benefits – Iceberg Web Design Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:31:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 benefits – Iceberg Web Design 32 32 Why Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:31:37 +0000 Why Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments As a business owner it may be challenging to decide what marketing efforts you should invest your money into.  You want to invest in something that is effective, professional, something that will make a great first impression, and most importantly do its job by […]

The post Why Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

wwwWhy Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments

As a business owner it may be challenging to decide what marketing efforts you should invest your money into.  You want to invest in something that is effective, professional, something that will make a great first impression, and most importantly do its job by generating a great profit.  Do you know what that one marketing tool is that can do all of that plus more?  Drum roll please.. a website! Your website is your most important advertising tool and here are some reasons why it should be one of your largest business investments.


Your customers expect a website

With how advanced technology is today, your customers really are expecting you to have a website.  It’s where they can find any information about your products or services.  If they can’t find you by searching Google on their smartphone- chances are they will find another company.


Your competition has a website

Yes, it’s true!  If you don’t have a professional mobile friendly website, your customers will more than likely look elsewhere.  How many times have you looked at a website from your smartphone and left after a few minutes because zooming in and swiping left to right to read content can get frustrating!?  Don’t lose your potential clients to your competition.


Your website says more than your business card

Business cards are a necessity, but do they really give out a whole lot of information?  Your website address can be printed on your business card so prospects can easily read about your business find any information they want.


Your website address is published on all of your marketing material

Not only can you have your website address printed onto your business card but you can have it printed onto any marketing material you use!  Post cards, flyers, sales folders, you name it- you can have your website address anywhere you want!


Your website is open 24/7

While your business is only open typically Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm, your website is open 24 hours and 7 days a week, even on weekends and holidays.  This means prospects can get answers to questions even after they enjoy their Thanksgiving dinner!


It’s actually cheaper than running consistent newspaper ads

Newspaper ads are now considered to be traditional marketing.  They are not nearly as effective as digital or online marketing.  By the way, when was the last time you looked through the phone book or maybe even a newspaper?  Marketing techniques are changing and it’s your job as a business owner to use the most effective techniques- such as a website.

An updated website is your first step in SEO/online marketing

Social media sites and blogs are both great marketing tools but in order to have an effective and profitable SEO/online marketing plan, you first need to make sure your website is up to date and responsive.  You wouldn’t have a lemonade stand without any lemonade to sell, so why would you put your effort into social media and SEO if you don’t have a website first?


It’s 100% tax deductible as an advertising expense!

You read right, your website is tax deductible!  You really have nothing to lose by investing in a website for your business!


Is that enough to show you that your website should be your largest business investment?  Want to get moving today and stay competitive with your completion?  Contact Amiann to get started at 763-301-0442 and schedule your FREE website consultation today!



The post Why Your Website Should Be One of Your Largest Business Investments appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
