specials – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com Tue, 20 May 2014 14:15:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.3 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-iceberg-favicon-32x32.jpg specials – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com 32 32 Celebrating 9 Years in Business Today! https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2014/05/9-years/ Tue, 20 May 2014 14:15:41 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=3902 We are very excited to be celebrating our 9th full year in business today! Iceberg Web Design was incorporated on May 20, 2005 in Morris, Minnesota. Our company has grown one client at a time, primarily through referrals, since the business opened. In late 2008 we relocated to the Anoka, Minnesota area, where the business […]

The post Celebrating 9 Years in Business Today! appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.


We are very excited to be celebrating our 9th full year in business today!

Iceberg Web Design was incorporated on May 20, 2005 in Morris, Minnesota. Our company has grown one client at a time, primarily through referrals, since the business opened. In late 2008 we relocated to the Anoka, Minnesota area, where the business is now located.

A lot of time and hard work has brought us where we are today, but we would not be here without the support of our community and clients. A heartfelt THANK YOU is extended to everyone who has watched us grow over the years. Since the business was started, we have developed more than 250 websites and worked with hundreds of clients. Our business has grown a lot in such a short time, and we only expect to keep getting better at what we do and offer even more exciting services to our clients.

To show our appreciation, we are running some “specials on the 9s” for the next 9 business days. Early summer is a great time to revisit your online marketing, so take advantage of these deals before they expire on June 2nd!



 9% Off All New Website Development and SEO Packages

Sign up for a new website development project or Search Engine Optimization package with Iceberg before June 2nd and we will give you a 9% discount on the package price.

Start your summer marketing on the right foot by bringing your website up to speed with a new, modern layout and responsive design. Most website development projects can be completed in less than two weeks – let’s get started on yours today!

[iwd_button href=”https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/consultation/” target=”_self” size=”medium” background=”#a5c710″ color=”#ffffff” with_border=”yes” border_color=”#023a5b”][iwd_icon type=”icon-circle-arrow-right”]Click here for a free consultation[/iwd_button]


 9 Months Free Website Hosting Service with Development

Through June 2nd, receive 9 months of free website hosting service with all new website development packages or website re-design packages from Iceberg.

Our website hosting service comes with e-mail accounts, FTP access, subdomains, and free customer support. We use reliable UNIX servers located at the SAVVIS Datacenter in Boston – one of the most secure datacenters in the world.

[iwd_button href=”https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/consultation/” target=”_self” size=”medium” background=”#243bc7″ color=”#ffffff” with_border=”yes” border_color=”#5b0a06″][iwd_icon type=”icon-circle-arrow-right”]Click here for a free consultation[/iwd_button]


 For website hosting customers: $9 credit on all 15 minute website update charges

For the next 9 business days (May 20th through June 2nd) we will be applying an automatic $9 credit to all 15 minute website maintenance and update charges for our current website hosting clients. No coupons necessary – your credit will automatically be reflected on your June invoice.

If you’ve been wanting to make a few changes to your website, now is the time! We guarantee a 24-hour turnaround time (one business day) for all small website update requests, and most changes are completed the same day you request them.

[iwd_button href=”https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/consultation/” target=”_self” size=”medium” background=”#190b48″ color=”#ffffff” with_border=”yes” border_color=”#210d02″][iwd_icon type=”icon-circle-arrow-right”]Click here for a free consultation[/iwd_button]

 The Fine Print (Terms):

These specials apply only to new website development projects, new website hosting accounts, or maintenance and updates requested May 20, 2014 to June 2, 2014. Specials do not apply for current website development projects, and credits for hosting or design can not be applied to previous website projects. For new development packages, an order form must be filled out and down payment must be received before June 2, 2014 to take advantage of the 9% and 9 months free hosting offer. New website development and hosting accounts may take advantage of all three of these specials. Please contact Iceberg Web Design at 763-350-8762 or [email protected] if you have questions or would like more information.

The post Celebrating 9 Years in Business Today! appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
