reviews – Iceberg Web Design Mon, 12 Oct 2020 21:41:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 reviews – Iceberg Web Design 32 32 Five Ways to Ask for a Google Review Mon, 23 Apr 2018 16:52:52 +0000 If you have a Google My Business profile set up, users can rate and review your business on Google and then your ranking and reviews will show right in the search results page when your business is searched on Google. This is an extremely powerful tool for increasing trust and credibility with prospective customers. Although […]

The post Five Ways to Ask for a Google Review appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

If you have a Google My Business profile set up, users can rate and review your business on Google and then your ranking and reviews will show right in the search results page when your business is searched on Google. This is an extremely powerful tool for increasing trust and credibility with prospective customers.

Although getting getting testimonials from customers can be a challenge, there are some simple things you can do to increase the quality reviews you recieve. In addition to our tips for receiving reviews, we’ve also put together this list of five different ways to ask for reviews. Since every customer and project is unique, there isn’t a one size fits all approach. Having multiple avenues to collect reviews will maximize the comments you recieve about your business.

Ask in person at your project close out meeting

When a long-term project is completed, do you meet in person with the customer to officially hand over the reigns? Make it a point to thank them for their business and ask them for any feedback on working with you. Have a tablet with you where they can type a review right there.

Send a hand-written thank you note

At Iceberg Web Design, we love swag! We put our penguin on anything that stands still long enough. After ever project we send a thank you package with hand written note, along with penguin keychains, can coozies, or pizza cutters. The package also includes a card asking for a public review online and providing a direct link to our reviews page on our website.

Create an email campaign

An email that includes a link for creating a review is definitely one of the easiest methods for your customers, since they can simply click on a link and immediately be directed to the right place. You can set up an email campaign in any of the popular email marketing platforms to contact your customers, thank them for their business and ask for a review.

Add a link to your email signature

Another simple method for asking for reviews is to include a link to leave a review at the bottom of your email signature. This will be in front of your customers every time you correspond with them, reminding them how much you value their feedback.

Include a review link on your website

If your website includes a page that highlights positive testimonials, you can easily add a link to the page for customers to write a review.

Creating a Link to Your Google Review Page

Most people find a Google My Business page by searching a business name on Google. In order to make sure people are reviewing the right business listing, you should provide them with a unique link that includes your Place ID number. First, find your place id number, then use the following format:<place_id>.

One thing to keep in mind is that your customers will need a Google Account in order to leave a review. Fortunately, though, most people already have a Google Account and this isn’t usually a hinderance.

Need Help?

Contact Iceberg Web Design at 612-440-8762 for more information or to create your own custom review funnel.

The post Five Ways to Ask for a Google Review appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

What Are Your Customers Saying About You? Tue, 31 Jan 2017 20:27:14 +0000 Throughout this blog series we’ve been guiding you through expanding your online presence by developing social media profiles, setting up a Google My Business page, creating a keyword list and enriching your content with your target keywords. The final aspect of your online presence that you should be paying attention to is your online reputation. What […]

The post What Are Your Customers Saying About You? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Throughout this blog series we’ve been guiding you through expanding your online presence by developing social media profiles, setting up a Google My Business page, creating a keyword list and enriching your content with your target keywords. The final aspect of your online presence that you should be paying attention to is your online reputation.

What is my online reputation?

Your online reputation is exactly what it sounds like. It is made up of all the things people say about your business online and includes reviews, comments, pictures and posts. 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation (1). It is important that you are not only aware of these online reviews, but also highlighting the positive reviews and actively working to mitigate the negative ones.

Do you currently have a process for collecting reviews from your customers? What do you do with the reviews you receive? How do you highlight positive reviews? Do you respond quickly to negative reviews? If you can’t readily answer these questions, it’s time to invest in an online reputation management strategy. Here are Iceberg’s tips

Online Reputation Management Do’s and Don’ts


  • Ask for feedback. Give people a channel to talk openly and honestly about your products and services.
  • React quickly and politely. A prompt reply saying you have heard their concern and are working on a resolution is better than a late reply with more information.
  • Be transparent. Allow customers to publicly see how you respond to negative reviews.
  • Learn from your criticisms. They can be an opportunity to improve your product or message.


  • Pretend people aren’t talking about your company. They are.
  • Hide or ignore negative feedback.
  • Respond defensively or aggressively. Even if you think your customer’s comments are unwarranted or out of line, fighting fire with fire is never a good strategy.

Reputation Management Tools

If you have a Google My Business profile set up, users can rate and review your business on Google and your ranking and reviews will show in the search results when your business is searched online. This a great choice for many businesses just getting started with reputation management, but there are also more advanced reputation management tools available that can streamline the process of collecting and responding to reviews.

As part of our SEO package, you get access to a Reputation Management Dashboard that automates this process for you and provides essential insight. You will also receive a monthly reputation management report that analyzes everything that your customers are saying about you online – all in one place!

Our case studies show a tremendous difference after implementing this service.  Call Shane at 763-350-8762 to schedule your free consultation and get started!

(1) Local Consumer Review Survey, 2014

The post What Are Your Customers Saying About You? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
