online retail – Iceberg Web Design Thu, 20 Dec 2018 15:00:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 online retail – Iceberg Web Design 32 32 E-Commerce Holiday Shopping Trends Thu, 20 Dec 2018 15:00:40 +0000 As more and more of our daily activities shift to being online, it makes sense that most shopping happens online as well. Almost every company sells their products online and it’s a mystery as to how they stay competitive, especially during the busiest shopping time of the year… Well, let’s clear things up with a few […]

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As more and more of our daily activities shift to being online, it makes sense that most shopping happens online as well. Almost every company sells their products online and it’s a mystery as to how they stay competitive, especially during the busiest shopping time of the year… Well, let’s clear things up with a few e-commerce holiday shopping trends that helped businesses dominate the online shopping market in 2018.

Go Mobile

We are living in the age of smartphones where people use their iPhone more than they would use a laptop, desktop, or tablet. While most businesses have taken advantage of this opportunity and created mobile-friendly sites that are easy to navigate, many still have yet to board the mobile train. Creating an online store that works flawlessly on mobile browsers will allow for easy click through and provide less interference during the search process.

Include All the Holidays

People love to shop, especially when they have a good reason to. Most forget, or don’t even know, but the holiday season is made up of much more than just Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. For instance, there is Singles Day, which reached a record high of $30.8 Billion in sales this year across Chinese e-commerce shopping platforms. There’s also Small Business Saturday, which reached a record high of $3.02 Billion in online sales. Make sure to engage beyond traditional holidays and reach into other markets!

Here is a list from Brightpearl of key dates to be aware of during the holiday season for your business.

Quick and Painless Shipping

It’s already difficult getting people to actually buy the items that are in their cart… Why make it more difficult by charging them a shipping fee once they decide to go through with the purchase? It is highly beneficial to offer free and fast shipping at checkout, especially during the holiday season because most people procrastinate buying gifts or they are tight on money. Offering free and fast shipping will make all the difference.  

Looking to Sell Online? Call Us!

We have worked with numerous businesses to create e-commerce websites that are user-friendly and help increase conversions. Feel free to check out our portfolio to explore some of our e-commerce websites and make sure to call today for a free consultation!

The post E-Commerce Holiday Shopping Trends appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
