interests?

I enjoy reading, playing video games, board games, binge-watching tv shows, hiking, swimming, trying new foods, and the occasional craft time. 

What is something about you that might surprise your customers and co-workers?

That I am an open book, and not much is super surprising. 

Describe your perfect day:

Great food, great company, great weather, and I’m there. 

Science or History? Which is your favorite and why?

It’s a tough choice because I think it’s good for everyone to know and appreciate both at least a little. I think I am probably a better history student, but I could easily get into a few specific science fields. I’ve always been pretty fascinated with psychology, and I think it probably draws a little on both history and science. 

If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question, what would you ask?

How can I make the best positive impact?

What is your best piece of advice? It can be about anything

Some of our biggest disappointments are the expectations that we have that cannot be met. A lot of things are out of anyone’s control. Do the best you can with what you have, and you may find that there are a million ways to yes. 

Connect With Hattie or the Iceberg Team

Learn more about The Iceberg Team, Read Some Of Iceberg’s Reviews or Connect with Hattie on Linkedin!




The post Penguin Profile: Hattie McCoy| Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Penguin Profile: Kyle Teeter | Iceberg Web Design Thu, 01 Apr 2021 14:00:14 +0000   Each month we have been featuring each of our team members in a profile post, so you can get to know the penguins better. This month, we are talking to Kyle Teeter. Kyle has been a Website Developer at Iceberg Web Design for the past three years.   Kyle | Website Developer Penguin   […]

The post Penguin Profile: Kyle Teeter | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Iceberg Team


Each month we have been featuring each of our team members in a profile post, so you can get to know the penguins better. This month, we are talking to Kyle Teeter. Kyle has been a Website Developer at Iceberg Web Design for the past three years.


Kyle Teeter
Website Developer

Kyle | Website Developer Penguin


Have your duties changed since you first started working here?

I originally started as a CSR while I finished up my education in Software Engineering. Once I finished up the education, Iceberg needed a Website Developer and offered me a new position as a website developer.

What do you do for Iceberg’s customers?

As a Website Developer, I help customers maintain and update their websites and work with new clients to build marketing, e-commerce, and custom websites.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

I love being able to work with clients to solve problems. Web development goes far beyond just what the public sees, and I really enjoy the process of discovering how a website can help streamline things within the client’s business.

What is your #1 goal when working with a customer?

My number one goal is to listen to their needs and ideas. They are all experts in their fields, and we learn so much from them every day.

In what other industries have you worked?

I have worked in many other industries over the years, ranging from commercial fishing to education. 

Tell us a bit about your family (including pets):

My wife and I just moved back to Minnesota about two years ago. We have really enjoyed connecting with the community and exploring the area. We have two mischievous cats that are using finding ways to ambush each other when they are not sleeping.

Do you have any hobbies/special interests?

Recently, I have been learning a few new sports like rollerblading and cross-country skiing. Also, I have a lot of fun trying to make new recipes, often inspired by international tv shows.

What is something about you that might surprise your customers and co-workers?

You might be surprised to know that I have a side business in the education industry. It has been challenging, but everything I have learned in the process makes it easier for me to connect with other business owners.

Describe your perfect day.

While I do love my work, I would have to say that a perfect day for me would be spent with my family doing the things that we love to do.

Science or History? Which is your favorite and why?

That is a hard one. I enjoy both, but I would have to go with science. The process of asking questions, creating a hypothesis, etc., is really enjoyable for me. I am quite curious and pretty easily fascinated by things.  

If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question, what would you ask?

What untruths do I currently believe?

What is your best piece of advice? It can be about anything.

“Listen to advice and accept discipline; then you, too, will become wise. People might make many plans, but what the Lord says is what will happen.” – Proverbs 19:20-21

Meet All the Penguins!

Kyle and the rest of the penguins at Iceberg Web Design look forward to helping you solve your business problems. Contact us to meet all the penguins as we create your next website!




The post Penguin Profile: Kyle Teeter | Iceberg Web Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
