Summergate - Iceberg Web Design


Content Writing | Custom Website Development | Investor Portal

Alongside leading engineers, builders, contractors, and investment partners, Summergate has developed numerous residential and commercial buildings in the last 30+ years with the overall missions to help nurture thriving communities. With their core values of honesty and integrity, they have become a distinguished player in the multi-family commercial real estate market.

Services Provided:

Iwd Content Writing Icon

Content Writing

Iwd Website Design Icon

Custom Website Design

Iwd Website Development Icon

Website Development & Investor Portal

Iwd Hosting Maintenance Icon

Hosting & Maintenance

The Challenge

Summergate Needed to Improve Processes for Their Dedicated Investors

A huge reason for Summergate’s success over the years was their strong relationship with their investors. For this, Summergate wanted to provide an easier way for investors to view and monitor their current and ongoing investments with the company.

Further, their current website was lacking SEO-rich content that would not only help them rank higher on search engines, but would aid in translating their overall brand and company mission to their audience and investors.  

The Solution

Simplified Access That Strengthened Business Operations

Teaming up with Summergate, we provided professional content that showcased each division of their company – land development, apartment acquisitions, and new home building. This helped investors and customers alike navigate easily through their site, while increasing their search engine rankings.

However, it was in back end development where the real magic happened and we created a fully custom membership section that allowed Summergate to share property details with their investors. Here, investors can create an account which allows them to sign agreements before seeing property details, as well as make request edits to the agreement and get approval on those edits. This not only simplified things for the investors, but it made internal operations much more efficient.

What Can We Do to Improve Your Internal Business Processes?

Happiness is appreciating the simple things in life -- let’s work together to simplify your business operations!
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