optimization – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com Fri, 09 Dec 2016 21:36:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.3 https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cropped-iceberg-favicon-32x32.jpg optimization – Iceberg Web Design https://www.icebergwebdesign.com 32 32 Google Analytics https://www.icebergwebdesign.com/2016/12/google-analytics/ Fri, 09 Dec 2016 21:36:58 +0000 http://dev2020.icebergwebdesign.com/?p=8641 Driving new business is a must for any company that is serious about their online presence. Consistently getting qualified leads, phone calls and walk-ins is a great indicator of the health of your website, but it is important to dig deeper. The industry standard to analyzing your company’s website is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is […]

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Google Analytics

Driving new business is a must for any company that is serious about their online presence. Consistently getting qualified leads, phone calls and walk-ins is a great indicator of the health of your website, but it is important to dig deeper. The industry standard to analyzing your company’s website is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes. The service is available for anyone with a Google account. It’s a tool that can guide you to finding the weakness and strength of your company’s website.

With Google Analytics you can see your most important analytics data first, like bounce rate or new visitors. Other information you can easily access:

Find out which online traffic campaigns bring the most traffic and conversions.

  • Determine where your best visitors are located and what platform they are using.
  • Learn what people are searching for on your site and what pages they spend the most time on.
  • Visualize what visitors click on the most.
  • See what content your visitors are the most interested in.
  • Identify weakness such as poor performing pages.
  • Determine at what point people abandon online purchases/shopping cart or when they leave filling out a contact form.
  • Analyze your performance in online searches and navigation.
  • Plus many more features that dive into your website while allow you to optimizing the performance of your online presence.

Whether you decide to outsource the use of Google Analytics or dedicate somebody internally, it is important to know the basic uses of the platform. Each time you log in you will see a basic overview of your audience. There are many different types of reports that you can pull to see what the strengths and weakness are of your website. Reports like the number of visitors from each country, state and city. From there, what time visitors are searching, what browser they are searching on and what page is landed on the most. For instance, Iceberg Web Design can see how many visitors search and click on our home page in relation to how many times they land on our services page. By digging deeper we can try different layouts to engage people who are seriously interested in our services.

Some of the different reports include:

Audience reports

These reports focus on everything you need to know about your visitors.   You can find details about demographics, location, behavior, technology and mobile use.

Acquisition reports

These reports tell you everything about what drove your visitors to your website. This includes what channels they came from and specific sources.

Behavior reports

These reports focus on the effectiveness of your content. You can see top pages on your website and the top entry pages. This will give you an idea of what content is giving the most effective piece of information. It also lets you know where visitors are exiting the website.


As mentioned early you can set up goals within Google Analytics to track the conversions your website has received. By measuring conversions you can get a great understanding of the overall performance while analyzing and fixing weakness.

Using Google Analytics is a key component to getting the most of your online presence and marketing as a whole. Without diving into the numbers you are working mostly with opinion and it is impossible to develop a calculated approach. The numbers don’t lie and neither should you about the realistic performance of your website. Digging into what is and is not working on your web marketing and website will allow your business to be the most efficient in where to spend its marketing dollars.



The post Google Analytics appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
