color – Iceberg Web Design Mon, 04 Apr 2016 13:49:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 color – Iceberg Web Design 32 32 The Importance of Colors in Website Design Mon, 04 Apr 2016 13:49:40 +0000 If you have enjoyed The Wizard of Oz, one part of the movie clearly defines the importance of colors not only on a movie set, but also in web design. The black and white scene of Dorothy descending the sky in a house conveys an ominous theme, that is, until Dorothy and the house land […]

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If you have enjoyed The Wizard of Oz, one part of the movie clearly defines the importance of colors not only on a movie set, but also in web design. The black and white scene of Dorothy descending the sky in a house conveys an ominous theme, that is, until Dorothy and the house land in munchkin land. The stark difference between the foreboding black/white backdrop and brilliant array of bright colors in ebullient munchkin land says it all about the power of colors in responsive web design.

The importance of color in website design

Emotional Triggers

Colors project one of the most powerful triggers of emotions. The non-verbal communication tool has the immense power to convey oral and written messages much more effectively. Think about a gray, overcast day and the emotional trigger the sun has when it beams through the clouds. You don’t have to suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) to understand the power bright colors have on our dispositions. Colors mold our thoughts and significantly impact the way we make buying decisions.

Think about how colors affect you whenever you visit a web page. Numerous studies demonstrate that colors create more than 75% of the impetus to clink a link that takes you to a product or service offered online.

Colors and Web Design

Website development requires web designers to perform a very crucial job that involves deciding on color schemes. Web designers must choose the color schemes that trigger positive consumer emotions. Even the color black motivates consumers to make purchases, if the product offered matches the mood of the color black. Website colors also present the impression that you want to make on potential customers. Remember the timeless axiom: There’s never a second chance to make a first impression. Web designers that match colors with your selling proposition provide you with a leg up on the online competition.

Our Minneapolis web design company creates web page masterpieces that incorporate the right color schemes.

Overview of Popular Colors

Colors matter on your small business website, as well as on pages that present Facebook posts. In general, colors break down by the terms cool and warm, with red considered warm (or hot) and blue conveying a sense of coolness. Red associates with a high-energy motif that exudes elevated emotions. If you want a potential customer to get excited about a product, apply at least a touch of red on the sales page to trigger high-energy emotions.

On the other hand, blue conveys an aura of success and authority, which is why a rapidly growing number of Fortune 500 companies integrate blue color schemes into web page designs. Orange blended into red and yellow projects creativity, which is why you see the lively color scheme in kid’s stores and on toy eCommerce websites.

The importance of color in website design

Website Colors to Avoid

Some color combinations simply turn potential customers off to web page design. Green and purple work well alone as text and background colors, but mixed, the two colors completely ruin any design elements on a web page. You might as well delete a web page that combines only white and yellow. The two colors combined project at best uneasiness, and at worst, timidity.

Our Minneapolis web design company helps small businesses select the right colors for text, links, and backgrounds. We understand that the colors selected for your organic web pages might differ from the colors selected for social media marketing pages.

Our team of web development experts makes sure your online pages present the optimal color contrasts to keep visitors engaged.

The post The Importance of Colors in Website Design appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
