web copy – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com Mon, 28 Oct 2019 21:13:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.3 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-iceberg-favicon-32x32.jpg web copy – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com 32 32 How to Write a Compelling About Page (Hint: It Isn’t a Bio) https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2019/10/how-to-write-a-compelling-about-page-hint-it-isnt-a-bio/ Mon, 28 Oct 2019 21:13:41 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=14426 Let’s start this out with a bold claim: your resume isn’t what potential customers want from your About page. Sure, your work history and experience matter to what you do in your business. But they’re not always the deciding factor for whether your potential customers decide to work with you. That’s why your About page […]

The post How to Write a Compelling About Page (Hint: It Isn’t a Bio) appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Let’s start this out with a bold claim: your resume isn’t what potential customers want from your About page. Sure, your work history and experience matter to what you do in your business. But they’re not always the deciding factor for whether your potential customers decide to work with you.

That’s why your About page shouldn’t be your bio.

If It’s Not a Bio, What Is an About Page?

Just like every part of your website, your About page is not about you: it’s for your customer. An About page should communicate what it is you do and why you do it. In addition, it should explain why all of that matters to your customers and how you’ll help them solve their problems.

Your About page should include elements such as:

  • The audience you serve
  • Your processes
  • The things that separate you from your competition
  • Your benefit statements

5 Tips for Writing a Compelling About Page for Your Website

Your About page should connect with your ideal customer and compel them to reach out to you. Here are some of our best tips to do just that.

1. Tell a Story

The best way to connect with your audience is to tell them a story. For example, tell the story (the short version of course) of how your company began. Or, explain in narrative form what inspires you to do what you do each day.

Your About page is a great place to really showcase your unique personality. Take advantage of it.

2. Highlight Your Values

Your business values are the foundational beliefs that guide your business. And did you know that 63% of surveyed consumers prefer to purchase products and services from companies that stand for a purpose that reflects their own values and beliefs?

Telling your potential customers what you believe in furthers the connection between you and your audience. Weave your values throughout your About page.

3. Communicate Your USP

Your USP is your unique selling proposition. It’s what makes your business stand out from the rest. Your About page should clearly communicate your USP to your audience, whether in the form of a statement or throughout your copy.

4. Harness the Power of Testimonials

A whopping 95% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials before making a purchase. Without testimonials, you run the risk of losing valuable conversions. Harness the power of the testimonial by placing them throughout your About page copy.

5. Don’t Forget to Add the Call to Action

What’s a compelling About page without a next step? What do you want to compel your audience to do? Be sure to add a call to action (CTA) that tells your audience exactly what to do next. This can be giving you a call, reaching out via email, filling out your contact form or downloading a free resource.

Website Content Not Connecting With Your Audience?

Even with a new About page, are you still not receiving hot, fresh leads? It might be a lack of connection in the content in other areas of your website. To learn more about your About page or creating copy that connects, send us a message.

The post How to Write a Compelling About Page (Hint: It Isn’t a Bio) appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Writing Your Own Website Copy? Get It Done With These Tips https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2019/05/writing-your-own-website-copy-get-it-done-with-these-tips/ Tue, 21 May 2019 15:40:05 +0000 http://iceberg2019.wpengine.com/?p=14014 You’ve discussed scope and design and now your web development project is underway. Now, your web developer is asking you to provide the website copy for the pages on your website. You have two options: hire a professional copywriter or do it yourself. If you choose to write your website copy yourself, it’s important to […]

The post Writing Your Own Website Copy? Get It Done With These Tips appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Man With Laptop And Notebook

You’ve discussed scope and design and now your web development project is underway. Now, your web developer is asking you to provide the website copy for the pages on your website. You have two options: hire a professional copywriter or do it yourself.

If you choose to write your website copy yourself, it’s important to understand that time is of the essence. Your web development project depends on the timely delivery of your copy. It’s time to get to work.

Common Web Writing Hurdles & How to Get Over Them

Uh-oh. It’s that dreaded blinking cursor. That, along with the following, can cause hurdles that may seem insurmountable at first.

Have no fear—we have some solid tips to help you get past the top web writing hurdles that often get in the way of our clients completing their projects.

1. Web Copy That Sounds Nothing Like You

When you’re so close to your business, it’s easy to start overthinking everything—even the words on your website. You may start trying too hard, resulting in detached copy that sounds nothing like you. Don’t worry, though; it’s fixable!

  • Lose the jargon. Even though you’re an expert in your field, you don’t have to use industry jargon to solidify that fact. Plus, your audience won’t connect with words they don’t understand. Keep it simple instead.
  • Write like you talk. Your web copy should be conversational. Write the way you talk to ensure your authentic and unique voice shines through.
  • See your audience as your friend. How do you talk to a trusted friend? Your audience will better connect with copy that feels like it’s coming from someone they already know and like. Don’t be stuffy, be relatable.

2. Fear of Writing About Yourself

It’s common to struggle when it comes to talking or writing about yourself. Here’s a little secret that may help you get past this one: Your site’s not about you. Your web copy is for your audience. Although it’s your business, look at your copy through the eyes of your customer.

What do they need to know? What answers do they need? Taking this perspective will remove the pressure, allowing you to focus on serving your audience.

3. The Big Lie of “No Time”

We often trick ourselves into believing we don’t have time to do the things we need to do because we simply don’t want to do them. But for your website to move forward, writing copy is a must. That’s why it’s important to make the time.

  • Set goals. Chances are there’s a deadline for your copy if you’re working with a web developer. Take some time to set actionable and attainable daily and weekly goals to help you finish your copy. Don’t forget to reward yourself, too! Incentives can go a long way in helping you complete projects like these.
  • Schedule time for writing. Treat writing time each day as an appointment and schedule it like you would other tasks or meetings. Try your best to carve out an hour or two each day to complete your project.
  • Set an alarm, reminder or notification. After you schedule your writing time, go ahead and set an alarm on your phone or schedule an email reminder to ensure you’re pulled in on time—and that you stop on time.

How to Beat Writer’s Block & Get Back to Writing

Even business owners who jump the big hurdles deal with the occasional writer’s block. It’s best to keep a few tips up your sleeve for when you need a quick dose of inspiration as you write your copy.

  • Eliminate distractions. It’s hard to focus on writing when your phone is chiming, or your email is growing right in front of your eyes. As you write, eliminate your distractions by closing your browser and silencing your phone.
  • Stay inspired. What inspires you? Whether it’s a photo of your kids, soft music, or the outdoors, surround yourself with what inspires you. Inspiration always jumpstarts creative thinking—the enemy of writer’s block.
  • Change your environment. Try going to your favorite coffee shop or take your writing outside. Changing your environment breaks the cycle you’re in, often breaking thoughts free.
  • Take a breather. If you’re struggling, it’s okay to take a break. Take a walk around the block or sit and do a few deep breathing exercises.

Great Websites Depend on Compelling Copy

As you sit down to write the copy for your website, you may experience some hurdles that look too big to jump over. After all, “you’re not a writer.”

The truth is, though, you don’t have to be an award-winning writer to create compelling copy for your website. All you need is some good advice and a solid plan of action.

To learn more about the importance of website copy or for help writing yours, send us a message.

The post Writing Your Own Website Copy? Get It Done With These Tips appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
